All Chapters of Her Professor's Pet : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
141 Chapters
TENSION The alcohol clears from my eyes as the words register in my mind. “But it is late, who studies at this time?” I am also bewildered, “Maybe students who want to actually graduate?” Janice asked, her words were a slur. I am starting to regret giving her the drink. “I have to go change my clothes.” I smell like cheap liquor, I did not want him thinking I drank all the time. “I have something that will be perfect for you.” Jessica says as she swayed into her bedroom. We were basically the same size, but I never borrowed someone else's clothes before, Sarah and i were not that close. “Get into the shower, there is a packet of unused brushes in there.” Jessica ordered.In my muddled and alcohol induced brain, I knew my choices were limited, so I waddle into the shower. When I get out, there is a black hoodie dress laid out for me. “I never wore it more than once. And it is clean. It also is sexy and studious at the same time.”I am shaking
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BUSTED The air around us called with electricity and desire. I stare right into his grey eyes and i am startled by them. From this close, his nose seems even more pointed and his nostrils tiny, lips so luscious, I swallow thickly as desire threatened to rise up. Even with the air con blasting cool air in our faces, sweat trickles down my spine as our eyes hold on to each other. His Adam's Apple bobbed up and down, dragging my eyes to his neck. His neck is tan and flawless, save for a constellation of tiny birth marks at the side of his neck. I imagine running my finger tips at the sides of his neck, pausing only to feel the birth marks under my finger tips. “Well, would you look at the time?”I take that as my cue and slowly ease into my seat. His voice is thick and he is looking everywhere but at me. “Yes. The time.” I say in a deadpan tone. What exactly was up with this guy?“You know what they say, time flies when you are studying.”“Havin
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LIES It was the churros. I blame the churros for that day. Class had just ended for the day, and i was going to skip the other classes, when I had a sudden and very random craving for churros. And the food truck that sold churros happened to be stationed at the parking lot that led to his office. And I swear the craving had nothing to do with him, I was not expecting to see him, I assumed he had other classes. After I got a bunch of churros, I was going to drive away happily, when I saw him slide into his Toyota. A churro in clamped in between my teeth, I started to follow his car, staying an appropriate distance away. I remember the flutter of butterflies that gathered in my belly as I watched him switch lanes. And very soon, he parked in front of this southern home, the kind with wrap around porches. I parked at the house before his, and watched as he climbed out of his car and into the house with a bunch of keys. My churro long forgotten as I stare
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NIGHT “Jeff.” Vaughn warns testily.“Alright, alright. I'll leave you two to your fun. Heaven knows Prof needs it.” He revs the engine and drives away.Vaughn immediately releases me and takes a step back from me. I miss the warmth of his skin and the rock hard muscles of his chest. I want to shout at the top of my lungs because his arm was around me, but it was not the right time. Or place.“Sorry about Jeff. He is always kidding around.”I briefly wonder about Jeff, I never saw his face but I would recognise his voice if I heard it again. Plus, how close are they exactly that he knows about the girl. Now I am wondering if I am the girl he was talking about. “Your Uber.” He points to a Prius that rolled into the street. I completely forgot about that.I reluctantly collect my things from my car and climb into the Prius, this time he watched me leave, and if I was not day dreaming again, he looked disappointed to see me leave. Jessic
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LACE“A Kegel?” He nods. My professor is not the shy nerd he used to be in the classroom. It is like he has two different sides. And he is comfortable in both sides. And I cannot expatiate on how much of a turn on this is for me. I am a woman on a mission though. I am done hiding in the shadows. “ can you show me.”A raised brow in question. He legs are perfectly crossed, his shirt first two buttons are undone and i can see a little bit of tanned skin. His hair is pleasantly dishevelled. This is a new development as this was not how I left him back at the classroom. “Show you?”The electricity is back on between us. There is charge in the air and every breath he takes tightens the currents in my nipples that are struggling to poke holes into my new lace bra. “Yeah. I don't know how to do that. Why don't you show me how.” I bite my lip and give him the most innocent look I can muster.He looks impressed and gets up from his place, and our eyes do not lea
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MOOD He freezes. His eyes flicker between me and the drawing of me on the canvas. His tongue darts out and wets his lips. “I assumed this is how you looked underneath the mask.”My heart rate slowed. And it is my turn to wet my lips a little bit. “You assumed?”His Adam's apple bobbed up and down before he spoke; “Yeah. I imagined. With your proportions, it is easy to make a guess on how you would look.”“You should not have. I wear the mask for a reason. And if my identity is not protected there is no reason for the mask, now is there?”I storm out of the room before he says anything else, I am scared that he would realise that the girl whom had been drawing semi nude was the same girl in his class and everything I have worked hard on to this point would be moot. I'm out of there so fast, I throw my clothes on top of the thong I was wearing earlier, and i rip off the mask in my car. I drive out of there so fast and head straight for the beach, Jessica
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SLURPMy shoulders slump when my dad's secretary; Joanna picked up the phone and tells me that no, it was not Elizabeth Harrington the second who had died, but my father's mother, Yvonne Cicconati. My shoulders did not slump because I was sad about the passing of my grandma, but instead, I was sad mostly because it was the wrong grandma that passed. I did not even know Yvonne like that, she was not interested in knowing anyone from the Harrington family and i don't blame her one bit, I would not want to know any of them if I were not one of them. For example, Anderson Harrington; he knows his daughter would never call him voluntarily, yet he let his secretary respond to me in his stead. Fucking coward. “Will you be coming for the funeral?” Joanna's voice asked in my ear.I burst out laughing, startling Jessica who was perched at the edge of her seat as if waiting to hear who died. “No thank you. I am certain nobody wants me there. And more im
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LEASH “You are going back home? Voluntarily? What happened? Are you sick?” I pull the phone away from my between my shoulder blades and drop my phone against my dressing table, putting on speaker phone, Sarah's voice rang out from the speaker, her barrage of questions unending. “Yeah. You were right, my father did not look so good because he lost his mother. I will be going for the funeral tomorrow.”Sarah gasped, offering her condolences to the wrong person, I make noises of acceptance and with a promise to let her know when I get there, we hang up. I would have gone on with my life after the call with Joanna, but my father called and said Elizabeth Harrington the second wanted me back home for the funeral, and if I did not come, i would never see Prudy ever again. I knew for a fact that she meant it, and i have always dreaded the day the little girl I love so much would become my leash. “Wow, I never knew funerals had perks.” Jessica mu
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CHASTE I grasp the seat handles tight and shut my eyes as I count from ten to one backwards. “You okay?”I nod quickly with my eyes closed. I curse my parents for letting this happen. I would have happily visited the other orphanage back at California. “Are you scared of flying?”I push down my shame and nod once. Great, my sexy can do it all girl approach, just flew out of the window. “Can I help?” His voice is soothing but I am still terrified of opening my eyes so I stay pressed into my seat, whilst gripping the handles as the plane starts to ascend. I feel the warmth of his hand on mine, and despite my fear, I want to run his hand around my body. “There is something I do with my sister, she is also afraid of heights. If you don't mind, let me do the same for you.”I think about it with my eyes closed, if he does it for his sister then it would be very chaste, nothing like what I would like. But beggars could not be choosers.
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KENNEBUNKPORT “ Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking, please eaten your seat belts and remain seated, we are about to land.” Vaughn and i sit staring at each other. The extra charged air was thick around us, his grey eyes were darker, but his face was an even darker shade of red. My hand in his were even warmer and his soothing circles had turned to erotic circles. And I was fighting to stay seated in place. The couple in front of us returned to their seat and several gasps of amazement sounded through the air craft. Vaughn's eyes finally leave my face and move to the window beside me, and just like that, whatever happened between us fizzled into nothing. He too is amazed by the views offered by the state I did everything to run away from. “Ladies and gentlemen, Quaint airlines welcomes you to Augusta, Maine, the local time is two o'clock in the afternoon." As I hear the words, my shoulders roll back. I have come to as
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