All Chapters of sex with the devil: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
71 Chapters
  I could see the emotionless expression on their faces. It's so surprising, I know and I don't blame them either. And it's three times obvious on dad's face.  He's just so surprised that none of us told him about our relationship. I know how it feels to be kept in the dark by your best friend and daughter. It hurts a lot.  "You know, I don't have a problem with you hanging out with Luci or falling in love with him," he paused, I could feel his sadness and he was fighting it back. "You should have just told me. We promised ourselves no more secrets, right? Remember the night we went out for dinner, that was the same night we made the promise."  He was crying, and watching him cry made me cry. We made that promise, and I failed it. We made that promise to make it up to each other all those years we never saw or spoke or had this father and daughters moment, yet. . .  I couldn't even look at his face, his tears made me feel guilty for every thing and mostly for breaking our promise t
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  We ate and drank to our fill, and the rest of the meal was returned back to the kitchen.  "I think my baby is full." I said, relaxing on the sofa.  "What about you, Cynthia?" Mom asked her.  "I think she needs a break."  We laughed.  We were having this family discussion when the door opened by itself. We all stared at ourselves for a while, then at the door which suddenly closed back on its own.  "What just happened?" Uncle Abel asked.  We didn't see any one leave or walk in, how then did the door open and closed by itself?  "It's the master." Cynthia said, reading out thoughts. "The master is here."  We all stood up, bowing out heads at the invisible creature. My heart was racing in fear. This man always knows how to spoil my day.  "Cynthia, what did he say?" Mother asked in a whisper.  "Quiet mother, he's talking to me." Cynthia shushed her.  Oh God, I hope it's not some thing so threatening he is telling her. Who knows? Since he has refused to speak it loud to us, cou
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  "I'm gonna kill the baby." I said, emotionless.  "What?" They chorused.  "You're not killing the child, Sonia." Mom yanked.  "Well, I am. I'm killing it." I yanked back. "I will not carry a demon in my body for the sake of a so-called bargain."  "You know what it means to kill that child. The master won't be happy when he finds out you killed his child." Cynthia warned me.  "I don't wanna listen to bullshit. He took away the love of my life all for his stupid selfish gain and you want me to accept to the fact that I am going to marry him?" I shake my head. "No way is it happening, and no one is forcing me to keep this child with me."  I dragged myself up, not minding the pains I caused to myself. I was ready to do whatever it is to eliminate the child and I don't fu*king care how sweet he is, he is dying for all I care.  "Where are you going?" Mom asked.  "To get a glass of water as you can see." I walked to the kitchen with a different agenda in mind. I just don't want any o
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  Sonia went to the hospital to see her doctor. And the last words he said to her was; “You have barely three days to deliver.”  ****  SONIA ?    I'm freaking out right now. After hearing what the doctor said to me, I trembled like I was standing in the middle of the pacific ocean.  I can't believe I'll be walking into a labor room soon. I can't even imagine how the pains of pushing the baby would be for me.  I was beginning to love my child the most. Since the day Luci came visiting, I saw reasons why I have to keep moving forward, why I have to accept my child. Though, loving Luci the way I used to was some thing so difficult for me.  I don't wanna think about it for now, I just wanna get over with delivering my child then I can come back to think and imagine as much as I want to.  My phone rang and I picked the call. "Sonia, how are you?" Mom asked immediately I answered her call.  "I'm fine, mom. What about you?" I asked back.  "Oh don't worry about me, I am more than oka
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  It was time to leave earth with Luci. I hugged every one, kissing them with a good bye kiss. I was gonna miss my real home and every one I ever loved.  I hugged Cynthia for a long time, I was gonna miss her the most. She was the closest sister to me, and we had fun together more than anyone else.  "Take good care of yourself for me." She said to me,  "I will, and you too. Take care of your child."  "I will."  I broke the hug. "I have a big surprise for you, guess what it is."  "You're full of surprises, Sonia, I can't tell what you've got for me this time."  "I give you my company and every thing about it. You're in charge now."  Cynthia gasped in surprise. " Really? You want me to handle your company?"  I nodded my head.  Her smile faded immediately. "You're gonna lose a lot of customers when they learn you're no longer in charge of the company."  "It doesn't matter about the missing S, as long as Sotomayor still remains in the name, you're losing no customers. Why don't
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  Sonia woke up to see Luci staring at her. She furrowed her brows at him, "How long have you been staring at me?" She asked.  "Not long enough." He said, still staring at her.  "Why were you staring at me?" The question sounded like an explosive bomb to Luci's ear and before he could defend himself, she had offered him another blasting question. "And why are you still staring at me now?"  Was it ever a crime to stare? Why is she making it look like one?  "I. . . I'm sorry, I'll try not to look at you again." He said.  He sat by the side of the bed, he didn't want to do any thing that would get her angry.  She left the bed, heading to the bathroom. Luci tried to help her but she waved a big “No” at him, walking by herself.  Luci decided to let her be for the meantime, but he wasn't gonna stay away from her for so long.  Sonia couldn't put herself into the bathtub. She tried raising her legs but they were just so difficult for her to and she didn't want to call his attention.  
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  Luci walked out of the bathroom with a towel tied around his waist and another vigorously running through his hair, drying out the water in it.  "Babe, I can't—”  "Shh-shh." Sonia shushed him.  "Is he asleep?" He asked in a whisper.  "No. But your voice is gonna scare him." She mocked.  He chuckled.  Luci went to his wardrobe to pick his cream. While he rubbed the cream on his skin, he watched as Sonia muttered words to Dorcas. She has been playing with him since she woke up even though he wasn't giving her any reaction.  "It takes time before he can understand what you're saying." Luci said, dropping the cream back into the wardrobe.  "I know, but it doesn't matter. I know he can hear me, somehow." She said, not sparing him a glance. "Besides, he's staring at me which means he is hearing what I am saying but not understanding." She said the last words in a sad tone. "You're right, it's gonna take a long time."  She looked at him. "Since he was able to grow so fast in my wom
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  The red light from Dorca's scar still bothers Sonia that she can't take her mind off it. She's been staring at him since he had stopped sucking her breast to see if the light will appear again.  She came to realize the scar had some how increased. She touched it, it felt like a normal scar to her but she knew there is some thing more to it than just a scar. Some thing she must find out as soon as possible.  *Does Luci know some thing about this? If yes, could he be hiding the real truth of the mark away from her?* She thought to herself.  Still wondering what the red light means, Sonia dozed off to sleep.  Luci touched the back of his neck as he felt the pain sting him. He knew the light had finally glowed. It was a mark which connected a child to his father. He had created the mark for a day like this, and for generations to come.  "Your majesty?" The prime minister called but he wasn't listening. "Your majesty?" He called again.  He moved his eyes at his prime minister but sa
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  Luci went to visit the library after so many years. He scarcely goes to the library only when necessary. But today isn't just necessary, it's important.  The library contained every thing one would need in life, and this was the great job of the library keeper, Mr Thompson.  Mr Thompson walked out from the library archive with a hip of books in his hand. He wasn't aware of Luci's entrance. He drops the books on his desk, sorting out those he had reviewed from the unreviewed ones.  Those which he had reviewed, he carries them to the shelf. He heard the sound of flipped books, so he paused what he was doing to take a look at who it might be.  "Hello? Who's over there?" He asked, slowly walking to the side he had heard the noise. "I'm not gonna ask you twice, who are you?"  Luci decided to be quiet. He kept flipping through pages upon pages and yet, he hasn't seen an answer to Sonia's question or even some thing close to it.  He angrily drops it on the desk, causing a loud noise.
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  Sonia took her baby into her arms as she carried him out of the room to take a walk. Tessa was just coming in, on seeing Sonia leaving she pleaded with her to stay back.  Sonia was so surprised that Tessa was begging her to stay back that she didn't know when the words slipped out of her mouth. "What for?"  "Your highness, His majesty warned me not to let you leave the room for any reason." Tessa said.  "And why can't I leave the room?" She yanked. "Am I kept as a prisoner or what?" Sonia was so mad at her that she didn't mind the words she said to her.  "Your Majesty, it's not what you think. His majesty is only being prote. .. "  Sonia cuts in sharply. "Protective of what exactly?!"  Tessa was quiet. She was so weak to talk sense to the already annoyed Sonia who isn't ready to listen to whatever she is to say.  "I'm sorry, Your Majesty." Tessa apologized.  "I must see his majesty and know why he has given such an order against me." Sonia made to leave but Tessa tells her th
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