All Chapters of The Alpha Games: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
157 Chapters
Chapter 91 - Growing trust
Maddie faded in and out of awareness as they travelled. Michael coaxed her along, caring for her as they made their way back to Silver Moon. They stopped more often than they needed to, giving them both a chance to recover. He had stashed a bag of supplies a short way from the Wild Shore territory and set up a small camp for them when they were far enough away that the chances of the enemy finding them were slim. They got some clothes, ate some ration bars, drank water and Michael cleaned up his wound. Maddie sat close to the fire and watched him stitch the gash in his shoulder, her own hands still trembling too much to help. Instead, she turned her eyes to the flame, loosing herself to their dance. At some point, her mate had wrapped an arm around her and cuddled close but, by then, the sun was starting to rise. Neither of them had got a wink of sleep, and exhaustion weighed her down as they continued on their journey home.Michael stayed close, holding her hand when he could and br
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Chapter 92 - Friendly visit
Maddie parted with Michael at the packhouse, leaving him to talk to her father and their combined forces. Though she wanted to be a part of the team, hearing everything her mate had learned about the enemy so far and planning the next moves to counterattack, she had a promise to keep. Her throat was thick as she walked the familiar halls of the pack hospital. There was more movement around her than she expected. There had been a few minor injuries from the faux attack, but it was odd to see Dark Night and Silver Moon wolves recovering side by side under one roof. It gave her hope that her father’s trust was extending to the rest of the pack. It gave her hope that the future she envisioned at her mate's side would come to fruition. Her father had told her where she needed to go but, now that she had arrived, she couldn’t take the last step into the hospital room that Jess was in. Not only did she have to face what Daniel had done to her, but she also had to share what had happened to
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Chapter 93 - No wolf left behind
Michael POV - The office was loud with discussions. Everyone had something to say, and they weren't shy about airing their doubts. However, Michael shared a look with his wolves, keeping them silent as the Silver Moon warriors processed everything they had just heard. He understood. It must be hard to hear their beliefs about one of the most traumatic attacks on their pack were all wrong, and the wolves they hated because of it were innocent. He was under no illusion that all their history would be forgiven and forgotten by one simple conversation, but he needed everyone to put their doubts aside, accept their new comradery and work together to start fighting back. Alpha Jonathan wrangled his upper ranked wolves, while Michael sent looks to any of the Dark Night warriors who looked like they were about to speak out. His wolves’ anger was justified too. With Silver Moon turning their backs on the alliance sixteen years ago, all their other allies did too, leaving Dark Night to
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Chapter 94 - Evening walk
Michael POV - Madeline’s soft breaths were slow and rhythmic. They soothed Michael as he sat at her bedside, keeping watch over his mate as she slept. He knew he should get some sleep too, it had been two days since he last rested, but with the decision made to attack Wild Shore the next day, he wanted ever spare moment to be spent with her. Erik was beside him, his gaze fixed to Jess. Where Michael relaxed with his mate’s breath, Erik watched the rise and fall of Jess’ chest as if any hitch in it would make him snap. After almost watching her die, Michael couldn’t blame his friend. If he had seen Madeline bleeding out, death’s cold hand reaching for her, he too would obsess over her every breath. It was hard enough that she had been taken from him and he’d soon be leaving her again, entrusting her safety to the pack that almost lost her the first time. He felt more at ease knowing Erik would be staying on the Silver Moon territory whilst they enacted their plans. Erik didn’t wa
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Chapter 95 - Searching for Lewis
Michael POV - It was less than two days ago when Michael was lying in the exact same spot overlooking the Wild Shore pack, however now he wasn’t alone. Three other wolves were behind him, waiting for his signal, while the rest of his force was being led by Beta Rowan and spreading around the perimeter of the territory, keeping out of sight. The Wild Shore wolves seemed more alert tonight than a couple of days ago. Maybe it was their breach or maybe they had an inkling that an attack was coming. Michael hoped they hadn’t completed their preparations yet. Defending in your home territory was always a tactical advantage,. Their opportunity came in the surprise attack. The other team should already be in the thick of their task. Connor left Silver Moon last night with his group of wolves, headed for Dark Night. The situation at his home pack was too urgent to put off supplying their support, and they hoped they could get there before Red Dawn could launch the suspected retaliation a
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Chapter 96 - Arrival at the docks
Maddie POV - “Would you just sit down.” Jess grumbled from the bed, where she had been watching Maddie pace back and forth across her room for the past thirty minutes. “I will in a minute.” She promised, though she had said the same five minutes earlier. Maddie couldn’t help it. She was jittery, nervous energy fuelling every step and she felt like she’d scream if she stayed still. She understood why she couldn’t go with the teams to find Lewis at Wild Shore or protect Dark Night, but somehow staying in the safety of her home just felt wrong. Her mate was out there, facing her enemies, saving her friends, and she couldn’t do anything but wait. It was torture, wondering if he was okay, if they had found Lewis, if he’d be home soon. It curled something black and sticky in her gut, the vile feeling growing and poisoning her confidence every hour that ticked by. “Come on, you’re making my stab wound hurt.” Maddie stopped and stared at her friend, who was now pouting and crad
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Chapter 97 - Scrawled note
Maddie POV - The night had completely swallowed her territory by the time Maddie made it to the Alpha’s office. He had called her to come and see him once his orders to settle the Dark Night wolves had been completed, a role she took over in his absence. It was hours after the first boat had docked that she felt happy enough to leave the remaining work for the morning, allowing all her wolves to get some rest. With how many had come to Silver Moon, looking for refuge, it would be weeks before they all had a proper place to stay each night. The pack hospital was full, as was the packhouse, but most had to sleep under the stars until they could ask the Silver Moon wolves to open their homes the next day. The chair beneath her groaned as she slumped into it, or maybe it was her bones. She still wasn’t fully recovered from being kidnapped by Daniel, and fatigue was burying itself in her body. She wondered if it would permanently take up residence if she ignored it any longer, leavin
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Chapter 98 - Negotiations
Maddie POV - It wasn’t long before any shock Maddie had over her situation melted into rage. Dark Night had fallen, she had hundreds of refugees to care for, her friend was missing, and someone had taken her mate. The chilly breeze could do nothing to quell the anger bubbling beneath the surface as the midday sun loomed down upon her, its light spilling into the large clearing of the forest. They were deep into the mainland, far away from their allies and everyone around her was alert. As if she knew exactly where the enemy would appear from, she glared between the trees before her, watching the shadows for the first signs of a presence. With Beta Rowan, Beta Connor and Erik at her side, she bristled with confidence, knowing whatever happened she had them protecting her back. She stood at the front of them, clad in her leather bodice and training gear. Her hair was braided back, and she kept a tight reign of her pheromones, which wanted to slip free and instigate a fight. The
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Chapter 99 - Limited options
Maddie POV - “Calm down, little Luna.” Inga chuckled. Maddie’s temper had flared the moment she saw Michael restrained between two Grey Stone wolves. Her composure cracked like a shell, eyes burning, hands clenched at her sides. She turned her gaze on the Beta, wondering what the odds were of all five of them surviving if she attacked. “There’s no need for aggression. As soon as our negotiations are over, you can have him back.” “Even if you don’t get the outcome you want?” Maddie challenged, a sharp bite to her words. “Sure.” Inga shrugged. “But only one outcome ensures you, him and your packs get to live a long happy life. Unless you want everyone you love to die at war?” She bristled, not inclined to give anything to the woman or her pack, but with Michael in her clutches and being far outnumbered, her options were limited. “Talk.” She demanded. Inga smiled and began walking up and down, as if she was addressing Maddie and the three allies at her side. “You’re all in q
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Chapter 100 - Bad news
Nala POV - A sharp pain rang across her skull, as her head smacked against the floor, but Nala only allowed a grunt to leave her lips. She didn’t have long to recover before she was yanked back to her feet at the Gamma’s order. She was left wobbling, and blinking her vision back into focus, but she put up a messy guard anyway, knowing the next blow would only come harder if she didn’t. Nala tensed, waiting. The next strike came to her stomach, forcing the air from her lungs and sending her stumbling backwards. She kept her feet beneath her, and mistakenly let a victorious smirk cross her lips. In a blur of movement, another fist came for her face, cracking across her jaw and sending her back to the floor. A satisfied grunt echoed from somewhere above her, signalling the end, and Nala wheezed her relief. She was still recovering from the survival trial. Daniel, and his arsehole lackies, had beaten her within an inch of her life two weeks ago, and spending the last four days ba
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