All Chapters of Alpha Chester's Obsession: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
76 Chapters
Chapter 21
Alpha Chester's POV"You betrayed the trust of a member of the Council, Alpha!" Elder Lyall raised his voice. "You promised to take my daughter's hand in marriage, and then you turned back to tell me you were picking her instead!" He pointed in Nora's direction.The sheer refusal to directly address Nora put my heart in an angry frenzy, but I tried to hold back my rage.Instead I raised my voice slightly, making sure that everyone in the room heard every single one of my words. "Elder Lyall, you and I both know that our union was forged for the sake of our pack, and it was nothing more than a calculated move on your side to strengthen your family's standing. You wanted your daughter to marry an Alpha so your family can get the respect and adulation you so desperately crave for, is that not so?"Elder Lyall opened his mouth to speak, but I shut him up by continuing. "You did not care about the feelings of Alina, nor did you care about Nora. You never liked me, Elder Lyall. I saw throug
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Chapter 22
NORA'S POV...I took a deep breath, my fingers interlocked with Lily's as I walked out. It felt as though with every step I took, my heart beat even faster.As we approached the grand staircase, I saw a well-dressed guard patiently waiting for me, and my heart began to race. The anticipation of the ball weighed heavily on me, and a sense of unease gnawed at my insides.The guard bowed respectfully the moment we got to where he stood. "Luna," he murmured. "The Alpha instructed me to lead you to the banquet hall, where the ball will take place."I replied with a nervous "Okay," and slipped my hand into the waiting crook of his elbow. Then I allowed him to guide me down the stairs. His firm, comforting presence was oddly reassuring.The path to the banquet hall felt like a journey to an unknown destination. Doubts crept into my mind, threatening to overpower the excitement I had felt before. What if they don't accept me? What if I'm not what they expected in a Luna?How could I live the
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Chapter 23
Nora's POVThe ball continued with a lively energy that seemed to sweep through the grand hall, filling it with music, laughter, and the joyful presence of the pack members. Alpha Chester and I remained the center of attention, our fingers intertwined as we moved through the room. His hand was warm, firm, and reassuring in mine, and I clung to it, finding comfort in his unwavering support.As I gazed upon the elated faces of our pack members, my heart was filled with a bittersweet mix of emotions. The sense of happiness that surrounded me was undeniable, but a cloud of uncertainty still lingered in my mind.At first the excitement and cheer coming from the pack members made me feel happy. But as time went on, I steadily grew tired of forcing a smile on my face. Soon I started to remind myself that this was my life now, but a small nagging doubt still remained in my heart.I couldn't help but feel the weight of the rift between my sister and me. I had hoped that this new beginning as L
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Chapter 24
Nora's POV Panic gripped my heart as I fled through the dimly lit corridor, my footsteps echoing with each desperate step. Alpha Jacob's terrifying blue gaze and his suggestive words still lingered in my thoughts, and my fear increased with every passing moment. It was as if he wouldn't rest until he had what he wanted.I knew men like him; men who aimed to take advantage of every moving thing in a skirt. I had vowed never to give in to any of them, and yet here I was. In my previous life, I had tried so hard to run from all of them.In my frantic escape, I barely noticed my surroundings, and with every heartbeat, it felt as if I were being pursued. My pace quickened, and I didn't dare look back. I just had to get away from Alpha Jacob.I could only hope that he didn't have even worse intentions in store for me.But in my haste, I collided with something hard and solid, causing me to force out a gasp of surprise. My body stumbled backward, almost falling, but strong, reassuring arms
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Chapter 25
Nora's POV My footsteps pounded through the dim corridors, echoes of my racing heart and fearful thoughts. I didn't dare look back, fearing that whoever my assailant was might be in pursuit. The urgency of escaping his clutches was all that consumed my mind.I had to put that dark, eerie room as far away from me as possible.My best guess was that the mysterious assailant had been Alpha Jacob, but his voice had sounded different—raspy and almost reptilian, unlike the deep and seductive tones I remembered from the balcony incident. Could it have been a ruse, an attempt to unnerve me? Was it truly Alpha Jacob or just someone else?The noise of clinking cutlery and murmuring people grew louder and louder as I ran towards the Great Dining Hall. It seemed like a ready escape from the shadows that lurked behind me, ready ti swallow me up.I had to get there so I could find some solace in other people, so I could immerse myself in the excitement of others.After what seemed like an eternity
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Chapter 26
Alpha Chester's POV The maid's sobs filled the room, each plea for forgiveness trembling in the air like a haunting song. She knelt there on the floor, tears streaming down her face, and I could almost see the weight of her actions pressing heavily upon her. "Please, Alpha," she repeated, her voice quivering. "I cannot eat from it, please!"My anger lay in wait beneath the surface, like a coiled serpent ready to strike. I tried to keep a straight, unbothered face as I stared down at her, but it was hard; so hard. The food was most definitely poisoned, and the fact that this maid had the audacity to serve my mate and my Luna a plate of tainted food was too much."There is nothing in the food, I swear on the Goddess!" The maid wailed, swiping at her face."Well, well." I muttered, smiling viciously. "It seems you are already trying to convict yourself even without my involvement. Did I say anything bad was inside the food? I only asked you to eat it, did I not?"Her lips trembled as s
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Chapter 27
Nora's POV.The room fell eerily silent as I turned my gaze towards the lifeless figure on the floor. The once trembling maid now lay in a pool of her own blood. My heart raced, and I couldn't look away from the gruesome sight. Blood had splattered across the tiled floor and had now stained my golden dress.My beautiful, beautiful golden dress.The one thing that had made me feel finally comfortable about this new life.I would never wear it again.The happiness I had felt while wearing the dress was gone forever. Just like the excitement that had once permeated the air inside this very hall.The blood made the dress cling to my ankles, its warmth on my skin sending shivers down my spine. Avert my eyes though I might, the vivid image of the girl's lifeless body was forever etched into my memory.I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. I knew the maid's actions were inexcusable, but I never expected Alpha Chester to take such drastic measures. I had thought he might have her arre
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Chapter 27
Alina's POVAs I watched the storm of emotions play across my father's face, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was far more to this mysterious visitor than met the eye. "What did that man come here for?" I asked again. Again, my father stayed silent.His insistence on staying mute was starting to get on my nerves. I felt as if he was hiding something big from me. Did it have to do with Nora? Was it something else entirely?"Father, talk to me!" I insisted. I took a seat beside my father, determination burning within me. Then I leaned in, curiosity lacing my voice."Are you not going to speak, father? Who was that stranger?"But my father still remained silent, eyes closed, his brows furrowed in frustration and concern. I waited for long minutes for his response, for a sign that he had heard all my questions. Meanwhile, wave after wave of questions ran through my head. Was my father slowly running mad? What was on his mind?Finally, his words tumbled out, laden with bitterness a
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Chapter 29
Nora's POVI kept looking down at my wrist, seeing the evidence of the bruising. My mind flashed back to the struggle with the strange man in that dark room. The sight of his scary grip on me was playing over and over in my head in one sickening loop. I couldn't bring myself to utter the truth, to admit that a stranger had caused these marks.I remembered what Alpha Chester had done to that maid. What would he do when he found out who inflicted these wounds?Instead, I hesitated for a moment before muttering, "It doesn't matter."I tried to pull my wrist away from his hand, but Chester's grip on my wrist tightened slightly. His eyes bore into mine as he leaned in closer and growled. "Nora, tell me. Who the hell did this to you?"I swallowed hard, feeling a mix of fear and unease. His concern was unexpected, and I wasn't sure how to respond. Should I reveal the truth, or keep it hidden?I finally managed to wrest my hand from his grip, placing it protectively behind my back to avoid hi
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Chapter 30
Alina's POV"You're not Dalia." I whispered.As I opened the door and saw the person standing there, my instant reaction was one of anger. This was not the person I was expecting. This was not Dalia.Where was Dalia?Immediately the girl saw me, her eyes widened slightly. I watched as she wrung her hands and stared at me with those disgusting pale eyes. The very sight of her stirred up anger within me.I leaned out from the door frame, peering over the girl's shoulder in search of Dalia. Instead, a crying, red-haired girl blocked my path. And my anger spiralled."Get out of here!" I yelled. Then I made a move to slam the door in her face, but she quickly held onto it, preventing me from doing so. Her pale, sickly-looking fingers held on resolutely to the door, not letting go.Her pale gray eyes locked onto mine, and they were filled with pure rage and heartbreaking tears. But I didn't want to see her. I didn't know who she was, but I knew better than to provoke someone who was alread
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