All Chapters of Bound By A Ritual : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
79 Chapters
Chapter 11
Ava watched as he moved to the drawer and pulled out a cheque, handing it over to her. "Do you need more, Ava?" he smiled. "I can give you any amount you want, and you know that, right?""It's okay, this is enough," she replied, mustering a polite smile. But as she turned around to leave, he took hold of her hand, preventing her from moving any further. She swallowed nervously, closing her eyes. "Ava, do you need me to teach you how to say thank you?" he asked, his tone tinged with anger. Turning to meet his gaze, Ava noticed his raised eyebrow. Thank you. It's not like it's free, is it?"Thank you, Master," she said, faking a smile to appease him. He let go of her hand and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. She couldn't help but wonder why he seemed frustrated when it should be her feeling that way. "You can go now, Ava. See you tomorrow," he said, reminding her that tomorrow was Sunday. "And then you will do anything I ask you to," he added, leaving her frozen in place,
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Chapter 12
Ava instinctively pulled back the moment he whispered those words to her. She could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment. "I do like it when you blush, Ava. I do," he mumbled while grabbing his jacket and then held my hand. "Come, we are going out.""Huh? Out?""Yes, out," he said, dragging me out of the house. He gave Lady Martha some instructions and picked up a phone call that made him frown. "I will deal with that. I'm on my way," he muttered before moving towards his limousine. I stepped in, and he followed, shutting the door. "Take us to the casino," he instructed the driver, who nodded and lowered the little window that connected them both.If I heard correctly, he said casino. The place where people gamble and engage in other sorts of illegal activities. "Casino?" I looked at him, noticing his eyes closed as he relaxed. "Why are we going there? Are you planning on selling me?" The question made him open his eyes and chuckle, though it didn't reach his eyes, giving it a fa
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Chapter 13
She just kept looking at me, almost as if she hadn't witnessed me kill someone. I couldn't help but find her behavior rather amusing, despite the gravity of the situation. As she continued staring at the last man alive, I took the shot and ended his life with a single bullet to the head.She flinched ever so slightly before looking up at me. "Master?" she began, her voice trembling. I raised an eyebrow, silently urging her to speak. "My dress has been stained," she said, a hint of concern in her voice.I couldn't help but smile at her comment. "You don't feel sympathy for these humans, do you?" I asked, curious to understand her perspective."I believe they hurt you," she mumbled, her words filled with a mix of empathy and resignation. "Even if I did feel sympathy, you would still kill them. It would be a waste of emotions, wouldn't it? So it's not necessary."Her calm response surprised me. "You didn't freak out at the sight of dead bodies," I remarked, genuinely intrigued by her lack
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Chapter 14
Ava kept her eyes on him, puzzled as he smiled at her after calling her cunning. Why was he smiling? She had no idea, but at least he seemed to have come to terms with her proposal. Both her brother and she had always dreamed of going to Wonderland, but money had always been a constraint, preventing them from fulfilling that dream. "Come on, Ava, let's head back. It's getting late," Damon mumbled before turning around and walking away. She had to quicken her pace to catch up with him."Are you going to drop me off at home?" she asked, but he said nothing, just kept moving. "Master?" she called out. He stopped, and she noticed a frown creeping onto his face."Something is not right," he mumbled, but Ava was growing anxious and moved a bit ahead. Gasping, she caught sight of their driver lying lifeless, his legs, hands, eyes, and ears missing. The car was badly crushed."Come," Damon grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the forest."What happened to him?" she asked, her voice tremb
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Chapter 15
He always triggers my inquisitiveness. I closed my eyes, allowing the weariness to wash over my body, hoping to regain some energy. But as I lay there, I couldn't help but think about tomorrow, spending the entire day at the amusement park, especially the magnificent Wonder Wheel.It's going to be incredible. I'll finally get to experience all the things I've been missing out on. Oh my, I'm so excited."Ava," Alex's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see him standing by the open window. He looked troubled. "I hate seeing you like this. I want to see you enjoying yourself on other occasions. It feels wrong to see you hiding in your room every night. And you didn't even reply to my earlier message," he rushed through his words as if burdened by them.I realized that I had forgotten about my phone. All I had been focused on was Damon, and now I felt guilty for neglecting Alex. Rising to my feet, I moved towards him and hugged him tightly, his body stiffening in surpri
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Chapter 16
He stayed still, observing me for a moment, and then suddenly he clutched his stomach and began laughing. This time, his laughter had a cruel edge to it. "Punish you?" he chuckled, followed by a cough. "How bizarre can one person get?"His mocking laughter and insensitive words infuriated me, and I couldn't control my reaction. Without thinking, I raised my hand and slapped him across the face.To my surprise, his expression remained unchanged, aside from the handprint that now adorned his cheek. He stared at me with furrowed brows, and I instantly knew that I had crossed a line. "You hit me?" he said, a faint smile forming at the corner of his lips. My gaze shifted to his clenched fists, and then our eyes met.Fear gripped me as I witnessed the intensity of his glare. The cold aura emanating from his body made me shiver with apprehension. He closed his eyes, relaxed his hands, and let out a deep breath. "Whenever someone hits my face, I seem to lose control, Ava," he confessed, openin
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Chapter 17
This was the second time in his life that he knew he was going to experience the worst. "Do you think you can do that?" Ava asked, looking happy, as she pleasantly pushed me towards an ice cream spot so that I could activate my elegance and get her more ice cream, faster. "You can do this, right?" she looked up at me.And I scowled. "No, I am not doing that." The place caused aversion in me. The cheerful screaming, youngsters jumping from one place to another, couples holding hands, taking pictures, and looking happy with one another. "This place is horrible," I frowned at her and grumbled, "Why exactly did you bring me here?""If you hate ice cream, you can just say so," she folded her hands, the happiness in her eyes already turning into disappointment. "We can leave if you want. It won't make sense if you keep frowning anyway.""Really?" Anyone would notice the joy in my voice, but when she shot those dull-looking eyes, I sighed and gave up. "Fine, I will get you the ice cream you w
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Chapter 18
Ava remained seated on Damon's bed, her mind filled with different thoughts swirling around. What was his plan? Would he touch me just as he did in my dreams? Did I even want his hands on my body? What if he were to assault me? Was he capable of such actions?Feeling tension creeping through her entire body, Ava took a deep breath. Confusion was evident in her eyes, visible to anyone who would look at her at that moment. Soon, Alex would climb through my window and not find me. Would he wait?Why am I still sitting here, waiting for my potential demise to emerge from the bathroom? I knew deep down that whatever was about to happen would not be for my good, and it terrified me. Maybe I should just leave.The bathroom door swung open, revealing Damon with a towel wrapped around his waist, his wet hair dripping water. "Hmm, I was expecting you to have run away," he said with a smile. He walked confidently towards his closet, causing me to lower my head as he removed the towel.This man is
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Chapter 19
Ava arrived home really late, and I could see the worry on Mother's and Luke's faces. I couldn't help but feel guilty. As I sat down on the couch, I listened to the stern question from Mother. "Where were you, Ava Brandon?" Hearing my full name on her lips, I could tell she was angry."I went on a date, Mother.""Since when do you go on dates without my permission, Ava?" Mother growled. "You're just eighteen, still too young to be thinking about men.""I know, Mother." Looking down, I bit my lower lip and mumbled, "The date was with my boss. He lent me the money for the date with him." I looked up and saw her shocked reaction."Your boss?""Yes, Mother. He said he likes me." I couldn't hide my smile as I continued, "He also said he would like to meet you and Luke someday.""That is surprisingly strange.""I know, Mother.""But that doesn't mean you can come home this late. I have trained you better than this, Ava.""I'm sorry, Mother.""As your punishment, you are not allowed to go on
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Chapter 20
After the assembly, Ava found herself in the garden, tending to the flowers and lost in her thoughts. There was so much to contemplate - her enigmatic master Damon and his peculiar way of living, his likes and dislikes, and the sudden change in Alex's expression last night.Ever since these two men entered my life, everything seemed so complicated. I'm well aware that I don't like Damon; he both scares and intrigues me. But being around him is also strangely exhilarating.As for Alex, he is sweet to the point where it pains me to think of breaking his heart. Every woman deserves care and affection from her partner, someone who treats her as an equal. "Ava!" Rose's voice suddenly pierced through my thoughts, making me jump in surprise."Oh my God, Rose! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I spun around to face her, her brows furrowed with concern. "What is it?""Rumors have been circulating about you, Ava," she whispered, her voice low."What rumors?" I asked, curiosity and appre
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