Lahat ng Kabanata ng Beginning of the end: Kabanata 61 - Kabanata 70
134 Kabanata
"WHAT?" Adriano's words left me in disbelief. He must be joking right? This ain't no place for a joke.Everyone's eyes were on me.The fear in my heart is immense. Never in my life have I been so terrified."Are you high, Adriano? Do you even understand what you are even saying. Have you completely lost your mind?" I couldn't recover from the shock that he just gave me.He looked dead serious."Well, did I warn you before. I warned you several times but I don't understand how you were living in your own little world, dreaming with your eyes open and thinking that you can even stand a chance against me? Really?" His words hurt me as they came out of his mouth."Now Emilia, unlike you we all here have a business to run. So quit wasting our time and do what Adriano says. As quickly as possible." Dante jumped in the argument.Argh, I hate this man so much. Someone teach him to shut up. Every single words that comes out of his mind makes my blood boil. Adriano can stand on the second posit
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"Thank you, for punishing me, I....I deserved it." I murmured as low as I could."Are you mad at me?" Adriano questioned me."No." Just one word answer, it's all I could speak without crying."Who's fault was it, Emilia?""Mine.""Have you learnt your lesson?""I....I did.""How will you behave from this very day?""I will be very obedient, I will never look up at any man's face until told to. I will follow every single order. I will never talk back. I will never question you. I will be docile and will be devoted to you for the rest...... rest of my life.""Will you let me do anything I want to do to you, Emilia?""Y....Yes. Anything that you want. I will.....I will not object.""Am I forcing you to say all of it, baby?""No, I am willing saying what I think, I did wrong and I deserved every thing that happened today." I held back my tears while saying all this bullshit.But what other choice do I have.We were still at the warehouse and I drifted off to sleep, I don't know when it ha
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"Chose one Adriano. Either them or me." I put forward my condition. There is no way his family and I can ever get along.Plus, it puts me on a place of advantage. If he chooses me then he will have to turn against his family.Adriano stood silently over there for minutes trying to absorb my words, then he finally spoke."You know that you are my priority, Emilia. I don't need to prove it to anyone, not even to you. If it's not me standing between you and my uncles you would have been dead by now. You matter the most to me without a doubt." It hurts to hear it from his mouth. But then again I reminded myself that how good Adriano is at lying.I cannot be caught in these webs of emotions anymore. I have learnt my lesson the harder way.There is no going back to Adriano, I would rather choose death.I hate him so much but still a very tiny part of my heart wants him to be a good guy.Deep down, very deep though I still wish that Adriano was never a bad guy. I wanted this marriage to work
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Flashback:I recovered from the grief of losing my brother but I need to be strong. I need to be two steps ahead of Adriano in order to make him pay for his crimes. He is smart, really clever and I cannot underestimate him and his influence. Having a backup plan will guarantee my success positively."Now I need to do some preprations for tomorrow, I need to prepare the warehouse." John commented as he stood up to leave.We plan to execute our calculated plan in a deserted warehouse owned by this mystery man that John talks about."What preparations?" I asked John with curiosity."A backup plan." John is really helpful. A nice man, nothing like Adriano. I am glad that he is helping me so much."I also have some work to do, you will know about it by tomorrow." I told him.He nodded and left. And I followed John quitely, without letting him know. Of course I need to see what is going on in his mind. Even though John has helped me a lot I cannot blindly trust anyone.I need to be aware o
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When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the bed. I scanned my environment and nothing feels familiar. Then I saw the syringes and bottles and hospital beds and realised I am admitted in hospital.My whole body pains.My leg is plastered, I am sure some bone are damaged. Even if I try to move my leg it kills me.It feels so painful to move even a single inch.I am alive. I cannot believe I am alive.I thanked God.Doctors rushed in to check on me, but did not say anything to me. After assuring that everything was fine and now I am in stable state they left me alone to rest.But how did I get here? And where is John? Who brought me to the hospital? I lifted my eyes to see Sofia standing right across me, staring at my injured body.Shit. I know I failed Sofia when I did not take her side. Adriano sent her off to the brothel ad she was very upset. She must be really angry with me. And now maybe she knows that I am behind the explosion.She came towards me. "Sofia. I can explain. They w
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3 weeks later-Life had taken a new course for me, one that led me away from the darkness of Adriano's world and into the warmth of the light. Adriano and all his cruel uncles and cousins, were no more. Justice had been served, and I had finally found peace.I try my best not to remember it all and cry about it but I am a human and somedays I lose control over my emotions.But I have started a new life, I need to commit to it.Living with Sofia, was a balm to my injured soul. Sofia is a gentle and helpful woman. We shifted into a new city together and her daughters started to go to school here.We had found solace in each other's company, supporting one another through the trials we had faced. I had even taken a step I had once deemed impossible—I had adopted Aida, Marcus and Gianna's daughter, as my own. She was a source of joy and hope, and a reminder of Gianna for me. I joined a local library and started working there. It's just been a few days there but it keeps my mind busy.As
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Life had taken a significant turn for me, and put me in a difficult condition.Though I am far from the world of darkness and fear I had once known I am out into the fear of newness. I had found something that is the provider of peace and healing, and my new daily routine brought a sense of normalcy that I had yearned for.I started working in a local library.Working in the local library had become an escape for me.I enjoy the company of books. I love being alone and surrounded by books.Each day, I would arrive to the gentle hum of whispered conversations and the soft rustling of pages. I really enjoyed every minute of it. The serene and silent atmosphere of the library offered a peaceful environment and calmed my mind down. It's funny how my life now is a stark contrast to the chaos that I felt in my past.I am glad to work at this place.My days were spent amidst rows of books, helping visitors find their literary treasures. The feeling of a book in my hands, its pages filled wi
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Three years later-I decided to keep the baby. Even though it's the biggest thing that relates me to Adriano but still I felt the connection with the baby since day one.Two years had passed since the birth of my daughter, Emma, a child who had brought both joy and complexity into my life. The bond I shared with her is something that cannot be explained. It's profound, but it was not without its challenges, especially considering the ever-present and very striking features she got from her father, Adriano.Each day, I watched Emma grow, her features developing more pronounced, and her dark eyes, so similar to that of Adriano's, grew deeper and more compelling. There were times when I felt like I was staring into the eyes of the man I had tried to leave behind.I am a survivor of his crimes and so sometimes those eyes haunt me, but then I remind myself that it's my baby, my Emma.I think I have never loved anyone the way I loved Emma. Her smile brightens my day, her laugh turns my mo
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My heart raced as I returned from the serene garden playing with my kids.This gives me eternal peace and happiness, a place where I had often sought solace and tranquility. Today, however, the calmness I had experienced outdoors did not retain when I arrived home.There was a fear that gripped me upon entering our apartment building. I could scarcely breathe, as the sight of multiple luxurious cars that were parked right in front of my apartment met my eyes.I fought so hard to maintain my expressions in front of Emma and Aida.Luxurious cars lined the otherwise quiet street, a dangerous reminder of a world I had hoped to leave behind.Fear, took over me, my face turned a little pale, but I tried my best to maintain a straight face. The fear of Adriano's potential return or the intrusion of some distant relative from his shadowy past threatened to take over my mind.He is dead. Adriano, his cousins and his uncles are dead. I tried to remind myself about this again and again.Runnin
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The realisation that the man in front of me is my biological father filled my brain with multiple questions.The elderly man who claimed to be my father looks rich. The security guards, the expensive cars and the fine attire is a solid proof of that.I had so many questions in my brain that I wanted to ask him.A little part of my heart is happy that I get to meet my real father but a part of me is angry too.Why did he abandon me in the first place?He is the reason I had to live with the people I always considered my family.He seems to be an influential man, if he would have been in my life earlier, Adriano wouldn't have got to marry me.I would have not been married to Adriano.All the trauma that I went through could have been avoided if my father would have been by my side.And now that I have finally moved on, now that I have become independent, now that I don't need any big support for any other person, he enters in my life and claims to be the most important person in my life
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