All Chapters of The Alpha Games: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
157 Chapters
Chapter 31 - Eighth place
Every step hurt, each breath was a wheeze, and, every moment, Maddie had to resist the urge to look over her shoulder. She was certain she would see the Golden Claw warrior hot on her heels and ready to steal her place in the next round. Her muscles were burning, threatening each step to be her last, but they kept her going down the southern side of the island and across the beach. Hope clenched in her chest as her feet touched grass again and she began the final climb to the finish line. The end was in sight and so was her victory. It burst with renewed strength in her heart, flooding her veins with the energy to keep going. A grin spread across her lips, daring to believe the chance Jess had given her had paid off and that she was about to cross the finish line as the last contestant to pass the speed trial. It was really going to happen. She was going to do it and survive another day of the Alpha Games, and be one step closer to freedom. As the first sprinkling of Silver Moon w
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Chapter 32 - The results
The roar that lifted from the crowd was deafening. It vibrated through Maddie’s bones, filling her with the support of her packmates. Lewis was the first to pull her into a crushing hug and she couldn’t help but laugh. Relief swelled in her. She had truly done it. She had made through the speed trial. Yes, with a lot of help from Jess and only by the skin of her teeth, but she had done it all the same. As her father listed the other successful wolves, most of the crowd weren’t listening. She was passed between them; being pulled into hugs, her hand being shaken, her cheeks being pinched. It was a whirl wind of faces and smiles, and she was lost in the excitement, letting it swirl within her. Maddie was on cloud 9. The adrenaline of the final lap was finally burning off, leaving her with a heady exhaustion. She only just managed to hear the placing of the other wolves. Surprisingly, Lewis didn’t come first like she expected he would. That place was awarded to the Grey Stone wolf, wh
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Chapter 33 - Slipping control
“Goddess, you owe me big time.” Jess groaned. Maddie agreed, though she couldn’t quite understand her friend’s constant grumbling. Not with her feet resting on her man’s lap while he massaged them and cooed at her. It was sickening to watch, and Maddie had to wonder how Jess had managed to wrap the warrior around her finger so soon. Erik didn’t seem to mind. He looked at Jess with a warmth in his eyes that was sweet to see. Every time she saw it, Jess flushed, and Maddie couldn’t help but smile at the pair. However, when Jess complained about her aching feet, Maddie wanted to thump her. She had pushed herself hard the day before, and the blisters on her feet were a testament to her efforts. A day on, a hot bath and twelve hours of sleep later, and they still hummed their discomfort like she was constantly walking over a bed of nettles. She was certain her feet were in a worse condition but, unlike her moaning counterpart, they weren’t getting the same loving treatment. She had
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Chapter 34 - Murder
As the tang of blood began to thicken the air, Maddie’s stomach dropped. She picked up the pace, now drawn to swell of noise coming from a couple of streets over. Her feet slapped on the paved ground, the cold night air whipping past her face, her breath blowing like steam from her lips. Her speed was as frantic as her heart, her only comfort was knowing Michael was beside her, keeping pace. She wasn’t alone. She had never heard a noise like that in the streets of Silver Moon. Only once before she had heard a shout so full of pain and terror, but her father had kept her shielded from the horror that had caused it that night. He wasn’t there to protect her now, though she couldn’t help but feel like a young pup again, fear pounding through her veins as she trawled her memory to place the voice and pray that whoever it was was okay. When Maddie turned the last corner, she saw a growing crowd of wolves all standing at the entrance to an alley. Gasps and small shouts rose from them,
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Chapter 35 - Announcement
Maddie cast her gaze along the breakfast table, eyeing each of the contestants. There was a tension riddled between everyone that morning, suspicious glances thrown left, right and centre as they ate in uncomfortable silence. Even Ryan and Mark kept their mouths shut. The uneasy truth was that one among them was a murderer, who had stabbed the Grey Stone warrior the night before and left as he bled out. The death was messy and dishonourable, and someone among them was capable of doing such a thing. There were only two wolves at that table that she knew to be innocent; Lewis and Michael. That left four others as suspects, if Lewis was right that one of the contestants was responsible. It made sense, but Maddie was struggling to see a murderer among them. Yes, Daniel was an arsehole who enjoyed messing with her, but he also placed in the top three for the speed trial and was one of the strongest contenders to win the games. His two lackeys were another option, but with Red Dawn hav
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Chapter 36 - Blind accusations
When Maddie stormed past the warriors on the stairway of the packhouse, she knew her father would be ready for her arrival. As expected, the door to his office had been left open and she unceremoniously marched into the room, slamming the door closed behind her. The unease in her chest had grown with every step. Her father was supposed to be investigating the murder of the Grey Stone contestant, not throwing accusations at innocent wolves. “Michael didn’t do it.” She slammed her hands down on his desk, demanding his attention. Her father peered at her over his glasses. With papers in hand, he looked as if he had been working in that office all morning, and she was disturbing him, not that he had only arrived minutes before her. “Madeline, please not now. I have much to do.” He peeled off his glasses and rubbed at his eyes. The exhaustion there almost made her back down but giving him some clarity on the Dark Night heir should take one suspect off his list, narrowing his work.
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Chapter 37 - Harsh decision
It was strange how being pissed off can make training go so much better. Maddie was reaping the benefits of her mood, pushing herself much farther than she usually did in sessions. She could feel the sweet burn in her muscles, but their ache just coaxed her to continue. She wanted to keep going until her body was numb, then maybe her mind would follow and relinquish its hold on the anger swirling within it. A calming bath didn’t work, a long walk along the cliffs didn’t work, a swim didn’t work. The only thing that touched the edges of her annoyance was pushing herself to the brink of exhaustion. “Maddie.” A voice called from the edge of the field. She tensed but ignored it, continuing with her push ups, despite the deep ache in her arms and core. “Maddie, stop and talk to me.” She only answered because he was coming closer, and she needed to stop for a breather. “I’m trying to train.” She glared at Lewis, eyes narrowing at his approach. “You can’t be here for that. Alpha’s orders
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Chapter 38 - Sneaking around
The afternoon was already drawing to a close, but Maddie didn’t stop training. If anything, having Lewis come and talk to her gave her the rage energy for another few hours of hard work. Her only issue was not knowing what to do. The intensity of her usual training, the training her father had taught her to follow, was quite low. It was just enough to keep herself fit and safe, but wasn't enough for the games. She had never trained with the intention of beating warriors before and becoming the Alpha had never even been an option to consider. Each training session with the Silver Moon warriors made her amateur level crystal clear. No matter how hard she tried, she still couldn’t keep up with the modified exercises. Maddie decided to copy some of the harder drills Beta Rowan had given them, trying to work on her stamina and the execution of each one. However, she didn’t know how to progress. She was already struggling to do a full set of each exercise and she knew that there was no ch
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Chapter 39 - Trust
Michael’s breath brushed across her ear in a sweet caress that made her melt. The tension ebbed from her body for the briefest moment before Maddie snapped out of it and scrambled away from him. A violent heat pooled into her cheeks, almost illuminating the encroaching night. “F-Following you? Of course not.” She fumbled, managing a strained laugh. The edges of the Dark Night heir’s lips curled. Amusement danced in his eyes as he folded his arms and leaned against the wall. Maddie tried to not squirm under his gaze or let her own explore the tight bulges of his biceps. “Then, what are you doing all the way out here?” Indignation straightened her spine. “I could ask you the same.” She huffed and she folded her arms. The chuckle that slipped past his lips made her soften. “You know, if it wasn’t for your awful stealth skills, I might actually believe this was a coincidence.” “It is a coincidence.” She insisted, but the words sounded false even to her. Maddie twisted her lips
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Chapter 40 - Control
The moment the words left his lips, Michael’s presence slipped away. As if it was on his side, the wind blew into her face, carrying away any hope of catching his scent, while any sound he had been making melted away. Maddie frowned and slowed her breathing. She piqued her ears, listening for any sign of him, but, for the silence around her, she could’ve been alone. The thought relaxed her. Her favourite place was the cliff side, enjoying the solitude while breathing in her home and letting it calm her spirit. However, she knew she wasn’t alone. A thrill flashed down her spine. She knew it was only Michael, but his null presence crept across her bare arms, drawing goosebumps over her flesh. Her breathing cut through the quiet, its rhythm unsteady and climbing as she waited for him to reappear. Each breath she took rustled the cloth of her top, and she was certain her heartbeat was loud enough for him to hear over the waves below. “Isn’t it cheating to have me close my eyes when
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