All Chapters of Luna Aria’s Revenge: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
95 Chapters
CHAPTER 81 - Mate
  Daniel  I dashed out of my bedroom, rushing outside while Cole swore at me at the way I insulted Aria.  “Cole, now is not the time. I don’t know how it slipped from my lips. Believe me, it felt like someone forced those words out of my mouth. I never meant it to sound like that. I will talk to Aria later and resolve the misunderstanding. You’d better get ready to take over because things have gotten out of control.”   I knew Cole was right, but it was not the time to talk about my abnormal stupid behaviour. As soon as I exited the house, Cole took over and I watched as my gigantic wolf paws flew across the path, hardly touching the ground. In only a few minutes Cole was at the pack border fighting alongside my parents’ wolves.  “Dad, what happened?” I mind-linked my father while Cole sank his canines into a filthy muτt’s throat, killing him instantly.  “Erick attacked sooner than expected, son. I pray that the antidote will keep our pack safe. The air is heavy with poison. Erick
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CHAPTER 82 - Payback time
  Aria  Daniel’s wolf, Cole, stepped back looking hurt. I knew that he wasn’t at fault but I was so angry at Daniel and his insults that I felt repulsed at the thought of him touching me in any form.  “We should head back to the house and once we’ve made sure everyone is fine, we must get cleaned up. Then I want you all in my office,” Daniel’s father instructed, lowering his head with respect when his eyes landed on my wolf.  We took the road back and I mind-linked Ella to wait for me with a set of clothes. I knew I had a lot of explaining to do, and my friend needed to hear it.  I shifted into my human form and dressed in a set of clothes Ella gave me.   “I know, Ella. After we check on the women and children join me in Alpha Jackson’s office, you will know everything,” I told her quietly and headed towards the gym.  We opened the doors and went to the basement. The pups were crying in their mothers’ arms and the females looked worried for their mates’ safety.  “Everyone is saf
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CHAPTER 83 - Escape
  Aria  Afraid that Daniel would follow me, I urged Tania to run as fast as the wind and leave the pack territory. As soon as I revealed my true identity, I regained all my powers as the Moon Goddess, despite being on earth as the white wolf. So, it didn’t take long for my beautiful, powerful wolf to run far from our birthplace.  “Aria, where are we heading? We left so suddenly and we didn’t make any plans. We can’t keep wandering in my wolf form. You know how dangerous that is, sweetheart.” Tania was tired and sad, but she never stopped supporting me. I knew how hard it was for her to leave Cole behind, especially since our mate’s pup was growing in our womb.  “Head towards the Yellow Moon pack, Tania. Alpha Joshua and Luna Emily will help us and give us shelter. They were the ones I entrusted Alison to; if anything, bad happens to us in the future, Alison should stay with them.”  “Okay hun, but are you sure you are doing the right thing leaving Daniel like that? Maybe you should
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CHAPTER 84 - Rage
  Daniel  I clutched my chest and dropped to my knees as soon as the words left Aria’s mouth. I could not react when she jumped out of the window and disappeared from my sight.  “Dad, do something. Don’t let her go, please!” I whispered, tears clouding my vision, and I watched as my father and Beta Jason followed Aria through the window.  When I could breathe again, I followed them without wasting another moment.  Cole’s paws barely touched the ground as he ran towards the border, swearing at me for making Aria reject us. He tried to mind-link Aria’s wolf, but she had put her walls up and since we had not marked each other, I didn’t have any other way to track her.  We reached the border and went beyond that but there was no sign of Aria’s wolf. I was lost. How could she disappear like that? The distance between our border and the other packs was a green valley and it was easy to spot someone moving in the area, especially Aria’s white wolf.  “She wanted to leave you so bad that
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CHAPTER 85 - Trap
  Lea  My uncle had left the pack, instructing me to stay put and wait for the news of his victory. I’d agreed with mixed feelings, not knowing what awaited Daniel after my uncle attacked. What if Daniel was killed? I had agreed to help my uncle provided that he would allow me to do whatever I wanted with Daniel.  I didn’t expect things to turn out the way they did, that Daniel would end up married to that sl.ut Aria. They even threw me into the dungeon without a second thought and Daniel did nothing about it. He didn’t react or defend me against his father’s wrath, pissing me off.   With that in mind, I eased my guilt at betraying Daniel and started making plans for a grand comeback after my uncle’s call. I imagined Daniel’s surprise when I showed up, declaring my ownership of him. As for that, Aria, I would make sure she died a horrible death for putting me through such an ordeal and stealing my boyfriend from me. She wasn’t even his fated mate to claim him like that.  I s
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CHAPTER 86 - Setting Things Straight
  Daniel  “Da… Daniel?” Lea stammered, taking two steps back.  “Surprise!” I growled, pinning her to the nearest wall, my hands curling around her neck. Her eyes bulged at the lack of air. I squeezed, not caring about the tears in her eyes.   “Did you think that you and your dearest uncle would take me and my men down so easily? I have to admit, though. You fooled me, Lea. Pretending to be the saintly girl who loved me deeply while planning to stab me in the back like that,” I snarled, my eyes burning with rage and disgust.  “You are killing her, Daniel. I thought you said you would leave her to Aria,” Cole warned calmly, bringing me back to my senses.  I released Lea, and she lost her balance, falling to the ground, coughing, and struggling to breathe.  “I am not going to kill you. It will be my pleasure to hand you over to Aria. She’ll deal with you once she returns,” I growled, punching the wall behind her in an attempt not to hurt her. It took a lot of self-control not to subm
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CHAPTER 87 - A  Dejected Aria
  Aria  Evelyn and I had just returned from my morning walk to the lake. I sat under the kiosk in the garden, resting until Evelyn returned with our lemonades.  Baby Alison was restless today. She kept kicking and turning in my womb as if trying to tell me something. I knew how much a pup needed its father’s voice to feel safe and calm. The deep connection between the foetus and the father was also essential to the pregnant female.   After the first trimester and when the mother prepared to nest, waiting for the day she would hold her baby in her arms, she needed her mate close by to comfort her and put her at ease. Our creator designed us that way from ancient times, and nothing could change the way a pregnancy felt for a future mother.   It had been three months since Alpha Joshua asked me about my true identity. I couldn’t hide that I was Daniel’s mate anymore. He had posted my photo in the Alpha forum asking if anyone had seen me or if I’d sought shelter in their packs.  I tol
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CHAPTER 88 - Taking The Initiative
  JoshuaAria was Daniel Taylor’s mate, and I wondered what kind of person the future Alpha was to mistreat his mate in such a manner.It bothered me that Aria wanted to hide from him. The Opal Moon pack was one of the most prominent packs in our area and Alpha Jackson was an excellent Alpha. How could his son be such a jerk?I felt sorry for the poor girl. She seemed so miserable and dejected that I couldn’t bear to reject her request for shelter. “Honey, we must help Aria. Let’s take her in and be her family for now. What will happen to her and her poor baby if she leaves our pack? She has nowhere to go since her mate has declared her a missing person.” My dearest mate was compassionate and considering that Aria was pregnant and alone, she wanted to do everything she could to help her out. Her pleading tone softened my heart even more and even though hiding Aria might bite me in the rear, I couldn’t deny my mate’s request.“Aria, you are welcome to stay with us for as long as you l
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CHAPTER 89 - An Unexpected Guest
  DanielAfter the strange call from Alpha Ross, I left my office and went for a run. I was restless after his last comment. He sounded as if he was hiding something from me. I could tell by the tone of his voice that there was a secret meaning behind his invitation. Could it be that he knew something about Aria?“Keep dreaming, Daniel. Aria would never ask someone to call you on her behalf. She rejected you, remember?” Cole mocked, and I swallowed hard. My wolf was right. What was I thinking? Aria had left, determined to never show herself to me again. The thought hurt like hell but I knew I deserved worse after being such an ass.hole towards my mate. Still, I wanted to believe that there would be a day I would see Aria again and earn her forgiveness. I returned to the pack and was moody for the rest of the day. After taking over it was the first time, I yelled at my Beta and Gamma over unimportant pack matters.Alex and Dave had confused expressions, and when I stopped yelling, the
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CHAPTER 90 - Confessions
 DanielMy mate paled as I took a few hesitant steps towards her. Then my eyes fell on her swollen belly. Her hands covered her bump protectively as she looked left and right for an avenue of escape. “She is pregnant. Our mate is pregnant with our pup. Our scent is all over Aria,” Cole voiced my inner thoughts, confirming my suspicion. Suddenly, my mind filled with images of a pregnant Aria who tried hard to hide from Erick’s wrath. A scared young female who had lost her entire family and her fiance at the hands of that lunatic. All the images she had shown us to convince played like a movie in my mind and I clutched my chest in agony, unable to breathe. There wasn’t enough air in my lungs; I was suffocating and started coughing, my eyes brimming with tears of regret. Once more, Aria was pregnant and alone because of my stupidity and sought refuge with the couple who raised our daughter as Beta Jason informed me.With a pained look in her eyes, Aria turned around to leave, gripping t
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