All Chapters of The Alpha Games: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
157 Chapters
Chapter 61 - Uncertainty
“Madeline.” Her father spoke without lifting his head from his work as she walked into his office. There was an unusual chill to the room that sent a shudder down her spine. Maddie peered around but there was nothing noticeably different. The bookcases appeared untouched, as did her mother’s desk on the far side of the office, and, as usual, her father was behind his desk, with a stack of papers before him. Maybe it was just apprehension making itself known as she stood before the Alpha, her mind a mess of thoughts wondering what words would make him listen. “Did you visit my office after the trial?” He asked. That wasn’t a question Maddie expected and she frowned. “No. Jess helped me to my room where I passed out for the rest of the day. Why?” “It smelled heavily of the sea after the trial.” “You think someone covered their scent then came in? Was anything missing?” She peered around again, catching sight of the valuable items that hadn’t disappeared. “No. Nothing obvi
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Chapter 62 - The Strategy Trial
There was less fanfare at the start of the Strategy trial compared to the previous Games. Maddie didn’t know if it was because the Alpha had advised the Silver Moon wolves to be wary of the battle ahead, making them stay inside, or if the urgency to push the trials on was making them lose their prestige, but it made the whole event feel lacklustre. So far, since the trial started, Maddie had only spoken to Jess and one other wolf, and that was to secure her base for the game. Joe was happy to let her use his bar, though he had the condition that she’d have to pay for any damages. The building was made to handle drunk wolves, so she was confident in its structure, and if anyone came to take her flag, she’d take the fight outside. It wouldn’t get to that though, not with the plan they had. Her and Jess sat around their usual table, the flag they had to protect sitting between them. Though she kept her ears pricked for any sign of another wolf approaching, after an hour of silence, her
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Chapter 63 - Betrayed
Michael POV - “It wasn’t funny.” Michael grunted. His arms were folded tight across his chest, eyes glaring into Erik, but the Mountain Forest warrior was too used to his attempts to intimidate and brushed it off. “It was kinda funny.” He snorted, then pitched his voice higher. “I know you don’t know each other, but we all have a common enemy.” He laughed again. “What were the chances? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the pair of you were in cahoots.” It was the first time since the trial was announced that him and Erik had been alone, and the first thing his friend had done was laugh it up about their situation. Michael didn’t see the funny side. He just saw another way Maddie was going to get hurt when she realised the truth. Whether it was ignorance or a coping mechanism, Erik didn’t have the same concern about Jess finding out. They were about an hour into the strategy trial, and already Michael was losing his patience. As an extra defensive step, him and Erik had shift
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Chapter 64 - Broken loyalty
Maddie raced ahead of Erik and Jess as she returned to the centre of the Silver Moon territory where the trial had started and now concluded. She held her flag safe and tight in her hand, wondering who was out of the game. If they had followed the plan, then Daniel’s flag would’ve been taken, but Michael said the plan had changed without giving Erik a reason why. Had he been attacked? Or maybe he had decided to attack Lewis? Maddie didn’t know and that uncertainty crawled over her skin, making her pick up the pace. She tried to mindlink Lewis but he pushed away the connection, making her unease grow. Three wolves were already waiting as she ran up to meet them; Michael, Lewis and Ryan. What was he doing with them? Daniel had chosen Mark to be his supporting wolf. She cast him a frown, unnerved when he smiled back, and headed over to Michael. When he turned to greet her, a rush of breath passed her lips at the sight of the flag in his hand. He had made it. Then, she turned to Lewis, t
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Chapter 65 - Enough for now
The mirror showed her all the bruising over her shoulder. It was a mottled pattern of purples and green, unsightly for any party let alone a ball when she was one of the three wolves being honoured. At the centre of it all was the jagged scar that curved over the arch of her shoulder and disappeared behind her. Maddie eyed it and rolled the joint, testing its movement. The pain was almost gone, leaving her with a simple stiffness that she would gladly put up with.    &nb
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Chapter 66 - Connor
Michael POV - It was difficult to remain still under so many disapproving glares. He had faced down masses of rouges attacking his home without hesitation and yet the formalities of the ball were a different challenge altogether. It soured his good mood, but he tried to not let it show on his face despite the unfiltered horror being thrown his way. Michael was surprised that so many of the wolves passing into the grand hall recognised him. Of course, the Silver Moon wolves were aware of him, but the guests who had been invited to celebrate the final three contestants and watch the finals wouldn’t have seen him since he was a pup, if at all. He had changed a lot since then. He supposed word of his entry into the Games had spread, and his dark features and large form made identifying him quite easy. He smiled, though it only felt genuine when he saw his friends in the crowd. Representative of Mountain Forest had come at Erik’s invitation. Some would stay while others would likely
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Chapter 67 - Advantage
Maddie stood between Daniel and Michael at the entrance to the grand hall. Every wolf in there was staring at the three of them, scrutinising them, judging whether they deserved their place in the Alpha Games. Her father stood a short way before them, announcing them to the Silver Moon wolves and invited guests, stirring a story of the challenges they had weathered so far and the one to come. Between two warriors, who would become Alphas of their own packs should they be unsuccessful, Maddie felt out of place, but she didn’t let the feeling show. She stood strong under the critical looks, knowing she had earned her place in the final. The grand hall had been decorated with the colours of their packs, a blend that worked strikingly well. The red and black clashed in a war of dominance, while her silver spun between them, lifting the colours and making the hall gleam. It was beautiful but it paled in comparison to the decoration they would see next week when they’d be announcing the d
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Chapter 68 - Watchful eyes
Michael’s POV - The party slowly relaxed as the night continued. The older, stiffer wolves had retired for the evening leaving the younger wolves to enjoy themselves. Michael felt the gradual release of tension as watchful eyes slipped away, until only those unbothered by his presence remained. Aside from his time in his room, it was the most relaxed he had felt on the Silver Moon territory yet. Soon, the younger wolves gained control over the music and the bar, pushing tables and chairs out of the way to form a space. Alcohol flowed, the hall filled with laughter, and everyone danced. “Silver Moon sure does throw a good party.” Connor grinned, his eyes trailing between the women around them. With the soft giggles that responded to his flirty winks, Michael didn’t doubt that his brother would find some company for the evening, but he only had eyes for one woman in the room. He parted from Madeline to avoid suspicion of their relationship and to catch up with his brother, bu
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Chapter 69 - shared passion
As soon as they were across the threshold of his bedroom, Michael closed the door and pulled Maddie to him. Maybe it was the alcohol stealing her inhibitions or trusting he would catch her, but she jumped into his arms. Her legs snapped around his waist, anchoring her to him as she finally claimed his lips. She had wanted to do so since she saw him waiting at the bottom of the stairs, looking like a delicious dish she couldn’t wait to taste. Now her lips tingled with the joy of their kiss sending a shimmer of pleasure through her body. Large hands wrapped around her, their hold possessive as the Alpha smoothed his palms down her legs, groping the flesh of her thighs. Her dress had never felt more restrictive than in that moment as she pushed her chest to his, aching to feel the bristle of his chest hair tickle her skin or the warmth of his hand as it gripped her arse and ground her closer. Maddie twisted her fingers into his dark locks, her kisses frantic as her tongue slipped betwee
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Chapter 70 - Mine
Michael POV - His body thrummed as he held it above her on the bed. His cock was pressed into her thigh and a simple shift of his hips would line him to her pussy and allow him to bury himself inside her, however he refrained from doing so. He could still feel the heat of her mouth wrapped around his cock. If he hadn’t had stopped her when he did, he would have cum there and then. He didn’t want that. He wanted to take his time with her, after all, she might not allow him to touch her again after tomorrow. Michael pushed the thought from his mind and focused on the gorgeous woman beneath him. A gentle flush caressed her cheek, and he brushed his fingers against it, allowing himself to indulge in the moment, to indulge in their connection, without feeling selfish. He followed his fingers with a sweet kiss, slowing down their passion. Madeline responded to him exquisitely, wrapping her arms around him and drawing him into a deep, slow kiss that made him melt. It was almost enough
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