All Chapters of The Luna's guardian: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
41 Chapters
An Emperor
Alicia's POV "The location of the ore mine?" Cone questioned and withered his face in bafflement "Do you mind explaining better?" he requested. "From my survey of the whole Tiger and Greenland Park issue, the ore mine was presumed to be around the Parks location, but it was nowhere to be found after a thorough search. Fortunately, the Emperor suddenly found the location which was a bit far from the location of Tiger Park's settlement. He did that after he was caught up in a situation that made the citizens of Genovia deem him a murderer. Don't you think his moves are wary? An ore mine a whole lot of armies and soldiers had tried to search for but their efforts were in vain. And suddenly he founded it?"Prince Cone doesn't seem to get my point. I couldn't lay it out so correctly and correspondingly so that he wouldn't detect that I was part of the park."You mentioned the Emperor as an illegitimate son, and also, the young Alpha of Greenland Park was very skilled. It just seems suspic
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His identity
Alicia's POV "Tell me what you told him Alicia?!" he reverberated after a few minutes of quietness. "You don't want to catch a glimpse of the worst of me. I could look over the consequences if you just disclose what you told him to me." he exhorts me to open up. "Are you scared, Your Majes…?" I snigger in amusement. "Alicia!!!" he roared, his entire body was quivering terribly. "Arnold!!!" I fired back and exchanged breathing to steady my voice. "Can't you just let me be? You have taken every reason for me to be alive, and you think I will beg you not to kill me?" I chuckled as irritation subjugated my body system. "You have done your worst a long time ago. It all makes sense now " I scoffed bitterly with my eyes brewing fire. "Every tiny piece of information isn't confirmed, but what is definite is that you snitched on our park and caused our downfall. You were the bastard behind my parent's massacre? Why don't you deny it? It was all your fault!!! Don't take too much time. Kil
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A deal with Cone
Alicia's POV"Did the present Emperor mention where he had been all the while before coming to the palace?" I inquired and at the same time made sure that I didn't mention anything that could be traced to suspect me.Maybe I should have prepared before coming.I thought. "He told us that he had been living on the street after the death of his mother. If I could recall, he said he learned his martial skill from a local martial art tutor." Cone explains. "Emperor Arnold might truly be the son of the runaway lady which makes him an illegitimate son of your father, but he was also the Alpha of Greenland Park, and had come up with the idea of attacking Genovia with the late Alpha whom I knew as his father then. He might have used the Tiger Park to cover up the plans probably after realizing that things weren't going his way after the death of his father. He never thought it would affect them, and had decided to take revenge by finding his way into the palace" I revealed and wrapped it
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Goblets of mead
Alicia's POV Princess Micah moved her head in my direction and I instantly shut my mouth "I'm sorry, your Highness" I apologized.She opened her mouth to mutter a word but I quickly fell to my knees with my hands clasped together "I don't want to go. Can you please find a way to make me escape this summoning? Please, your Highness, I beg you" I pleaded desperately. I was perturbed at the view of what would happen to me since I had shouted and walked out on Arnold earlier.It must be the reason why he called for me. "The Emperor is the one calling you. As much as I also don't want you to leave, I also don't want him to stop the little attention he spared for me which had occurred because of you. You need to go, Alicia" She persuaded me in a calm tone that got me astonished."Yes, your Highness" I answered simply and strode out of her chamber. I exhaled heavily and mustered a bit of courage. It's normal to be punished after spurting out in such a manner. I encouraged myself.My face
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Drunk with you
Alicia's POV Arnold didn't let go and I continued to jerk with hope that he would let me be. He chuckled lightly at my persistence and I stiffened in realization and stared at him. His face was already back to normal with just a light amused expression on his face. I acknowledged that the way I moved my face made it easy to stare at each other's eyes with our faces inches apart. My eyes drowned in the beauty of his eyes and I couldn't help but get carried away with my mind blocking all other thoughts. My body shivered the moment Arnold leaned in. His eyes met with mine and I couldn't help but give in to his plea when his lips touched mine. I relaxed in his touch as he caressed my waist and claimed my lips like the favorite candy he lost in the sea after concluding that he wouldn't see it again. I felt like I was the candy as he suckled gently on my lower lip. I wrapped my hand around his neck and I heard a low groan from him. He pulls me to strangle him and adjust the position of m
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A break from everything
Alicia's POV I gradually opened my eyes and directly felt emotionless at what my eyes pictured. Arnold was sucking my nipple gently like an infant. I admired his long and dark eyelashes as they were arranged and aligned beautifully. I stared at his handsome face which looked peaceful and serene. His body features were relaxed and he also had a slight smile on his face. His breathing was slow and even, and his body was completely still. I kept pushing the thought of regret off my mind. The deed has been done, and the only thing to do is to make sure that I make myself believe that whatever might have happened the night before is erased from my senses. It was a mistake, a massive moment that shouldn't have occurred. I slowly and carefully lift Arnold's muscular arm away from my waist. A displeased groan from him echoed through the room, and it made me halt my movement. After a few minutes of deliberating whether to proceed with trying to escape, I took the action of caressing his sc
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An excited Abel
Alicia's POV Mrs Delinda was reluctant as expected but she eventually offered me my food after bargaining with me "If you want the same portion as that of the others, you will have to work. It's a secret and you won't tell the Princes?" she had said. "I will never do that to the princess if you give me and Anastasia the same chores to do and we will do it together all the time" I accepted. Mrs Delinda agreed to my condition without hesitation and I was more than glad. Six days later~~~~~ The last few days were spent in a speck of freedom because I was kind of respected by the other maids rather than maltreated. What was more surprising was that Mrs Delinda served me more portions of food than the others.I had Anastasia to gist and work with even though it was just in between our surroundings. We were so comfortable with each other that during the night, we would go out to watch the moonlight and she wouldn't stop mentioning that she wished to find the one destined to be with he
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Horny Emperor
Alicia's POV I strolled into Arnold's manor with my head bent low, and my hand clasped to each other. I was sweating profusely while chanting wishes for someone to come out and tell me that my presence is not needed here anymore.I puffed out laboriously in hope when a guard suddenly halted his steps at my front. I held up my head and met an unsmiling-looking fellow. He chaperoned me to an extraordinarily designed bathroom, instead of Arnold's room. It was so beautiful that my nervousness flew away. It was probably because I thought I could still get more time before meeting Arnold, Or was I brought here to clean up? I would be glad if that is the case.I sauntered further into the luxurious and elaborate bathroom that had a large bathing pool in the middle. The floors were made of marble, and the walls were adorned with beautiful mosaics. There were mirrors, candles, and other luxurious decorations arranged accordingly. Overall, it looks like a place of comfort and relaxation as wel
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Complicated trance
Alicia's POV "You are appointed to my chamber as from today. You will do everything I ask you to without any complaint" he mutters in his usual hard tone. "Why would I refuse his supremacy in the first place? I need to get used to the surroundings" I proclaimed, and attempted to get out of the pool. He wouldn't just let go as he rushed to grasp me in his muscular arms.I pushed him so hard that he fell deep into the pool. I ignored him and climbed out of the pool. A few steps forward, I decided to wait for minutes but he didn't show any sign of coming up. I trembled, and hurriedly hopped into the pool, right on him. He was sitting in a meditating position. I had no idea when I hit him hard on the chest and he smirked. I was truly frightened. He chortled for a second and carried me out of the pool to sit at the edge of the pool. "You don't want to lose me," he muttered proudly and I rolled my eyes in irritation. "I don't see any reason for me to be terrified about your death.
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Back to senses
Alicia's POV My sensual moment with Arnold resulted in a swollen lip and sore mouth. It was an extensively pleasurable and exhausting moment together. Arnold just couldn't get enough, and I was his little mate who didn't want to risk disobeying him. One precise thing is that this wasn't how I planned my future intimate moment to be. I had pledged to myself that I would wait till after the ring was positioned on my finger I.e on our wedding night, which would be a memorable day of my life. But since the one I had thought that I would spend the rest of my life with keeps getting tricky, I couldn't hope for a memorable night. I doubt if I would be able to find someone I will love the way I loved Arnold.My commitment to myself seemed more achievable after Arnold told me that nothing extreme happened the last night we slept together. He said he had only finger-pleasure me just like he did this morning. After the alluring session, we had a hygienic bath in that same pool, and I pledged my
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