All Chapters of Slaved by the Ruthless Lycan King : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
215 Chapters
Chapter 111: Dad's genes
“Of course, you two are my sons!” I exclaimed in joy, but Atticus seemed to don’t believe what I said to him. He deeply breathed out before he stared at Kairo, who had his own world while reading his book.“If we are, then where is our dad? Are you a single mother? Or Dad leaves us because he doesn’t want to be with us.” Atticus replied in a snap.I choked on my saliva as I already guessed what he would ask back. His eyes were focused on me, like he wanted me to answer his question on the spot, or perhaps he was trying to trick me into thinking that I didn’t have the chance to lie because he was attentive to me. I didn’t know what I would say to them, especially when I already told them that we shouldn’t lie to anyone.“Oh, Dad doesn’t want us? What’s wrong with us that he doesn’t want to be with his smart kids?” He added that he sounded offended and sad simultaneously."Atticus, stop assuming answers unless you hear them directly from our mother. She’s been trying to think of what sh
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Chapter 112: Visitor
“That’s not what I meant. I don’t have any intention to insult our Alpha!” Kairo denied it and looked at me like he was checking if I was truly offended, like Atticus had claimed.Atticus laughed and shook his head before he pursed his lips like he was making fun of him. What I noticed was that Atticus might always like to play with Dad, but he was observant, which was lacking in Kairo. I didn’t know if King Edward was like him, but there was a possibility he was.“Mom is hurt. I know she feels offended because I caught her sighing several times!” Atticus exclaimed.“Atticus, stop playing with your brother. Do you still want to know the truth?” I asked with a smile on my lips, and he turned around with curiosity before he nodded his head like he was saying he wanted to know more.I inhaled a deep breath and walked closer to the window near us before I turned my back to face him again. I didn’t know I would get the opportunity to tell them the truth. At first, I was planning to lie, bu
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Chapter 113: Babysitter
“A visitor? Who is it?” I asked with curiosity because, based on what I remembered, I didn’t know there was someone who would visit me without an appointment.“His name is Ashton. He’s always been with Alpha Gunner since he came here,” the man responded.Hearing Ashton’s name made me rush in excitement. After I gave birth to twins, he was the one who helped me for several months before he left Gunner’s pack all of a sudden. I felt bad and sad when I heard that news because whenever I missed King Edward, it was Ashton who always went on me, so I would stop crying over small things.“Where is he?”“He’s waiting at the entrance of our pack.”“Usher him to my office. He’s my friend of mine.” I ordered. Ashton didn’t have the chance to see Atticus and Kairo. Since they were three and had a lot of resemblance, I didn’t think it was a good idea to let them meet first. I didn’t want them to think that Ashton was their father!As I went through my office, I saw Ashton standing at the front of
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Chapter 114: Old
“Alpha, you ask for my presence.” Wayne talked behind my back as I was staring at the wall. I watched Ashton leave my pack with the protection of the guards I had been assigned. I heard his heavy footsteps. He was going towards me and stopped near me. “What’s the matter, Alpha Ashianna?”“I will search for Atticus and Kairo’s babysitter. Since I will reveal my identity to our community, I want to ensure their safety.” I said it with an authoritative tone. My eyes were filled with gloom and sorrow, as I trusted Wayne so much.I didn’t know how Ashton had found out that Wayne was secretly communicating with Gunner, but it was alarming for me. I recalled that my father trusted someone, his best friend, who became the Beta of this pack, but he got betrayed. I wouldn’t let my children suffer like I did.Protecting the werewolf community was part of my job, but that didn’t change the fact that I was their mother. I didn’t mind facing death just for them. Kairo and Atticus were the reasons w
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Chapter 115: Curtain
“Really? It saddens me to think we will get old, Kairo! I don’t want to be like Grandpa!” Atticus exclaimed and turned his head to face my father, who was complaining about how his two grandchildren kept messing with him. Ashton watched Atticus run fast towards the tree and attempt to climb, but he failed. He wailed as he complained about how the guard had the ability to go to the top of the tree while he couldn’t. “Atticus, I’m old, but I can climb the tree!” My father bragged, making him receive a harsh smack from my mother. My father got Atticus’ attention, which made him rush towards my father and jump with excitement. “Really? Grandpa, being old is fine for me. Can you help me?”Atticus sweetly whispered, his eyes sparkling, begging my father to teach him how to climb the tree. “Atticus, it’s not safe to climb the tree. There’s a chance you will get hurt and might lose your feet if you do it!” Kairo severely said, glaring at his twin brother as if he disliked what Atticus had
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Chapter 116: Age Gap
“Alpha, you don't need to ask me because I will do anything for their sake. I'm willing to risk my life so they will be safe.” Ashton said it with conviction and honesty. Surely, I already knew Ashton wanted to join me to ensure peace between the Lycans and werewolves. I actually realized what my father had said to me before I was declared the new Alpha of our pack. He already warned me that some of the werewolves disliked the idea of being connected with the Lycans. Since Atticus and Kairo were mixed breeds, they were living proof that Lycans could be with werewolves.“Ashton, I still want you to be safe. You're my friend; you're important to me.” I informed him. Ashton's eyes flickered. He looked at me with disbelief, but I noticed strange emotions in his eyes. I didn't know if he was sad or happy after he heard my words.“Alpha, you don't need to trust me because I don't want you to be hurt and disappointed in me.” Ashton whispered those words. My forehead creased, confused becaus
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End of Book 1
My continued sobbing shook her head in disbelief, like she couldn't believe the possibility she might get pregnant. I couldn’t understand why she acted like she was scared, but to ensure, I suggested to them that they go to the pack hospital first since we were still early.“Thank you, honey! I know this is your day, but I appreciate you being with me to know about it.” Her lips quivered as she drank a lot of water. I wanted to tease her because it seemed my father ensured he would enjoy his retirement. I wasn’t aware she wasn't on menopause, perhaps because she was eighteen when she conceived me.“I understand how anxious you are, Mom. Don’t worry because me and Dad are with you.” I sweetly replied, but when I mentioned Dad, her face turned sour, like she didn’t want to see him again. I laughed hard but the excitement rushed through my veins. I would love to see her get pregnant and take care of their baby because they never experienced those things with me.“I--I’m scared. I feel l
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Chapter 117: Start
As I walked on the red carpet, King Edward didn’t avoid his eyes on me, as if he were scared to lose me from his sight. His intense gaze made my body quivered in anxiousness, but gladly, as my mother laughed, my confidence came back in me. Despite my mask covering half of my face, King Edward knew it was me because of my scent.I didn’t bother to flash a grin so they would think I was approachable; my father prohibited me from doing it because he was scared that the councils might take advantage of me because I was a woman. They didn’t have a choice but to let me lead the pack, even though they prefer a male ruler for the werewolf community.I glanced at Ashra’s designated seat; she was with Alpha James and Alpha Rex. Seeing how she wore the gown I had given her made me want to laugh. I ensured she would wear the same outfit as the curtains at the party hall. She was trembling as if she couldn’t understand why I was standing; she had the attention of everyone.The councils did their b
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Chapter 118: Laws
“Ashra, shut the fuck your mouth! What are you trying to do?” Alpha James angrily snarled, was about to pull her arms, but she flinched at his hold and glared at me. Ashra's eyes widened with fury, and her lips quivered as she stepped closer to me. Her intense gaze didn't have any impact on my body, unlike the days when she always bullied me.Unfortunately, Ashra remained the same. I was a jealous bitch who liked to be on top and get whatever I wanted. Despite how she claimed I was a loser, her insecurity towards me was evident, especially after I became higher than her.“This bitch is the concubine of the Lycan King. She's been working with him.” Ashra screamed and drank another wine, as if she were enjoying how she embarrassed me with every guest in the audience.My mother, Luna, glared at her as if she were ready to fight against her. She was overprotective towards me and might slap Ashra for humiliating me during my day.“Ashianna, stop playing. We all know where you came from. Sh
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Chapter 119: You're nothing
I never avoided my gaze to watch Ashra resisting the pack guards. She continued screaming and lost her classy posture as she kept uttering my name with resentment. Her cheeks were fuming red while she attempted to pull her hands out of the guard's hands.“She's not the Alpha Queen. Stop pulling me, you idiots!” she yelled, and her voice was heard by the whole party hall. Guests started murmuring about how Ashra was determined to disrespect me and humiliate me. My mother stepped closer to me and held my arms as if she were calming me but her touch wouldn't stop the how to ignite the turmoil of anger in my chest.“Alpha, my daughter doesn't know what she's doing. She became mentally unstable after she gave birth.” Alpha Rex rushed closer to us, worry was evident in his face even though he tried to conceal his emotion.“Please, stop her punishment. You became her sister for almost two decades,” he added, forgetting that he had a lot of needed to explain to me. How could he use that reaso
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