All Chapters of The Broken Alpha's Little Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
88 Chapters
CHAPTER 11 New Chosen Mate
  Mia's POV  It is sweltering outside and this lace cocktail dress that Alpha Thomas purchased for me only makes me hotter. Holding a cool drink in one hand, I fan myself with a napkin trying to cool the air around me.   As I am standing at the entrance to the swanky garden party that Madison arranged for my farewell, people walk by me and do not give me a second look. But that is something that I am used to. Everyone in this pack pretends like I do not exist. So I stand by the entrance and nod politely as people walk by.   Alpha Thomas has disappeared somewhere to find my father under the guise that he needs to finish the arrangements for my purchase. Disappointment keeps swarming in my stomach the longer that he isn't here with me. I don't know why but I feel more at ease when he is near and the longer I stand here alone the more uncomfortable I become.   I look off into the crowd and wonder why so many of them have come to see me off. I suppose it is to make sure that I am reall
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CHAPTER 12 Challenge
  Thomas's POV  I put my glass of champagne to my lips and gulp as Alpha Aiden rambles on to his pack about how important this day is. A cackle of laughter catches my attention and I look in the direction of Mia and her half-sister Cora. Cora is laughing loudly and rudely at something that I am sure is at Mia's expense.  Even from all the way over here, I can see Mia's eyes filling with tears.  Something in my heart calls to her now, and I want nothing more than to run to her and hold her in my arms. We have put on a good show today in front of her pack. Perhaps too good of a show. I am finding myself having feelings for the little she-wolf. She is sassy and intelligent and appears to be able to fend for herself. She is everything that I have wanted in a second chance mate. If only she were a little older.   I continue to pretend to listen to Alpha Aiden's boring speech but keep my eyes glued to the corner of the stage where Mia is waiting to be called. She lifts her head slightly
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CHAPTER 13 Mate-less
  Cora's POV  I am humiliated as I watch Alpha Thomas jump off the stage and make his way through the angry crowd. How dare he choose that abomination over me?  Everyone knows that I am the better choice between the sisters. Tears begin to well up in my eyes but I quickly wipe them away. The last thing I want to appear is weak in front of my pack.  My father steps to the microphone, once again, trying to rectify the situation. "It would appear that Alpha Thomas has chosen Mia for his second chance mate," my father's voice booms over the crowd.  There are several hisses and boos that come from the crowd, letting us know that they are dissatisfied with Alpha Thomas's choice. Shouts from several of the people in the crowd tell my father to go to war for the disrespect that he was shown today. But even I know that declaring war on the Red Moon Pack is a terrible mistake. The Red Moon Pack is one of the largest in the country and it holds allegiances with many of the most prestigious pa
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CHAPTER 14 That is Final
  Thomas's POV  I make my way through the parking lot to my car. Behind me, I hear the uproar of angry pack members as Alpha Aiden announces that I have chosen Mia as my chosen mate. It is clear that they do not agree with the choice that I made.   Sure I could have gone along with Alpha Aiden's little stunt but where would that leave Mia? In the arms of a monster who would only use her as a breeder. That is not something that I could see myself doing. For some reason, I feel protective over the little wolf and I won't let someone like Alpha Richard harm her.  As I approach my car I see Dylan leaning against the back door, swinging the keys around his fingers. There is dried blood coming from his nose and a large bite mark on his arm. When he said that Mia put up a fight I was not expecting this and a chuckle escapes from my chest as I come to a stop in front of him.  "Where is she?" I ask, my voice is laced with humor.  "She should be in the trunk," Dylan growls as he wipes some
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CHAPTER 15 The Broken Alpha
  Mia's POV  My lips are swollen and I am breathless. This isn't my first kiss but I have definitely never been kissed like that before. Perhaps I have been wrong about Thomas all this time.  I am not some naive little girl. I have heard the rumors that surround that float around about Alpha Thomas. Some of the Omegas in the Moonshadow Pack call him the broken Alpha. The Alpha that is unable to love since the loss of his mate. Everyone knows that he has been fighting the elder council of his pack in order to not take a mate. But after that kiss, it is clear that he is a passionate man.   I glance up at Thomas but he is no longer looking at me. In fact, the look on his face is one of complete indifference. It appears that the kiss had no effect on him at all.   The more I look at Alpha Thomas, the sillier I feel. The way that he kissed me was so passionate but I was silly to think that there were any feelings behind it. Of course, he just kissed me to shut me up and get me to agree
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CHAPTER 16 Our First Night
  Mia's POV  I must have fallen asleep at some point on the trip to the Red Moon Pack. A familiar dream begins to creep into my mind and it always starts the same. It always starts with me running for my life.  The wind is cold as it blows against my skin. I am running from something or someone but I don't know what or who. The leaves rustle loudly as I try to escape whatever I am running from. Twigs and rocks cut my feet as I make my way quickly through the forest. I begin to grow tired. The cold air stings my lungs making it harder to breathe.   Pushing through the pain, I run even faster. Trying to get away from the impending doom that is following me. Suddenly, I am thrown to the ground as I catch my foot on a root sticking out of the ground. My ankle twists in a way that I hear something snap.   I scream out in pain as I reach forward and try to twist my ankle free from the root. As I wiggle my ankle free I hear the sound of a growl coming from behind me. I spin around on the
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CHAPTER 17 Pack Elders
  Thomas's POV  I expect Mia to fight me when I scoop her into my arms but much to my surprise she wraps her arms around my neck and snuggles into my hold. I do not miss the electricity that pulses between the two of us. I haven't felt those kinds of sparks since my mate died in my arms.   This isn't the first time that I have felt the sparks between Mia and me but my wolf has not given me any indication that Mia is our mate. I will admit that being around Mia soothes the heartache that I still feel over the loss of my mate. But I refuse to believe that the Moon Goddess would pair me with someone so much younger than me.   The door of the pack house swings open as I approach it with Mia in my arms. Dylan is on the other side with a scowl on his face. I know why he is so angry. It is approaching two in the morning and if there is anything that Dylan likes it is his sleep.   "It is about damn time," Dylan growls as he steps backward, making room for me to enter the pack house.   "I
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CHAPTER 18 The Siren's Song
  Thomas's POV  All of the elders get up from the table to leave the impromptu meeting that I called at 3:00 AM. All but Elder West and my Beta, Dylan, shake my hand and congratulate me as they exit.   "That went well," Dylan says with a smirk on his face. Suddenly, he is full of energy.   "Shut up," I mumble under my breath.   "What are you going to do?" Dylan asks before I have a chance to leave the room.   "What am I going to do about what?" I groan back at him.   Dylan leans back in his chair and places his hands behind his head. "I don't know if you were a part of the same conversation that I overheard in the car but Mia made it very clear she won't be sleeping with you. How are you going to produce an heir?"   I pinch the bridge of my nose and groan. "I am not planning on producing an heir," I remind him.   "Then what is this ruse all about?" Dylan asks curiously. "If you aren't trying to produce an heir, what is the point of bringing Mia here at all?"   "To get the elde
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CHAPTER 19 Twenty Questions
  Mia's POV  A rush of excitement pulsates through my body when Thomas says yes to playing twenty questions with me. I thought for sure that he would tell me no in that rough angry voice that he uses when he is irritated. But instead, he looked at me with a softened gaze and agreed.   I know that he is exhausted because he keeps yawning loudly. But I don't let that stop me from firing off my first question.  "What is your favorite color?" I ask as I pull my legs close to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs.  Thomas covers his yawn with his hand and cocks his eyebrow at me. "You want to know what my favorite color is?"  I nod my head up and down with a goofy grin plastered on my face. Thomas runs his hands through his dirty blonde hair and chuckles.  "What is so funny?" I pout as I tuck my legs under my body.  "I am not laughing at you," Thomas quickly stops chuckling. "It is just that I am mostly colorblind, I can only see certain colors."  I cock my head to the side and t
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CHAPTER 20 Dead Mate
  Mia's POV  The light shines on my face and the room feels unbearably hot. My eyes flutter open and stretch my arms wide to my sides. My fist hits something hard and my head jerks to the side. I see Thomas sitting on the bed beside me with a serious look on his face.  "Were you watching me while I sleep, again?" I mutter as I prop myself up in the bed.   "I came in to talk to you and you were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you," Thomas's voice is kind but the serious look on his face doesn't change.  Curling myself up into a ball I prepare myself for the rejection that I am almost certain is coming. "What did you want to say?"  Thomas takes a deep breath and reaches out to touch me but I flinch away from his touch. With a dejected look on his face, Thomas pulls his hand away and sits it on his lap. "I think you were right about the room situation," Thomas begins.  I cock my head to the side and stare at him with a confused look on my face. "I don't think I underst
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