All Chapters of Rogue Desires: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
66 Chapters
Eleven: Sloane
Rocks dug into my knees as I dropped to the ground, but I pressed my lips together to silence the whimper of protest at the action. Still, I couldn't let anyone hear me. What I was doing was wrong and impulsive.It was the kind of decision that would make my mother's head spin around on her shoulders in rage like a possessed doll.Still, I couldn't help but picture my future mate's reaction to seeing me in this position.How many times would I have to do this in my life? Would it be daily or weekly?I dropped my hands to the ground, looking over my shoulder to ensure my feet stayed hidden as I dropped down to lay on my stomach. The large shed housing landscaping materials and tools hid me easily, as did the wall only two feet away from my shoulder on my other side.My nose twitched as the mud began to dry and itch, and I squeezed my eyes shut to fight off the sneeze that would give away my location. There was no way I was showing my face today. I would rather fight a wild bear than dea
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Twelve: Greyson
I was grateful that there weren't many people in town when I walked through. My worry and anger had me on the brink of declaring war with Sloane's pack, and standing in my way would not be wise. I knew Sloane probably just needed some sleep after I kept her up last night, but when it reached three in the morning, and she hadn't shown up, I was ready to storm her pack and demand to see her to confirm her safety myself. My mind kept going to the worst-case scenario, that her father had smelled me on her and was either trying to get her to give away my location or he was keeping her locked up. Fucking Charles McKenna. I knew in my gut that he had something to do with it. I loathed that she had any connection to him. If it wasn't him, then maybe it was me. Had I pushed her too far? Did I make her uncomfortable? I had let her lead and take what she wanted, but maybe I let things go too far. It was driving me crazy not to have any way to communicate with her after last night. Never be
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Thirteen: Sloane
The entire pack was staring. Every person we passed turned to watch with a smile, but I couldn't fake one back. My arm was looped through Ethan's as he walked me through the pack land to the private picnic my parents had the staff arrange for us to make up for yesterday.As soon as Ethan had seen me, his jaw clenched, and his eyes lit with anger. His hands were in fists at his sides, and his nostrils were flaring. His man-bun was slicked back, and his cheeks looked sunken in from how tightly he had pulled it.He had at least dressed the part with a dark pair of jeans and a button-up white shirt. I wanted to laugh when I saw it was short-sleeved and that he had left the top few buttons open, but I was too anxious about having to be alone with him to react.Our parents smiled as I dipped my head to him in respect, publicly congratulated him on his win, and apologized for the delay in our time together. I heard a few people snicker when I explained that I hadn't been feeling well, and Eth
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Fourteen: Sloane
I didn't slow as I passed the border, nor did I hesitate before diving into the pond and swimming into the cave. My goal was to get to Greyson as quickly as possible.When I broke the surface, I hesitated as I thought back to my last trip to the rogue town. It would be stupid to go from one dangerous situation to an even worse one.Still, I needed to see him, but I wasn't sure if he wanted to see me after I stood him up last night.I would have just sat there and waited for him, but the uncertainty that came from not knowing whether or not Greyson would be here tonight had me walking down the narrow and dangerous path that led under the mountain and climbing up through the hatch.The forest wasn't as dark as before since the afternoon sun had moved over the mountain to shine on the rogue town, but the trees were still dense and covered in moss, making it look darker than the forest I was used to."Wasn't expecting to see you out here." A familiar female voice called out, and I looked u
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Fifteen: Greyson
The edges of my vision were red, closing in fast as I thought about someone laying their hands on Sloane. My body shook, and I released her to grip the edge of the counter on either side of her hips. My head fell forward, and she pushed herself up on the balls of her feet and touched her forehead to mine."I'm okay! I promise!" The sound of her voice made me calm, and she placed her hands on my chest.Her denial of her father's involvement did nothing to convince me. Until I knew who did it, I would always have it in my head that it was Charles."Who did it?" My teeth were clenched together, and I could feel my beast trying to rise to the surface. He wanted blood as badly as I did. I wanted justice.Sloane sighed, and I released the counter to hold her to me, needing to feel her. My left hand grabbed her hip, and my right moved to hold the side of her head. Sloane hissed when my finger touched the back of her head.My eyes widened when I realized it wasn't just her wrist."Sloane," I g
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Sixteen: Sloane
The duvet had been kicked to the bottom of the bed during a very heated make-out session, where I had shamelessly dry-humped Greyson the entire time. He didn't seem to mind and encouraged me with his hands on my hips, pushing and pulling me back and forth until we both came from the delicious friction.After a while, we pulled apart, and I cuddled into his side with my head on his chest and his arm around me.His fingers drew circles along my skin, and I felt guilty that I hadn't gone down on him in return, but when I had tried, he told me not to. I should have been flattered when he said that if I wrapped my lips around him, he would blow sooner than he wanted, but I was disappointed that I didn't get to taste him."Freya said that you two have known each other for a while." I knew it was crazy, but the steady pumping of his heart made me feel better. Surely, if there were something romantic about their relationship, it would have sped up.My father had taught me that trick for detect
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Seventeen: Sloane
Sloane:"So, where have you been sneaking off to?" Aiden asked as he plopped down on the couch next to me in the library. His red hair looked lighter as the sun hit it through the window.Breakfast had been a tense affair. Ethan had been sitting closer to me than the morning before, and I kept reliving him slamming me up against the tree and crushing my wrist. Each forkful I brought from my plate to my mouth resulted in a glare or raised eyebrow being sent my way from him.He clearly hadn't liked what I had eaten or how fast I did so, but I wanted to fill my stomach and get out of there.Every time I looked up, I found my mother staring at me, too. The worry lines on her face were more prominent, but even when I held her stare, she refused to look away. Water would just line her eyes, and she would let out a shaky breath.She knew something. I just hoped it wasn't the truth. If she knew I had been spending my days with a rogue, let alone The Rogue Alpha, I would probably live to regret
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Eighteen: Sloane
Tatum looked uncomfortable as she glanced around the library, but Aiden quickly ushered her over the couch. She peered between me and my brother before talking a seat on the sofa a few feet away, facing us. “I’m sorry you had to hear that,” Tatum said, tucking her dark auburn hair behind her ear. Her cheeks turned pink, and I wondered if they had wanted me to hear it. She seemed nice enough, but I didn’t know if I could trust her.Over the course of the month, they would each earn points based on their placement in each challenge. They earned more points during the smaller events such as the dates they won with me or the one on one dinners they would be having each week with my family. Each event gave them the option to earn up to eight points, and the other functions could earn them up to four points. At the end of the month, the suitor with the highest score would win the games.It allowed me and my family to have a vote in who I would be forced with, but it also made it so none o
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Nineteen: Greyson
I had to press my lips together to hide my laughter when I heard Sloane stumble for the fourth time. Each time, I had to fight the instinct to turn and help her, but I knew she was strong enough to handle the climb on her own and didn't want to insult her.The bag I had packed for us was awkward and bulky but not heavy enough to slow me down. Freya had filled it with everything she thought we might like or need, but I wasn't sure what to expect tonight.Sloane had stated that she was hungry, and while I wanted to feed her, I had a destination in mind for our first date."It smells so good! Maybe if we just stop and try a bite, just a small taste…" Sloane jogged to walk next to me, and I couldn't help but smile when she grabbed my forearm with raised eyebrows and a hopeful smile on her face. She had been asking to stop for a few minutes now, but we were so close."We're almost there," I said, stopping and cupping her face as I smacked a kiss to her pouty lips. "It'll be worth it. I prom
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Twenty: Sloane
I felt like I should have been embarrassed as I rushed back to the town with Greyson hot on my heels. Yet, I wasn't.He had been incredibly patient with me thus far, letting me set the pace of our intimacy, but I was ready for more. The hesitance I had when we first started this a few days ago had been thrown right out the window. He was kind, respectful, and a little possessive… which I secretly loved.I was eager to learn and didn't want to wait anymore. I wanted to make the most out of this month and take advantage of every minute I could with him.Greyson sped up as we approached his house, and I squealed when he swooped me up into his arms and jogged the rest of the way.I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me when he dropped one of my legs and turned me so I could cling onto his front like a monkey with my legs around his waist.With each step… each breath, I felt the air around us grow hotter as we reached his front porch.Unable to wait any longer, I decided we were close en
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