Semua Bab The Billionaire's Dutiful Wife : Bab 31 - Bab 40
55 Bab
I am not that weak.
Dave takes Grandma Calliope into a tight hug, "you shouldn't think about it" he tries to make he feel better.Grandma Calliope cries silently, "Why can't I? He did this to me, he broke his promises" Her heart is broken.Love is always said to be magical and the best thing ever but it's never the case throughout. Love can make you cry your heart out and can break you beyond repair."Grandma, you can't break now else your babies won't get the chance to see you" Dave saidGrandma Calliope quickly wipes away her tears, it was as though she wasn't the one carrying them. "No more crying, I want to live longer for them..."Her eyes sparkle with happiness, "does that mean I'll get a baby from you two?" She asked staring at them.Dave could swear she planned it and it worked just exactly how she wanted. She knows her tears will move him into saying something and that will always be for her good." Yes, happy now? " Dave question.Grandma Calliope twisted her mouth thinking, " When? " She asked
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grant wish
The car drives on the dark road of the night, Daisy lies in a corner sleeping while Dave stares at nothing."Stop by the drugstore" he orders.The driver nods and takes the next turn by the left, after a short drive he pulls up in a corner."The drugstore you requested, sir" he informs.Dave opens the door and steps down from the car to the drugstore. It didn't take up to fifteen minutes for him to come back."Get going" he orders again.The driver starts the car and kicks off. The distance between the drugstore and his mansion wasn't that long as the car gave its final pull-off in front of the mansion.Dave climbs out of the car and turns around to help Daisy out"We are home" he informs.Daisy struggles and pushes herself, he helps her get out of the car."I'll carry you inside" he lifts her in the blink of an eye as though she weighs nothing and starts making his way inside."No, I can walk... Let me down!!" Daisy said, struggling to go down but his large arms that enclosed her tin
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make babies
"what are you doing?" Daisy stutters Dave brushes the tip of his nose against her soft cheeks, Daisy closes her eyes at his gentleness."What I should have done to you since the start" He blurts.Daisy opened her eyes and looked into his, his usual hard gaze had softened, staring down at her with tenderness and unspoken words. She couldn't tell what's in his mind "B-but, you said you I am not the want you love" she blurts.Dave's hands travel down to her exposed breast, "and I never said I don't want you" he mutters in a whisper."You refused to take on your husband's duty" she pressed on.Dave seize her lips for a long and demanding kiss, "I didn't say never" he kisses the kiss and slips his tongue into her mouth, tasting every corner of her mouth.This is the second time Daisy is being kissed, and it's with him. He is the one sending butterflies flying in her stomach and making her heart flutters.Daisy so much wants to kiss him but she doesn't know how to, deciding to follow his
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I did tried my best
It was time to get going for lunch at the main mansion, Daisy was all dressed in her white simple gown and Dave looked dashing in his simple trousers and shirt.They walk out of the mansion and head outside to where their car is standing, Daisy halts in a spot and watches him walk ahead."Are we not going to get something on our way?" She asked.Dave stops and turns to her, "you want us to?" He returns the questionDaisy bites her lips, "it's bad to walk back home empty handed" Dave walks up to her, closing the gap between them. " When you are all these cute, I can't help but want to bite those lips so you won't have anything to bite on" He pinches her cheeks and leads her into the car. Daisy obediently complied, face flushed at his words.She smiles even more at the realization he just called her cute for the first time since they got married.Could this be her imagination or is it all real? She wonders, her eyes follow his every movement as he enters the car and closes the door."
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"Mom, Dad, we are here" Dave announces and places the bags on the table.Mr Milton was sitting in his favourite corner reading the newsletter and as soon as he heard Dave, he turned around."Alone? I specifically told you to come with your wife" he grumbles.Dave throws him a glare, "Why not hold your wife and let mine be? It's not like I am always demanding to see your wife" he complains and walks to where his father is."That's because you choose not to ask, and I never stopped you from asking." Mr Milton placed down the new letter."So, where is she?" He asked.Just then, Daisy walks in, "Dad!!!" She calls out feeling happy to meet him again.Mr Milton's face brightens into a smile, "and here is my daughter-in-law" he stands up, arms wide open inviting her for a hug.Daisy didn't resist, she happily threw herself into his arms."How are you doing? Hope my son is treating you well?" He asked pulling away.Daisy couldn't help but chuckle, she glanced at Dave who had a nonchalant look
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Mr Milton and Daisy walk around the guarding side feeling the fresh breeze blowing."They seem to be close" Daisy blurts.Mr Milton raises a brow, Daisy quickly explains"Dave and Britney" Mr Milton nods in response, "They have been like that since childhood, and Britney doesn't seem to understand when to stop being clingy... Dave is now a married man, not her usual big brother Dave" he let out a heavy sigh."He doesn't seem to have a problem about it" Daisy states the fact."That's exactly my problem, I fear she feels more than she should and Dave doesn't have the time to think about it" Daisy presses her lips into a thin line, she feels guilty for making him overthink. She looked ahead and saw the swing"Bet that was Dave's favourite spot when he was young" she points out.Mr Milton smiles, "Not actually, Dave in his young age hated anything that would get him stressed out" Daisy frowns, "What then was he doing? " She asked." Sit in his room and play videogames all day long" A l
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why can't I?
"Why can't I do it? It's not like you are getting it from somewhere" Britney blurts with no iota of embarrassment."You are not my wife!" Dave yells over his voice."And so? I am not but that doesn't mean I can't" She takes a step closer"Can't you see Dave? How dump will you be and how much do I have to do to make you see that I love you?" She demands. Dave remains quiet."Every time it's always about her, you won't let me have a brief moment of talk without talking about her. Is it that important that you are unwilling to look at what is right beside you? " She takes the spot next to Dave."I have been with you, since childhood and I have never stopped loving you. Yet, you choose to love a girl you have never met and will never meet""Watch your tongue!" Dave is pissed by how much she rants nonsense. "Why should I? How can I watch you daydream about a random girl while I stand and do nothing?" She yells."I love you, Dave, I have always done" She reached for him and was about to k
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I always give you the best
"Mr Smith, what a surprise to have you in my home," Mr Milton said and helped his wife to sit and he took his next to her.Mr Smith's gaze never left Mrs Milton's face, he smiled and turned to Me Milton, "I couldn't stop myself from coming knowing I could at least have a glance of my beautiful daughter" he said but his gaze was on Mrs Milton.Mr Milton glanced at Daisy with a smile, "you have a jewel for a daughter, a rear one at that" he praised.Mr Smith nods, "I always give you the best" Mr Milton nods in agreement, "Yeah, you always do" he turns to his wife with a loss of love in his eyes. He can clearly remember Me Smith was the one who helped him talk to her.And now, look at where they are... They are now married happily."I thought to come by since I'm quite free today, for further discussion" Mr Smith begins.Mr Milton nods, "That's a pretty good idea," he turns to Daisy, "Child, please get us some drinks and snacks" Daisy nods and excuses herself. Britney follows her into
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I'll come with you
"Mum?" She mutters out but is quick to close her mouth with her hands stopping herself from making any more sound.She reaches for her phone and switches it on, opens it to Camara and quickly takes the scene that was playing before her.She quickly ran into hiding when she saw Mr Smith heading towards the door.Mr Smith walks out of the room, all dressed and ok. He heads back to the living while Mrs Milton grabs her things and rushes out of the room heading to her room.Britney comes out of the hiding when she's sure there were gone. A smile appears on her lips, she glances down at her phone and heads to her room.Downstairs, Daisy had long served them their drinks. She was still standing, the moment she saw her dad climbing down the stairs, she turned and made her way outside the mansion.Mr Smith walks and takes his sits next to his wife."You took quite a while" Mr Milton points out."I thought I needed to pee but I guessed I was wrong" Mr Smith jokes.Mr Milton chuckles, nodding i
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i hate my life
Daisy wanders down the lonely street heading to a place only she can tell. She walked and only stopped when she was in front of a family building, the building she'd come to love.Her gaze travels up the building, and tears roll down her face as the unspoken words are left hanging in her throat. She wipes away her tears, braces herself up walks into the buildingShe later appears on the rooftop, it is the same place she always visits whenever she is feeling confused and broken."Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" She yells out loud in pain, her legs grow numb and she falls on the floor, completely tired of everything."I don't want it, anymore... Take it away" she said in between her sobs."Take all the pain, those things that hurt me the most... Those selfish desires" she continues in tears.She hates herself for wanting those things that will never be hers, she hates herself for hoping things will fall into place they never do in the end"I hate my life, take it away so I won't have to face this an
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