All Chapters of Rejected and Possessed by the Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
57 Chapters
Chapter 11 : Dare You to Try
*Jared*Part of me was relieved when Rogue Girl announced that she needed to rest. I didn’t want to suggest it myself, but she was starting to look run down. The usual healthy pink hue on her cheeks had faded, leaving behind a pasty white. Her bright blue eyes seemed to lose their shine as well as she started to slow down.She probably needed more than just rest. She probably needed to lie down. I turned to order her to do just that, but just in time to watch her shut her eyes and fall into the raging river.I thanked the Goddess for my quick reaction when my body propelled itself forward. I cursed immediately after when the girl’s body disappeared beneath the surface. I had to sprint alongside the river to keep up with the monstrous current. I could barely make out her silhouette beneath the waves, and it was even more difficult to keep my eyes trained on it as I ran.I gritted my teeth before breaking into the fastest run I could muster, pushing my body as much as I could, allowing
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Chapter 12 : My Responsibility to Protect You
Jared and I were silent for several moments as we stared at the wall of water. It was obvious that we were thinking the same thing.The entrance was flooded. We wouldn’t make it if we tried to swim through as we had coming into the cave. The distance had likely more than doubled due to the rain, and it would be entirely underwater this time. Trying would just result in us drowning about halfway.We seemed to realize this at the same time. My shoulders slumped in defeat while Jared’s clenched fists started to shake in anger.I was worried that he might actually shift from the rage he seemed to be experiencing.Despite the fact that Jared didn’t even seem to see me anymore due to his blinding fury, I walked up to him, which wasn’t smart. I should be worried that he could accidentally hurt me in this state, but somehow I was certain he wouldn’t.I put my hands up in a pacifying way.“Calm down,” I said in a gentle tone, but loudly.Jared finally focused on me and I was forced to really d
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Chapter 13 : Said My Name for the First Time
Jared lowered himself into a defensive crouch that still managed to look menacing as the band of wolves surrounded us. He stepped in front of me, shielding me from their view as best as he could. No matter what else he was, he was a good alpha.I peeked around Jared to get a better look at the wolves. It was obvious due to how scraggly their fur looked that they weren’t part of a true pack. Their fur color ranged from sandy brown to a dark brown that was almost black. The largest wolf, likely their alpha of sorts, stepped out of the circle.Jared’s deep voice came out as a snarl. “Who are you?”The large, dark-colored wolf smirked, showing off two rows of sharp, yellow teeth. He shifted back to his human form to speak. “Why bother learning my name when you’re going to die so soon?”“Because you’re intruding on my land without my permission!” he snapped, his voice a vicious growl.The leader barked out a laugh and looked around at the rest of his group, who started to laugh along with
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Chapter 14 : Wolfless Omega
Weightlessness.That was what I was feeling. It was a sensation I had come to embrace over the course of my life. Many chose to fear it due to the helplessness or lack of control it causes, but not me. I’ve found from living on my own that there were things that I couldn’t control, and the only way to not drive myself crazy or dead was to let go.Everything was peaceful here. No noise and no pain.I blinked up at the night sky. The moon was shining brightly overhead through the trees. I’d never seen the moon being so large before.I was following the river, allowing the tug from the current to guide me forward. I glanced up, locking eyes with a beautiful wolf. The wolf was a stunningly smooth gray color, almost like silver, with bluish tints to the coat.“Hey, wait!” I called out, but it leaped and started to run along the river, its long legs allowing it to bound gracefully through the air. It turned its majestic head to look at me, its bright blue eyes beckoning.I tried to take a s
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Chapter 15 : An Invite and an Order
I was sure that the rest of the room felt the same.As soon as Jared made his way across the room, a hush fell over the crowd. Everyone stared straight ahead toward the stage but wasn’t looking at me. The only sound that could be heard was the clicking of Jared’s shoes as he walked.I couldn’t read Jared’s expression as he made his way toward me. How did he feel knowing that he almost welcomed a wolfless omega into his pack? He must have figured it out when we were attacked, but he still brought me back.Even normal omegas got their wolves. It was possible for the weakest of the weak not to, but it was extremely rare. Packs with such omegas could expect to carry huge burdens in order to accommodate them.Naturally, this led to many of them, if their pack is especially sympathetic, to acquire work as maids or servants. Others were forced to do hard labor. This was the kind of work that was fitting in order for them to earn their place among the pack.In the less merciful packs, however
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Chapter 16 : Musk and Cedar
I was right to fear a Moonstone party.I had been content to turn in early and was getting ready to do so, dressed in a comfy nightgown and thick socks. I slipped beneath the covers, sighing and letting the plush pillows and comforter engulf me.Avery burst into my room the moment I shut my eyes.I didn’t even have to open them to know it was her. We had gotten to know each other so well that I was beginning to feel like I could sense her presence.“Really, Claire?” she demanded as she peered at me through the darkness. “You heard what Alpha said. Everyone has to come to this party.”I groaned when she flipped the light on. I rolled over so my back was to her.“It was an invitation,” I corrected her. I grumbled but knew she could still hear me. “What kind of jerk orders attendance at a party anyway?”Avery just laughed and pulled the covers off me.I opened my eyes finally so that I could glare at her.Avery was beaming widely at me. She was wearing a midnight blue dress that was remi
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Chapter 17 : Why Did She Smell So Good?
*Jared*I paced back and forth in the pitch-blackness of the watch room, running a hand through my hair and wondering what the hell I was doing.I had a few drinks. Before I was about to go back to my office to finish up a few documents, I was told that someone wanted to see me in the watch room in private. As I was heading over, I was offered another drink and I took it. And here I was, locked in the watch room, and stupidly drugged.It didn’t take me long to figure out it was spiked with freaking aphrodisiac for Goddess' sake!Who did this? Amanda? It seemed to be the only reasonable answer, but she should’ve known better because I had told her to wait until the announcement.If not her, then who else?I shook my head hard, hoping to lessen some of the fogginess that seemed to be taking over my mind. All the rough movement did was cause me to think of a certain blue-eyed omega.No fucking way!I shoved the intrusive thoughts away and punched the wall with frustration.But what if
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Chapter 18 : What Did He Want from Me?
Naturally, I hardly got any sleep.After tossing and turning the entire night, I dragged myself up to get ready for the day. Contrary to the pretty girl I saw in the mirror yesterday before the party, I flinched at the reflection of a messy face with pale skin and the dark shadows beneath my eyes, even though I was still in the same dress that Avery made for me.I spent several minutes running a comb through the bird’s nest on my head before Avery knocked on the door.“You better have a good explanation for why you didn’t come … Claire, you okay?”I wasn’t shocked when Avery demanded where I had gone last night. I did break my promise to her.“I’m so sorry, Avery. I suddenly didn’t feel very well and decided to come back and take some rest.”Of course, I was too ashamed to tell her about me and Jared in the watch house, but what I told her wasn’t a complete lie either, especially with the tears and nausea from the night before.She looked me up and down, her expression softened, and h
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Chapter 19 : My New Role
Jared’s intense gaze locked on me, his strong body towering over me at his full height while I cowered slightly. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to my feet.I flinched, tugging uselessly at his hold on me, my face starting to heat up as he stared down at me. I could hear my own breathing start to quicken as I hated myself for comparing this with when he had my wrists pinned above my head at the watch house.He tightened his hold on me but didn’t speak for a while.I swallowed, forcing myself to look him in the eye despite how badly I wanted to look at the wooden floor. Finally, I asked in the most possible leveled tone I could muster. “How am I going to make myself useful?”Once again, his firm words surprised me. “By learning to be a healer.”Instantly, my entire body relaxed. I scoffed inwardly at myself, unable to believe how badly I overreacted. Jared probably had no idea what happened the night before if my theory was correct, especially since he had indeed been drugged.And eve
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Chapter 20 : I’ll Destroy Her
*Jared*From the moment I was old enough to comprehend the concept, I knew that I would be the next Alpha. According to the elders and my parents, ever since I was little, I was a natural-born leader. I had strong opinions and I cared deeply for the pack.It helped that my father was the fiercest and bravest alpha that Moonstone had ever known.I remembered being a boy, I could only strive to be half of what he was. My twelve-year-old self wasn’t ignorant. I knew that I still had a lot to learn about leading my pack, but luckily, I would have a lot of time to do that.Or I thought I would.Then…everything happened too soon, and I had to grow up fast and take on responsibilities way earlier than I anticipated.It had been more than a decade and I’d figured things out. The problem was, there were people who thought I was still a twelve-year-old.That frustrated the hell out of me.I hardened my gaze as Travis, Moonstone’s beta, continued his rant concerning a recent decision I had made.
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