All Chapters of Abandoned Wife : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
111 Chapters
"Help! This woman is crazy! " Bethany ran to the police for her help. "She has attacked me! He has attacked me!—between feigned tears, he pointed to Alice. Anyway, the officers were going towards her, with a wife in hand."Get up!" He has violated the house arrest!"Hands on your head!"She was so scared that she didn't hear anything, her eyes only went towards the house, she wanted to go in there again, pretend that nothing had happened and that she probably wouldn't go back to jail. His hands were shaking just like his legs, he looked like a frightened little animal.He managed to stand up, but his hands didn't go behind his head and Alice listened to his first thought, running towards the house.She only arrived at the garden, that officer knocked her down, holding her hands abruptly while carrying them to her back, placing her handcuffs and entering the patrol car."You have to come with us." Bethany Walton was told."Of course! I intend to file a complaint with this delinquent. J
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He was sitting in the park while Ethan moved back and forth, clinging to the wall of that huge pen for children, filled with games and hiding spots. It was complete fun for them, their little feet were very fast, especially after he took off their shoes and socks. He looked at him with pride, longing for the moment when his son would start walking. His first year was close, but he still hadn't begun. He was very attentive, watching in case he let go of his hands and decided to do it, encouraged by the other children who were also taking their steps. How he wished to see him walk! Or talk! While he watched carelessly, he wanted to check the time. Alice had asked for space after what happened the previous night, and that's why they had gone out all day. He looked at his wrist, but he hadn't put on his watch while getting ready so abruptly that morning. He searched in his pocket for his mobile, remembering that he had left it in the car. Perhaps calling Alice wouldn't be such a bad idea,
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"Let me go! Who do you think you are?" Simon was guarding the door, while inside it was only Sofia and Bethany. "I'll talk to my father! You're going to regret this, Sofia. You and your little husband.""I'd like to see that. Do you need a phone to call him? Want to call him? Sit down and shut up already." Seeing that Bethany wouldn't sit, Sofia advanced towards her, but the dark-haired woman fled from the blonde. "I'm not one for crazies, but you, in particular, have caused problems for my sister, not to mention that Alice got a year in prison because you stuck your nose where it didn't belong. At that time, I had to step aside due to a conflict of interest, but guess what? That little problem is now resolved. Call your father if you wish, but you're not leaving here until you tell the truth.""And what's supposed to be the truth? Alice stole her son, violated her house arrest, and now, finally, I'll be able to get her out of Rori's house, effortlessly." She felt proud and didn't und
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The fear and sadness that Robert had felt when he believed Alice had chosen her sister could not compare to what he felt now. He had arrived home before her, and after everything was ready, Mark left."You know, Alice. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Don't you want to heal those wounds?""Don't worry, now Robert will help me. And calm Loren down. Tell her everything will be okay.""Yes, I'll talk to her right now. She's probably at the airport, I'll see if I can convince her not to come.""Thank you for everything.""One question, have you heard anything from Mary Jane?""No." It was the same thing Alice wanted to know, but she couldn't ask Mark about his date; they didn't have that kind of relationship, so she couldn't discuss that topic with him. Perhaps things didn't go well if Mark hadn't heard from Mary Jane to this day.The lawyer left, leaving them alone; Ethan was asleep.With the small first aid kit, Robert cautiously approached Alice, feeling that any abrupt movement co
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Father's wishes
Jeremy Porter and Robert Graham knew each other; they studied together for three years, and before Jeremy married Mary Jane, they were somewhat close. But many things changed in that couple after getting married."Why is everyone gathered? Where is Andy?" Andy was the son of Mary and Jeremy."Alice, it's good that you're finally free." Mary was about to stand up from the chair, but Jeremy placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her."Little one." Her mother approached Alice, leaving a hug and a kiss on her cheek, took Ethan and hugged him. "What a beautiful and healthy child you have. He's so big. My grandson doesn't know me. Andy is in his room. Your father and Jeremy arrived a couple of hours ago, and we were chatting with Mary Jane.""About what?""Don't you want to wait in the garden with Robert? You must be tired, right? We're a bit busy right now. Robert, dear, why don't you take Alice to the garden while we finish this talk?""We came to see Mary; this is her house, mom." Alice
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Its shine
That day, Alice waited impatiently for her sister's call, but it never came; instead, she received Loren's visit almost at ten at night. But not Mary Jane's call."Loren." She gave her a strong hug and then dragged her into the house.Loren was angry with Robert because, thanks to Beth, Alice almost went back to jail."Where's Robert?!" She asked angrily. "He never puts a stop to that damn crazy woman! Never!""Shh! Calm down, Loren. Robert is putting Ethan to sleep; he just woke up to eat. Right now, Bethany is the least of my worries. I'm more concerned about Mary Jane. Where's Mark?""Mary? Mark? But what's going on here? Even dad called me, as if I were Mark's nanny or his mother. Is there something or not between Mary and Mark?""I don't know, that's what I want to find out. Why haven't you talked to Mark?""But you still haven't told me what's happening with Mary.""It's just... I went to see her today. How do you not know anything?!""I know nothing! I only know about you what
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Will you withdraw my punishment?
"Will you lift my punishment?" She hadn't woken up in her bed, but Robert went to Alice's in the middle of the night. I couldn't stand that she was still keeping distance from him.That night Alice felt some hands around her waist, but she thought she was sleeping, until Robert woke her up with his words.The blonde pushed away the hair that was spread across her face, receiving dozens of kisses on her face, on her lips, on her bare shoulders, quickly pushed Robert's arms away and began to get up."But what are you doing in my bed, Robert?" I couldn't even say what time he went to his bed or how long he had been there."I was cold." He made an excuse."And I'm hot. What time is it?"Time to stay in bed and more if I'm in it. Come here." He took that body back to bed, leaving it on top of him. Alice wrinkled her frown, squinting to look at him. "Today I'll talk to Beth," she said, but quickly corrected. "Today I'll talk to Bethany. After lunch."Why not in the morning?" Go in the morni
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"Don't you feel alone here?" Sofia went to visit her father, Simon and Alice had convinced him to talk to Henry Taylor so that he could agree to give him the share of the inheritance that belonged to the young Alice."No. I have lived in this house since you were born, why should I feel alone? Why isn't your mother there?""I guess that's why. It's very strange not to feel her in the house, too quiet, she needs it."And do you think I don't know?" It was his decision to divorce at this point of play. I don't know how it crossed his mind, but it's fine. At some point things end and that was the end of our marriage. Years of company, reduced to nothing. We always agreed on everything, we were very close. And your mother didn't have to understand everything but she accepted it. He always trusted me. And that's the most beautiful thing about a marriage, trust, even if there are differences. Trust is the essence of everything. If he didn't trust me anymore... it was logical that he wanted
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"Alice," she got back into her bed, now it was he who went to her in search of being punished, she had solved things with Bethany, but Alice did not mention anything that he was already forgiven, on the contrary, she walked around the house with her legs in the air and those breasts showing up through the blouse, she bathed with the door open and used to get into her bathroom to shower there, another way to punish him while he drooled with everything about Alice. She was very aware of that, for that same reason she did it. "Alice." She inserted herself under the sheets and on her thigh you saw the tattoo of just two days since she did it.It had been an extremely long week for Robert and it didn't seem to end.Alice's hands pushed him away, but he turned around, turning in the direction of him."But what are you doing here?""I'm cold." He gave the same excuse as every night before, looking for Alice's warmth, but not because she was cold. "I've come to sleep accompanied."Go to your
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"It has been very hot today," adding to that all the time they both were trying to walk, with Robert managing to get Ethan to take about two steps, very quickly while trying to reach his father and not fall to the ground.The problem is that Ethan liked the ground more and would only take very short steps, without fear, but with laziness. For walking, he was very lazy; he would immediately throw himself to the ground, grab one of the toys, and entertain himself. Soon he would be a year old; it was just around the corner, and he was babbling a lot, almost saying clear words, but not quite there. It was likely that he would speak first, as that was progressing faster. Or perhaps his young parents were eager to see their little son do one of the two things.He lay down in Alice's bed with Ethan playing on him, gradually getting tired until he was lying on his father's chest. The feeling was always pleasant, so much so that he never got used to it, because it always surprised him, that pl
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