All Chapters of HIS LITTLE BREEDER: Mated To The Mafia Alpha: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
222 Chapters
Chapter two hundred and nine
ELLIANA’s POV…..“I won’t lie, I haven’t completely gotten over Amelia, but it’s a step by step thing, isn’t it? Are you willing to start afresh with me? Can you please give me a chance to be your mate forever, Elliana?” He asked me, and tears streamed down my cheeks.“Yes, Alaric! Forever yes! I want to be with you forever!” I wanted to scream crying.“I accept. I don’t care if it takes years for you to finally fall in love with me. As long as I know you’re trying, I will be with you forever.” If this had happened a few days ago, I would have said these words, but it was too late now.I couldn’t promise to be with him forever, because I barely had a few days left. I had to return to the dragon so that Alaric could be kept alive. I looked down, tears streaming down my cheeks as I sniffed.He chuckled as he raised my head to face him. “You don’t have to give me your answer now. I understand that after everything I have done and said to you, it will be hard for you to accept to be with
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Chapter two hundred and ten
AMELIA’s POV….“Arrgh!!” I screamed in pain as I grabbed on to the sheets, tears streaming down my cheeks as I sunk my teeth into my lower lip.“Hold it in, my lady. You’ll be alright.” The doctor alongside others kept telling me as they tried to press me down.How had I not run out of tears from how long I’d been crying for? All night, I had been feeling pain from my stomach and this scared me because I was in my final trimester.The pain was nothing like I have ever felt. In all seven months of my complicated pregnancy, I had never felt this much pain and this felt like it could kill me.I closed my eyes as more tears streamed down my cheeks.“My lady, are you sure you’re that desperate to save this baby? You can always take the pain killers and relieve yourself of this pain. You’ve been in pain since yesterday evening and….” I closed my eyes even tighter.“No! Do nothing to harm my baby. Don’t do anything to my baby.” I gasped in pain as more tears streamed down my cheeks.I had gi
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Chapter two hundred and eleven
AMELIA’s POV….I could feel my heart start to beat faster, my throat started to feel dry as I got off the bed, staggering to where Alaric was kneeling, his head facing downwards as tears streamed down his cheeks.“Alaric…..” I called out to him as he shook his head.“It’s all because of me. If I had treated her better before everything, she wouldn’t have willingly given up her life. From what I have come to see with the time we spent together, I am sure she must have felt like no one would care if she died.” He said and tears streamed down my cheeks as I hugged him from behind, patting his back gently.He had made a lot of effort into accepting her. Even I had been shocked when he woke up and the first person he asked for was Elliana. In the past days, I had seen that he had genuinely started to like her for her and not because she had risked her life to save his, so, more than anyone, I knew what he must have been going through at this point.“It’ll be fine. You’ll be fine.” I said a
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Chapter two hundred and twelve
AMELIA’s POV…“I’m not willing to talk about any of this here. As it is, I am already heartbroken enough and it’s taking everything in me not to take it out on you considering the fact that you’re carrying my child- which you told me wasn’t mine.” He said and as he spoke, noticing how shaky his voice was actually becoming, I felt my heart ache.I didn’t want to cause hurt to someone who didn’t do anything wrong. The only wrong he did was letting Ariana get in the way of our love, but he did try his best to rectify it, but then, as the stupid omega I was, I had to mess everything up. “But, it doesn’t change the fact that the only reason you return with me is the baby. It scares me what will happen when the baby is finally born. Will you….” Before I could finish speaking, he turned to Lilly and like they had some sort of connection, she nodded as she took her bag out with her.I looked down and he sighed. “That’s what you really think? Even after everything that has happened, you still
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Chapter two hundred and thirteen
AMELIA’s POV….I didn’t know what to call the look I saw in his eyes when I asked him that, but I knew for sure he wasn’t pleased to hear that. I clenched on to the sides of my gown as he started to look me in the eye because even after all this time, he still had that effect on me.I stepped back and he took a step closer to me. “Repeat yourself, please.” He said and I clenched even tighter to the sides of my clothes as I drew in a sharp breathe.“If I say your…if I say your presence triggers me and I want nothing to do with you…. Will you let me leave? Will you….”“Is that really what you want?” He asked me, and I gasped as I turned to him.“Huh?”“Does my presence really trigger you? How king has it been triggering you for? Is that why you leave me everytime I think we’re actually getting better? Is that the reason why…..” he paused as he ran his fingers through his hair, making him look so hot.Focus, Amelia, focus! This wasn’t the time to admire your mate.“Is that really what y
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Chapter two hundred and fourteen
ALPHA ALEXANDER’s POV….“Alex… I know we’ve agreed to resolve everything and start afresh, but… there’s something holding that back. The truth. What I saw that day…. Did you….” She gulped as she drew in another deep breathe. “Did you really not spend the night with Ariana?” She asked me, and I just stared at her.I honestly didn’t know if I was ready to talk about this yet. After all, this was the same thing that had made her leave.I took her hand in mine as I stared at her and I could see the concern in her eyes for my bleeding hand.“You didn’t, right?” She asked me as she looked at me and I could see her eyes glisten due to the tears and it hurt me because I had promised to never make her cry.I gently wiped her tears away as I shook my head. “I could never.” I said as I cupped her cheeks. “The first night we made love, little breeche….. that night sealed you as the only person who I’d get to make love to every single f*cking night of my life until I die.” I told her as I took in
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Chapter two hundred and fifteen
ALPHA ALEXANDER’s POV….“My baby, Alex. My baby.” She cried as she held on to my shirt, her tears soaking it.More than anyone, I knew how much this child meant to her. Whatever she had done, she had done it to save our baby, so, if she had a bad dream, it would definitely affect her.“Nothing is going to happen, little breeche. Our baby will be alright.” I told her as I rubbed her back.It took a lot of time and a lot of words before she finally managed to calm down. After she had managed to calm down, she fell asleep.I drew in a sharp breathe as I made to place her on her side of the bed, but she held on tighter to me.“Don’t let go of me, Alex. Please.” She said and as she spoke, even in her sleep, I could hear how shaky her voice was and how scared she was.I nodded as I patted her back. “I won’t. Now, go to sleep.” I told her as I planted a kiss on her forehead.She went to sleep and for the rest of the night, I found myself watching her. Not like I could sleep if I wanted to.I
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Chapter two hundred and sixteen
ALPHA ALEXANDER’s POV….“Say nothing.” I told her as I swept her into my arms, taking her straight to the bed as I immediately called for the doctor.I couldn’t explain whatever was going through my head at that moment. All I knew was that regardless of all that happened, I would still be with my little breeche. After so long, we had finally gotten back and nothing was going to separate us. I made sure of it.“Argh!” Her screams continued as the doctors rushed in with me.“Alpha Alexnder….. we’ll take it.” They said as they made to shut the door behind them, but I couldn’t have it.I would go crazy if I couldn’t see my little breeche getting better, especially with how she was screaming. No way.“I have to…,,.”“Please, Alpha Alexander, you’re going to have to stay out. Thank you!” That was the only thing they said before the door came shut right in front of me.I didn’t get to see my little breeche any longer, all I continued to hear were her screams. She was in pain, she was going t
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Chapter two hundred and seventeen
ALPHA ALEXANDER’s POV….I had never been in a tighter spot. I wanted to save my little breeche, but would she be able to survive it when she found out that the only reason her baby couldn’t make it was because I had said they should save her?I shook my head. It didn’t matter. She was the most important. I could deal with her scorn, but not losing her. Even if it was less than 0.001%, as long as there was a chance to save her, I would take it.“Save her. Do your best to save her. I will give you anything you want. Houses, cars, whatever you want. Just make sure you save her and…..”“Not me. Save my baby instead.” Turning, I was shocked to see my little breeche standing weakly at the door.I looked at her and I could see that even though they had changed her clothes, she was still bleeding.“What… what are you doing?” The doctors asked, gasping as they rushed to her, but she raised her hand, indicating she could manage as she slowly walked out of the room, gasping in pain as she held o
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Chapter two hundred and eighteen
ALPHA ALEXANDER’s POV….“How on earth did that happen? You…..”“Gadob…. He’s back.” Kevin said and immediately, I felt rage surge through me as I ran my fingers through my hair.“Watch over Lilliana, hmm? Make sure nothing happens to her. You’ll be held responsible if something should happen to her.” I told him as I made to dash out of the room, but before I could, I felt someone holding me back.I looked down to see Lilliana staring at me with hopeful eyes. “Alpha Alexander, the goddess is on your side. You’ll bring my Amy back, won’t you?” She asked me, and I took her hand off my shirt as I signaled for Kevin to come hold her back.“Rest assured I’m not returning here without her.” I said, and with that, I rushed out.I needed to make it to the vampire world in time.As I stood at the spot where the portal was being opened, I couldn’t help but wonder: Was this what she had been talking about earlier when she said those things? I ran my fingers through my hair. I could never understa
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