All Chapters of REBEL WOLF: A Tale of Love, Duty and Resolution: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
85 Chapters
The Face Behind The Note
"I still don't understand why Mirabelle would invite any of us for an outing when she clearly hated our guts and she never for once failed to hide it," Maya frowned as I helped her tighten her corset."When does she even have the time to plan an outing when she should be clearly busy cleaning or doing other chores now that she is a maid.""Stop overthinking things Maya and be like Naya," I advised, tightening her corset, she glanced at Naya and frowned. "I can't possibly be like Naya, she does things without thinking as though she doesn't have a brain," she frowned and I giggled."I can hear you," Naya said in a singing tone and Maya huffed looking away. Maya could be really sensitive and it was harder tricking her than Naya. She literally questioned everything before jumping into it. While Naya like she said, did things without thinking."There's something you're clearly not telling us and I don't know what it is," she frowned but I ignored her not answering her. She didn't need to
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The Alpha Rogue
We all laid on the floor panting heavily as we stared into the sky. We were all worn out after chasing after each for hours, playing hide and seek or better still tag.The last time I got to play tag was with my sister Irina and it was just two of us with no one else but this felt different. We were more in number, and grown up. It was fun seeing everyone happy and loosen up."Hoooooo!!!" Maya yelled into the sky."Best day ever!" Naya followed suit, shouting as well into the sky making the birds fly away for safety."I guess you all should thank me for coming up with this awesome plan to spend time together," Eric grinned and Maya snorted."Why would we have to thank you?" She gave him a stink eye, irritated with just his presence."Because all this, baby, is my doing," he replied boastfully."Call me baby one more time and I assure you, you'll be missing a few teeths," Mays threatened, making us laugh."Are they always like this?" I giggled."Yea," Derek gave a curt reply, pretty mu
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I paced about my room worried. I still couldn't believe it. I had a second chance mate.Why did it have to be now? Why didn't he come sooner?"Imelda you need to calm down.""We just met our mate, you should be happy not agitated," Arla said, her voice laced with happiness.She was right, I should be happy but how the hell can I be happy when I'm also mated to the Prince just some nights ago.It's been two days since we returned from the woods and I still haven't been able to accept the fact that I had a mate.As though that wasn't shocking enough, my mate is a fucking Alpha Rogue.Just how complicated can my life get?"We need to go back and see him," Arla demanded and I paused in my tracks."No we can't," I refused without thinking about it. I don't think I can handle seeing him now. Even without seeing him, I'm disorganized. What would now happen when I see him?"It's not right we can't go and see another man when we have a mate.""You mean your designated mate?" Arla snorted."T
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FLASHBACKI gawked at him in shock as my heart kept beating rapidly. I watched him stand before me, looking all hot even as a wolf. I couldn't help but wonder what he'd look like when he shifted back to human.Was this a dream or a prank? "Mate," he took a step forward and I took a step backwards. I saw a hurt flash in his eyes but I didn't even have the chance to feel hurt because I was still in shock. "We have a mate Imelda." "I want to hug him," Arla fought me mentally trying to take full charge "Wait Arla, you can't. This situation is not right. We have a mate already and we have to understand the situation first…….""I'm not interested in understanding the situation, all I just want to do is be with my mate," she cheered happily, howling into the sky.I kept fighting her but I was slowly losing the reins of control totally to her."Arla you can't do this," I pleaded, trying to stop her from doing the crazy plan in her head but it was futile."Mate! Mate! Mate!" Arla chanted,
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ALVARY POVIf anyone ever told me I'd be ever lucky to meet my mate I wouldn't believe it because no one in my family line ever did. They all just ended up with random people never having the luxury of meeting the one destined for them. At some point, it felt like a curse. Other times, it just seemed as though we were unlucky.Finding your mate wasn't naturally common but there were wolves usually lucky to meet theirs, and I always envied them. Some say they are favored by the goddess, others believe that they were from the line of the goddess hence they would naturally carry her blessings.For me, I felt the goddess was being impartial. Why give mates to some and leave the rest to suffer and die in loneliness for the rest of their lives? Why don't we all suffer the fate of never meeting our mates?Yes, I know it's possible to actually pick a mate yourself if you are among the unlucky ones but it's never as perfect as finding your soulmate, and feeling the bond drawing you both to eac
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Secret Revealed: Who Are You?
IMELDA'S POV"I thought you were never going to get out of bed. Look out you now, sneaking into the kitchen to eat something," Arla laughed, mocking me and my stomach grumbled, equally mocking me."I'm not hungry but my stomach wouldn't let me be if I do not feed it anything edible," I said, pushing the blame to my stomach."Doesn't change the fact that you're acting like a thief at the moment," Arla replied, still laughing and I scoffed.A thief?I was the future Queen so why would I have to act like a thief?Arguing with her was pointless so I did the best thing any matured person would do. I simply ignored her.One would ask me why I was being sneaky about entering the kitchen, after all, this was my home and I have so right to move as freely as I want.But remembering Maya's retreating words as she got dragged away into hell by the Queen, I couldn't help but be cautious.She sounded really serious about killing me and I didn't want to find out if she really would at the end.I saw
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The Fear of Letting Go
DEREK'S POVEver since I was little, I've always known that it was wrong for a female wolf to wield a sword. I didn't know why and I never bothered to know why. I just simply accepted it. For the very first time, I saw a female wolf hold a sword like an experienced warrior. It took me a while to master how to truly hold a sword rightly; so seeing her hold a sword that way simply meant that she knew just how to use it.It was embarrassing to admit but she held the sword far more better than I did."Only a true warrior can hold the sword perfectly well like you just did," I told her refusing to believe her claims of not knowing how to fight. I'd be damned to believe her lies when the truth was starting right at me in the face."I honestly have no idea what you're talking about and I shouldn't be here in the first place." She replied, returning the sword back to its location.There was only one way to find out if she was truly lying or not. I knew she was lying but I needed her to admit
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A Comeback
I was presently in hell and I had no way of escaping. No, I'm not dead, at least but yet but I guess I will soon if I'm not allowed to drop my legs."Drop your legs down a bit and I won't hesitate to cripple it with this bullet," Maya threatened me with a gun pointed at me, and I immediately raised my leg higher, too scared to bring it down.So I like rewind to how I got to this situation. After the embarrassing exit from the training room with Eric catching Derek and I kissing, I headed back to my room which was a wrong move.I entered the room distracted and didn't notice the presence of two vengeful witches waiting for my arrival. When I settled down on my bed, ready to close my eyes and reminisce on the kiss I just shared with Derek and how my heart reacted, a gun was placed in between my legs and pressed against my vagina as Maya threatened to shoot if I screamed.Who fucking places a gun in between a woman's leg?!!So, I knew Maya was definitely going to get back at me but one t
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I Love You Guys
"Do you think she is going to wake up anytime soon?" Naya asked, staring at Maya worriedly.After dancing around for hours, she eventually got rid of the snake. Luckily for her, the snake had not bitten her. If it had, I guess we were going to be saying last words to her for real this time around.Well, the shock from having a snake on her shoulders made her black out and we've been unable to bring her back to consciousness or she probably just chose to remain unconscious."I think we should just let her be for the meantime," Becca suggested and I scoffed, rolling my eyes. No way that was going to happen."She has to be present for the first meeting.""Well as you can see, Imelda, she is not waking up and I doubt she would anytime soon," Becca retorted, leaving her on the ground."She looks kinda dead to me," Naya frowned."But she is not," Becca refuted."We just need to give her some time."I picked up a stick nearby and approached her."What are you trying to do Imelda?" Becca ask
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Saving A Friend
DEREK'S POV"Derek I'm sorry, I swear I didn't mean to walk in on your guys at that moment. I just wanted to check on you because I missed you!" Eric yelled, running for his dear life as I kept chasing him with a sword, refusing to stop or slow down."Why would you miss me? Am I your mate? Is it my fault that you don't have a mate!" I yelled."I'm sorry Derek!" He yelled, crying out as he kept running and I did the chasing."So help me Goddess, if I get my hands on you you're so dead," I told him not relenting on my Chase.I've been chasing him for over an hour now, and the guards and maids have both been watching us amused. The last guard that tried stopping us got kicked out while others were just injured. They needed no one to tell them to stay away. The last time I did something like this was when we were still kids. Eric always chose the perfect moment to ruin things for me and I always ended up gunning for his head like we are doing now. He didn't change, he only became more ann
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