All Chapters of Mafia Men IV - Vincenzo's Temptation : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
154 Chapters
Chapter 70 - Help
Vincenzo⋅•⋅⊰∙∘∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Vincenzo Capone - Fifteen years old. The air weighed on me as mourners came together at our estate, a testament to the fortune amassed by generations of Capones. Dressed in a meticulously tailored black suit, I stood stoically, alongside my father Salvatore Capone, I presented a façade of strength despite the grief that lingered beneath.We're Made Men. We don't show our emotions. We bury them. It's a code we live by. It's not about being heartless; it's survival in a world where showing weakness can be more dangerous than any adversary we might face.Within the mansion, decorated with black drapery, mourners navigated through halls to the grand room where the funeral service unfolded. Every corner showed off detailed floral arrangements, a display of wealth juxtaposed against the somber occasion. Lilies and roses perfumed the air, mingling with the heavy fragrance of incense.A polished dark wood casket, a classy piece, rested in the center of the room. Ne
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Chapter 71 — Holy Mother Of Jesus
Claire⋅•⋅⊰∙∘∘∙⊱⋅•⋅I paced angrily in my room, seething with frustration. He was hugging her, intimately, within the confines of his study. The audacity of their closeness on our supposed first day as a couple fueled the flames of annoyance within me.I could still feel a light sting between my thighs. My clit was swollen from being hit five times and it was worse than getting kicked in the balls. A gentle yet firm knock echoed through the room, prompting me to turn towards the door and freeze. There he was—I could sense it without a doubt. It had to be Vincenzo. "Claire..." his voice reached me from outside the door.In response, I stomped over to the bed, frustration bubbling within me, and sat down. Pulling my legs to my chest, I remained silent as his plea continued."Claire, open the door." Despite his words, I chose not to respond. Instead, I sat on the bed, fixating my gaze on the sheets, unwilling to let him see the conflict and emotions swirling within me. I wasn't jealo
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Chapter 72 - Why me?
Claire⋅•⋅⊰∙∘∘∙⊱⋅•⋅"It was not what it looked like," I stammered as Vincenzo, accompanied by Adriano and Silvio, left for work.Throughout this entire time, there had been this unspoken tension and nagging questions hanging over my head. I struggled with the peculiar glances Alessia and Allegra sent pointed glances my way every time Vincenzo so much as took a breath at the breakfast table. It felt like his every inhale and exhale somehow had everything to do with me. Alessia crossed her arms over her chest, her expression carrying a mix of curiosity and concern, "It looked like you and Vincenzo had something going on... romantically."I sighed, my shoulders slumping. "Fine, then it was exactly what it looked like."Alessia let out a laugh, a mixture of amusement and realization. "I knew it. I had a feeling when we flew back from the island that something was going on with Vincenzo and his unusual concern for you. I know him well enough to understand that he won't just get up and fix
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Chapter 73 - Home
Claire⋅•⋅⊰∙∘∘∙⊱⋅•⋅"What about you, Claire?" he asked, "Do you even know who I am?" I took a deep breath, smiling up at him, "You're a perfectionist... I admire the way everything in your life is meticulously organized and flawlessly clean. And how there's not a single speck of dust in your bedroom." A subtle smile played on his lips, and both of his eyebrows raised slightly, a silent acknowledgment of the compliment."You're kind of unexplainable," I glanced down at my toes and then back at him, "To someone who doesn't know you, they might think you're this ice-cold and emotionless person but only your family knows the truth – that you have the warmest smile, you make jokes sometimes, you're honest, and caring. Your love for the women in your family is gentle, and you express it mostly within the walls of your home."The smile slowly faded, and a confused and serious look flickered across his features as if he wasn't expecting me to know anything about him. "Your love language is.
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Chapter 74 - Everything to me.
Claire⋅•⋅⊰∙∘∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Pinned against the door, my back arched, my hands sought him out and he grabbed them and intertwined our fingers. He firmly pressed them against the door on either side of me, creating a hard cage that I couldn't escape from. I could feel him getting hard against my stomach, like, seriously stretching the front of his pants. It sent burning heat through me. Knowing I'm doing this to him—it's like this wild, unbridled feeling to have a man this powerful lose control only because of you. My fingers were practically itching to touch, but he wasn't giving my hands any freedom.I moaned into his kiss when he bit on my lip, the sensation, and taste of him hitting me so intensely that my clit throbbed down there.My eyelids flutter shut, the warmth and rush of adrenaline plunging from my chest straight down to my groin in a split second. He pulled away briefly, muttering a "Fuck" under his breath. Before I could respond, he dove back in, his mouth taking control, cravi
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Chapter 75 - Happy
Claire⋅•⋅⊰∙∘∘∙⊱⋅•⋅"This isn't fair, Mr. Capone, I feel like I have been taken advantage of," I whined while he remained entirely focused on his laptop.He sat beside me, leaning against the headboard. Black silky sheets covered only half of his body, his hair wild, tousled in a very sexy way. I had never seen his hair this disheveled in my life before, it's always so sleek and perfect. As the soft morning light gently caressed the room, he radiated an undeniable sexiness, embodying a Greek god in the flesh. It was six in the morning, we hadn't slept the whole night. He had some stamina, working out regularly paid off the both of us tonight. An hour after our last round, his brother called from Italy and he dropped everything to check whatever he asked him to. I lay on my stomach beside him, the sheets covering my ass. My arms were crisscrossed under my face as I looked up at him.He cast me a sideways glance, flashing the sweetest smile I had ever seen, and then snapped his attent
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Chapter 76 - Perfect Backdrop
Claire⋅•⋅⊰∙∘∘∙⊱⋅•⋅"Absolutely no knives," Alessia declared the moment I stepped into the kitchen. Without glancing my way, she seemed to sense my presence. Sitting on the counter, Allie took a crisp bite of an apple, a wide grin stretching across her face. Her eyes traced my movements, and the growing swell of her baby bump now made it unmistakably evident that she was expecting."So, Cindy, how was your night? Find a comfortable spot to rest because when I came by your room to make sure you took your pills, it seemed you'd pulled a disappearing act," she teased, a touch of mischief lacing her words.She knew all about it, Alessia must have told her. Of course, she would, these two tell each other everything. "I was at the library, buried in a book...""Are you sure the book was the only thing being buried inside of you?" Allie asked, catching me off-guard, she had never made such a risqué comment in her life before. "I can tell your husband's influence is starting to leave its ma
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Chapter 77 - Clicked
Claire⋅•⋅⊰∙∘∘∙⊱⋅•⋅"Ever tried stargazing?" he asked, as he led me further into the beautiful Planetarium. I've never been to a planetarium or tried stargazing. The closest I got was lying in bed after my uncle was done with me, just staring at the stars and feeling betrayed by them for not rescuing me.I shook my head, he led me to the telescope at the Adler Planetarium, the air buzzed with a different kind of electricity. Vincenzo's fingers, rugged and experienced, skillfully adjusted the telescope, sending a subtle shiver through me. His touch lingered as he passed the eyepiece to me. I don't know why his touch never gets old...Excitement mingled with a hint of nervousness as I peered through the lens, the vastness of the cosmos unfolded before my eyes, each star telling a story written in the language of the universe. The city lights transformed into a celestial masterpiece, and he stepped behind me, his presence was an unexpected heat to the chilly night.His hand found my w
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Chapter 78 - Initiation
Vincenzo⋅•⋅⊰∙∘∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Vincenzo Capone - Fifteen years old. The Capo, my father, a figure of authority, Salvatore Capone stood before me. "You stand on the precipice, Vincenzo, on the edge of loyalty and consequence. This family is your blood, your sanctuary. Once you step in, there's no turning back. Family comes first, above all else – your wife, children, mother, father, your brothers. It's a bond unbroken."A ceremonial knife glinted in the subdued light as it passed to me. "In the crucible of loyalty, a cut to mark your pact. Blood binds, and with this, you embrace the vows of kinship."I ran the knife over my palm, allowing the blood to drip onto Saint Peter's card.Dad with a stern gaze, intoned, "At the sanctum of Saint Peter, this family swears. May your soul burn in hell if you betray your family." My dad seized the Saint Peter card, placing it cautiously above the candle's flame until it ignited. With deliberate movements, he then positioned the burning card onto my bloodi
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Chapter 79 - Trial
Vincenzo⋅•⋅⊰∙∘∘∙⊱⋅•⋅Vincenzo Capone - Fifteen years old. She entered the room clad in the most provocative attire she could scrounge up, yet it did little to mask the inherent lack of grace. She had taken off my mother's jewels, and it was for her own good, or else I don't know what I would have done. What truly revolted me, however, wasn't the revealing outfit but the audacity she displayed. A smile was etched on her face, and there was not a symbol of respect for the man she purportedly shared a relationship with—my father. The disregard for herself and the blatant disrespect for him festered a disgust within me that words could hardly capture. It was a grotesque display, and her grin only deepened my contempt. She smirked, hands resting on her hips. "If you wanted me, Vincenzo, you could've just said it. Now I see why you were all worked up about me and your dad. You wished you were in his spot instead," she spat out, her words oozing with a shameless audacity that left a dist
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