All Chapters of SOUL TANGLE: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
172 Chapters
After a minute, Daniel walks inside, wearing his most understandable, befuddled look on his face. He must be feeling lost and unbelieving of what just happened. “Are you alright, boss? I mean, are you okay?” He asks as he sinks back into the seat.Now, how do I answer that? Am I okay? Definitely not!From the moment I first met her, it's like something ignited within me—a savage fire that has been burning ever since. Her presence consumes my thoughts, her aqua eyes piercing through me, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable.But it's not just her beauty that captivated me. It is the intensity of her emotions and the strength of her strong beliefs, even when they are laced with wrath and hatred. Every word she spoke back in that cage is still echoing in my mind, every gesture etched into my memory. And yet, amidst the fierceness, there is a warmth and a tenderness in her that I can't shake.Her voice reverberates in my ears. It's like I am haunted by her presence and her situation,
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“Wait, I am lost.” Daniel breaks the deafening silence after a long while, summoning my dark features to his much darker ones. His face is wrinkled up, denoting how he is floating in the breaking news. “Are you serious? That is unbelievable! I mean, who does that? Who on earth has any ounce in them to reject the irresistible Adam Stone?” He queries in mental rejection.“Exactly what I thought, until I met the wonder woman! She is worse than a nut, I tell you. She does not care about anything as long as her decision is respected. She is not willing to be bound by anything or anyone. Not even Adam Stone De’Leon.” I retort.“Wow!” He takes a long blink, and then he banks his eyes on me, wearing a smug that I so fucking much want to smash with this bottle. If he wasn’t my buddy, I would have already done that.“And this sounds so amusing to you, doesn’t it?” I hiss.He emits a slight chuckle before speaking, “Ayana, huh! So all this change has a name?” He chuckles again, shaking his head.
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“Unfortunately, I can’t do that. She challenged me, so now it is me against her. And I assure you, it won’t even be long until I have her for myself. She will bear this name that she detests so much. She will have this disgust for a man that she does not want to even set her eyes on. She will be mine soon, either by hook or by crook!” I affirm, scared of this side arising in me. I have never felt this way in my entire life. I am scared of myself.“Even if it means being an added problem to her overflowing cup of miseries? Bro, there is an innocent child in the picture. Think about that first.” Daniel tries to speak some sense into me, but my mind is fully made up and there is no turning back.“You speak like I am a devil, Daniel,” I state, looking at him as he cowards back. “Come on, I am not going to hurt her. I am not some kind of ruthless rogue that roams around bleeding terror on anyone. I could be her savior in her distress, you know? At least look at it from that brighter perspe
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NB> FROM THIS POINT ON, THE STORY WILL SHIFT TO THIRD PERSON’S POV. I SAW IT EASIER THIS WAY SO THAT I CAN OUTLINE ALL THE CHARACTER’S THOUGHTS. I apologize for the encounters.The sun had dipped in the sky, and darkness had fallen. Lyana had fallen asleep, and her dear mother had tucked her under the covers. Ayana’s mind was still filled with the memories of her nightmare that had popped into her life like a storm and in the worst moment possible.From the moment Adam left her cage, she had not stopped thinking about him. His image clogged her mind; his beatyness invaded her every sense of being. She could not tell why she was reacting that way to someone she hated so much. Someone who would make her life more of a hell than it already was.All she wanted was to forget him. Besides, she had made her decision and her thoughts about the whole marriage saga known to the man, and she was not just about to change her decision for anything. She knew that was the first and last time they ha
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“Why is nobody talking, huh?” Ayana snapped after a moment of dreadful silence. They were right there, staring at her as if she were an entertaining character in a live soap opera, which was not what Ayana needed. She needed answers. She needed them to come out clean and tell her what sort of deal they had made on her freedom yet again. “I said I was not marrying that sick bastard of De'Leon, and I meant every single word of it. So if you are here to offer me freedom on the grounds of me belittling myself to that man’s rotten stature and caliber, you are wasting your time,” she affirmed, anger boiling in her. Her face was turning red from ear to ear.“Then so be it. You don’t want to marry him? Then fine. We won’t impose on you again.” The amount of mockery and shock that slapped her with her father’s words was immeasurable. She could no longer hold back the shock. It was all over her face.“Excuse me?” She muttered, wondering whether she really heard her father right.How? Weren’t th
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As Ayana stood in the doorway, the weight of her father's words pressed down on her like a suffocating blanket. She felt so shocked by what was about to become of her and her poor little child. Fear clawed at her chest, intertwining with anger and confusion in a tangled mess of emotions. She felt abandoned and betrayed by the very people who were supposed to love and protect her. The darkness of the night seemed to swallow her family whole as they disappeared from view, leaving Ayana feeling utterly alone in the oppressive silence that followed.She felt all the bones in her body creek as fear threatened to paralyze them. Vaguness clouded her mind and vision for a long moment as she wondered what to do in the couple for the few hours of the night she had to pack. The fact that her ghost fiance had gone mia on her was not helping in the petrifying situation. It made it even worse, making her heart sink even more.“Few hours?” She murmured to herself. Actually, she thought she was just
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By the time the sun rays were invading her cottage the following morning, Ayana was staring at her packed luggage, which did not consist of much. She just packed her and her daughter’s clothes and shoes and some of her paintings that fit in a box. She didn’t know her destination, so the less luggage there was, the less tiresome their journey to nowhere would be.She was still staring at the rest of the belongings that she was leaving behind—to be precise, her paintings. They were the second part of her soul. She would have loved to take them, but she knew better than herself. She figured out that she might need to carry Lyana at some point in their journey, so overloading herself was a bad idea.“I will have to leave you behind, and I am sorry. I can’t promise that we will ever unite,” she said faintly, a tear dropping as she bid goodbye to the painting. “I will leave you here, not as part of the bitter memories that I am leaving behind, but because I have no way of carrying you where
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Ayana's heart sank as she saw her sister, Grace, standing there with her mocking smile. She hadn't anticipated running into anyone from her tormentors, her family, especially not her sister, at this moment of departure.Ignoring Grace's taunting remarks, Ayana steadied her resolve. "I'm leaving, Grace. And I'm taking Lyana with me. This is what we all wanted."Grace's smug expression turned into one of disbelief. "Don’t fool yourself. We kicked you out, and that is the truth. And I know you feel like a lost, confused, hopeless, and helpless dog. You probably want to change your mind. Your betrothed is just a call away.”Ayana felt a surge of defiance rise within her as Grace's mocking laughter filled the air. Despite the bitter taste of her words, Ayana found solace in her decision to break free from the chains of her family's expectations. With a bitter smirk playing on her lips, she retorted, "This is probably the only good thing that you people have done to me in six years. As for
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Grace's triumphant entrance into the De’Mario mansion was met with a wave of relief that washed over the grand halls like a cleansing breeze. Her demeanor radiated a sense of resolution and satisfaction that couldn't be concealed, and her grin was a testament to the weight that had been lifted from her shoulders.With a theatrical sigh, she sank into her seat, reveling in the newfound peace that enveloped the mansion in Ayana's absence, a feast smiling at their faces awaiting to be dovered as the celebrations commenced. It was as if a dark cloud had finally been lifted, allowing the De’Mario family to bask in the sunshine of their own righteousness. “Phew! The disgrace is gone. We can now live in peace and harmony like before, and we don’t have to lie to people anymore about her whereabouts. I don’t know how we have managed this for six years, honestly.” Grace voiced as she jubilantly sank to her seat.But amidst Grace's jubilation, there lingered a hint of caution, a subtle reminder
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Grace got furious, dug her fork into the sausage with anger, and burst out, “Mom, please! Cut us some slack. She did this to herself in the first place. If only she kept her morals and dignity in check, she wouldn’t have to be traded this way. She was nothing but...”“She was and is still my daughter, and you are no saint!”Her mother’s words cut through Grace’s heart like a sharp, double-edged dagger. She was not a saint. How so when she was still a virgin? How was she not a saint when she had not digraced them by getting herself fucked by some son of a bitch and getting herself pregnant like her sister? Ayana was their daughter, yes. Nothing would ever change that, even though they had disowned her. She was aware of that. But she was a much better daughter than Ayana ever was!Grace's resentment towards her sister Ayana had roots that ran deep, stemming from a childhood overshadowed by familial expectations and sibling rivalry. While Ayana had always been the rebellious one, pursuin
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