All Chapters of HIS LITTLE BREEDER: Mated To The Mafia Alpha: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
222 Chapters
Chapter ninety
ALPHA ALEXANDER’s POV….Going through the files in front of me, I groaned in anger and frustration. None of it made sense to me and doing my best to at least make it make sense, there was only one thing that kept coming to mind~ my little breeche’s face.I ran my fingers through my hair as I sighed. Ever since we started to get closer, she was the only thing that was on my mind. Whenever she was with her sister, I waited eagerly and the minutes felt like days without her. I had even ordered the guards to always let her through because I was afraid at one point, she would want to see me and at that time, she might be stopped by the guards.I knew it wasn’t good for me, getting so attached to her but I couldn’t help it and I knew it was the mate bond.I sent for Ivan immediately because I didn’t know how long I could stop myself from going crazy for without by my side and in no time, he showed up.He bowed as he shut the door behind him and I passed the file to him. “Does this make sen
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Chapter ninety one
ALPHA ALEXANDER’s POV…FEW DAYS LATER…“Are you sure?” She asked me as she licked her lips and I nodded as I chuckled gently.“I am.” I told her and like a child, she squealed as she ate the cupcakes.Watching her eat, licking her lips whenever the icing made contact with it, I fekt my heart skip a beat. My eyes travelled to her lips as she stuck her tongue out, licking the icing off innocently without knowing what she was doing to me.I clenched my fists as I watched her eat like a little baby, gosh, I wished that was my tongue brushing the icing off her lips.I took in a deep inhale as I shook my head, getting out of my fantasy lane as I cleared my throat, going back to the “boss” mode.“I’ll keep doing this. When you’re done with that, you join me.” I told her and with that, pushed some files to her.She immediately put the cakes aside as she pulled her chair closer to mine. “I am done.” She said.That was one thing I never seemed to stop admiring about her. Other employees would s
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Chapter ninety two
ALPHA ALEXANDER’s POV…“Alpha Alexander.” She gasped as more tears streamed down her cheeks.I did my best to hide my pain even though I seemed to suck at it as I drew in sharp breaths. I could no longer feel certain parts of my body but I could still feel my heart clench in pain at the sight of her in tears.“I am fine.” I told her as she rummaged her hand through my hair while she kept crying.“You’re not. You’ve been attacked with wolfsbane, Alpha Alexander. I am scared. I am very scared. I don’t..::” I gasped as I didn’t want to touch her. I was afraid it would have some poison on contact and I didn’t want anything bad to happen to her.I bit my lips as I nodded at her. “You’re going to have to run, little breeche. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” I told her as I gasped in pain, almost falling back but she just held me onto tighter.“What the hell are you saying, Alpha Alexander? I am not going to leave you. I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you.” She told me
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Chapter ninety three
AMELIA’s POV…“We have an event in the human world. I want you to..:.” I had seen the note on the table. It was the Rodriguez event and I had heard of it before. Normally, the Beta was supposed to go with him so why did he want me to go with him and of all places, to the human world? The same place where those beasts almost separated me from my sister?No way! I pushed the dress over him as I shook my head. “I appreciate but I don’t want to. I have my sister to take care of.” I told him, hoping that I could use Lilly as an excuse even though I really wanted to be sure she was fine.Thinking about the human world now, I started to get a bad feeling and I told him about how I was almost killed the last time and how I had a bad feeling about it but of course, he had to use his sweetness on me. “But I am scared.” I tried to tell him when I had seen that he was actually starting to convince me and I was almost considering it but the moment he assured me he’d be there to protect me and Li
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Chapter ninety four
AMELIA’s POV.,.As I stared at him, I kept shaking his body, hoping he would regain consciousness but he didn’t. What the hell was going on now? He had been unconscious the whole time so why did he lose consciousness now that I gave him the cure? Did I give him the wrong thing or did I feed him with even more wolfsbane?I gasped, that wasn’t impossible. It could be!My heart clenched as I laid him on the floor gently, rushing back to the rogue as I searched him. Nothing else on him felt like the cure so what could have gone wrong?It was so cold and this could put Alpha Alexander at risk. I couldn’t take it. The rain was washing off the blood on my head so I think I was getting better.I held his unconscious body as I tried to get him up, “oh, goddess, help me, please.” I pleaded to the goddess as I tried to get him up and boy, this had to be one of the hardest things I’ve had to do.How did he weigh this much? Sure, I knew that lifting a man as muscular as him wasn’t going to be easy
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Chapter ninety five
KEVIN’s POV…As I paced the room, I ran my fingers through my hair. I took in a deep inhale as I stared out my window at the pouring rain. Damn this rain! I cursed.I sat on my bed as I groaned in anger and frustration. Damn it! I should have tried to convince Amelia not to go to the human world with Alpha Alexander.As much as I hated to recall it, I couldn’t help but recall that he was her mate, the man she loved and as such, anything could happen.I walked out of my room as I went to the kitchen, to at least get myself some cofeee to clear my mind but even with the coffee, my mind still wasn’t cleared.I opened the door to the room she shared with Lilly and seeing Lilly on the bed without her just made more anger surge through me. Where the hell could they be? Didn’t she tell me that they would be back tonight?Just as I made to shut the door behind me, Lilly called. “Kevin.” I forced a smile as I walked into the room to the now awake girl.“Hey, Lilly. You’re alright, right?” I as
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Chapter ninety six
AMELIA’s POV…He seemed to have gotten better and his wounds seemed to be doing better as again, he pulled me closer, burying his face in my neck which I knew happened to be one of his favorite parts of my body.“Oh, little breeche. How do you smell so heavenly even at a time like this?” He asked me and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as I bit my lips, trying not to let my moan escape and be too “loud”.I slowly wrapped my hands around him and feeling my body pressed against his, I swallowed. As his breathed, even in my neck, I could feel my entrance getting even wetter and this just made my wolf, Brooke jump even more within me.“Alpha…” I let out a little moan as he kept planting those kisses on my neck and when he left my neck, he came back to my lips, his without a doubt, “favorite” part of my body.I gasped as he kept kissing me. He was the only man I had kissed my whole life, but damn, I was sure as hell that he was a good kisser because how else could he make me feel
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Chapter ninety seven
AMELIA’s POV…For a moment, we were stuck in the silence, with nothing but the rain from the outside making noise.He moved even closer to me as he planted a kiss on my forehead.“Tell me, little breeche, are you a virgin?” He asked me and I swallowed as I bit my lips. I nodded, slowly. “I am. I have never known any man but you, Alpha Alexander.” I told him.I made my decision. I wasn’t going to lie to him about my sexual experience just to get him to lay with me because in the end, he’d find out when I knew not how to do it so it was better I told him now.He could train me, right?I saw the surprise planted on his face as he stared at me and I waited for him to move from me, but then the look on his face changed to be a proud one as he planted a kiss on my lips.I was caught by surprise at this and I looked at him as I swallowed. “You… you don’t find me boring?” I asked him and he chuckled as he got off me.“I don’t. I actually find it amusing.” He told me as I got off the floor, s
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Chapter ninety eight
AMELIA’s POV..I stared at Alexander as all I could do was smile. My whole life, Lilly has been the only one that had been able to make me smile like this but now, I had my mate, and unlike the first, he was making me smile.“Your cheeks might actually start to hurt from smiling too much, little breeche.” He told me as he pulled me closer to himself, letting me enjoy his scent and I chuckled.“Thank you, Alexander. You have no idea how much this means to me.” I told him and he chuckled.“You mean more to me than you know, little breeche. Now, go to sleep. It’s been a rough day.” He told me as he planted a kiss on my forehead and wrapping my hands around him, I closed my eyes.It felt so good going to sleep by my mate’s side, not because any of us was sick even though he was wolfless, but because we had just started a new journey.I took in a deep inhale, letting his scent fill me finally before I drifted to sleep.Waking up, I didn’t feel his hands around me and I gasped.I looked aro
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Chapter ninety nine
ALPHA ALEXANDER’s POV…Knowing that I was going to be the first and only man to ever get access to her sparked something in me that made me feel like the luckiest man in the world. How was it possible? How did I have such a treasure and didn’t know earlier?The whole night, having her in my arms, recalling the rounds of love we just made, I couldn’t help but smile. I planted numerous kisses on her head as she slept and I couldn’t help but wish that we would be like this forever.What a fool I had been to ever judge her before knowing everything about her. I never said it openly but because of her status, I had assumed that she had been with many Alphas before but hell was I wrong and with all those running through me, I just held her even tighter. I didn’t want her to leave me.I was flooded with memories holding her. How she had been nothing but a blessing to me and how she had saved me countless times. The most recent of them all being tonight.Where she got that strength, I didn’t
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