All Chapters of Collared by Professor Valentino: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
87 Chapters
21. Protection from me
Damon Valentino~•~“I must have a lot of free time considering the work I do seeing as you call me every fucking night to hang out with you.”“Shut up,” I rolled my eyes at Juan. We mostly met up during the weekends but this was the second time this week we were hanging out together. I was only able to do this because the semester hadn’t properly started. We were just one week in and there wasn’t a lot of work to do. I didn’t have reports to mark and I already had the curriculum sorted out which was why I had a lot of free time to think about Dahlia.“So what is the situation with your woman?” Juan asked, focusing on anything but the game in front of him. I had invited him to my home with the excuse of watching a game together, but we both knew we weren’t that interested in sports.“We parted ways.”Juan blinked, not expecting that to be my answer. I didn’t blame him though. He knew me as someone who always got whatever I wanted because of my resilience. However, Dahlia had explained
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22. Spin the bottle
Dahlia Carrington~•~Aurelie had a car, but we decided to use an Uber because Aurelie knew she would be too intoxicated to drive us back home. She didn’t want to take any chances and put us in danger.As we stepped out of the Uber, we could already hear the loud music blasting out of the house. The neighbors would have a lot to say tomorrow. The party was bustling with people as there were a lot of humans hanging in front of the house. Some were smoking. Some were making out. Some of them were dancing, not caring that they were outside.Clementine wanted us to come early because she wanted to see her boyfriend, but Aurelie drew the line at that. She said being fashionably late was the best way to announce one’s presence.All dressed in various colors of short dresses, Clementine pushed the door open and we stepped in. I immediately regretted coming with them. The strong stench of alcohol hit my nose accompanied by the smell of sweat.The house was filled up. There was someone in ever
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23. Walk of shame
Dahlia Carrington~•~As instructed by Damon, I stayed put in the room, still bored as hell. My tears had long dried and I was beginning to feel dizzy. I was tired. I didn’t know where my friends were and I didn’t want to go out to check. Damon said to stay where I was. I didn’t want to go against him.I yawned. Damon said he was coming to get me but maybe I could have a few minutes of sleep before then. Just as I lay on the bed and shut my eyes, my phone rang, pulling me from whatever sleep I was about to go into.I frowned as I answered the call. “What is it?” I whined. “I was just about to sleep.”“Thank fuck you didn’t.” The familiar voice of my professor came on the other end of the call. “I’m outside. Come out.”I exhaled and hung up before stepping out of the room. It was still very loud and the party was still in full buzz. I contemplated going to get another drink but I thought better of it when I realized Damon was outside waiting for me.As I descended the stairs, someone g
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24. Morning after
Damon Valentino~•~“You still haven’t told us about your girlfriend.”I rolled my eyes as I helped my mother set the table. Since Juan was staying at my house, I had no choice but to bring her to my parents’ house. I was beginning to think it was a bad idea. My parents had never seen me with a woman. They never got to meet any of my girlfriends from the past, which was why they were a little bit too enthusiastic to meet Dahlia. They had theories that I was attracted to men because of how close Juan and I were. This was the first time I was bringing a woman home, albeit in the worst scenario possible, so they thought she was my girlfriend. I wished she was.“She’s not my girlfriend, mom.”“Then who is she? You don’t just bring a random girl home.”I couldn’t tell them that she was my student. My father would disown me on the spot. It didn’t matter that I was a grown-ass adult and could handle the consequences of my choices. “She’s just a friend.”“You don’t have to hide your relations
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25. Unknown caller
Dahlia Carrington~•~I stood in front of my mirror, looking at my naked reflection. I turned to the side slightly and my gaze travelled to my waist. There were fingerprints there, belonging to none other than Damon Valentino, my professor.My eyes strayed to the hickey on my neck. It had faded but it was still obvious. I rubbed my face, exhaling. It wouldn’t be easy forgetting about him; about the things we did together. How would I face him in class today? How would I watch him teach me after all the dirty things we did together?I shook my head and quickly put on some comfortable clothes. I needed to clear my head. I had woken up very early, but that was because of the kind of dream I was having. At this point, I didn’t even know whether to call it a nightmare because I knew it could never happen in real life anymore.Stepping into the dim living room, I was surprised to see someone on the couch this early. I turned on the light and Aurelie looked back at me. “Why are you up so ear
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26. Just his student
Dahlia Carrington~•~I couldn’t fucking believe it. Where the hell did they get my number? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Was I expecting any less? It took them quite a while to get to me if I was being honest.As soon as I got over my initial shock, I picked up my phone, frowning when I saw the cracks on the screen protector. Slowly, I brought it up to my ear again. “Who is this?”My mother scoffed on the other line. “Don’t act smart with me, Dahlia.”“Who is Dahlia and why are you calling me this early?”“Dahlia Mae Carrington.” She called out in a stern voice. “I called you as soon as I found your number. You have had your fun. Come home now.”I sighed. There was no way I could deceive her that I wasn’t her daughter; the one who ran away four months ago.“Do you know the problems your little stunt has caused us? We had to tell everyone that you were spending the summer with your grandma. Summer is over. Come back home at this instant.”I bit down on my lip as I continued
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27. Break up
Damon Valentino~•~Dahlia had been right to keep her personal reasons to herself because we were nothing more than professor and student but I wouldn’t lie and say it didn’t sting as I watched her walk out of the class.I tugged at the tie around my neck, loosening it because it was starting to suffocate me. I didn’t even know why I wore the stupid tie in the first place. Within seconds, I’d undone it, and as I stared at the piece of material in my hand, my mind couldn’t help but stray toward the things I could do to Dahlia with it.I shook my head, letting out a low curse. That was wrong to think about. It was very fucking wrong. At this rate, I wondered how I would be able to get her out of my mind. Would I have to fuck a new woman? Was that what it took? Dahlia had made it clear that her future was on the line. I was a selfish motherfucker, but that didn’t mean I would force her into something she didn’t want.Releasing a sigh, I packed up the materials I’d been using to teach and
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28. A date
Dahlia Carrington~•~I didn’t know if I was being petty or unnecessarily bitter but a wave of anger surged through me when I saw Damon with Mackenzie. Why was he bringing her to his office? Did he already move on from one student to another?Everyone in Damon’s class knew Mackenzie found him not. Despite the fact that he brushed her off the first day, she wasn’t deterred from pointing out how attractive he was in class.As expected, the class was always awkward for me when he was the one teaching. I had gone a few weeks without speaking directly to him, but I wouldn’t lie and say I had stopped thinking about him.“Why are you always so quiet in this class?” Roman asked one day. It was the only class we had together, which meant he didn’t see me in other classes, but he visited our house frequently and we had become more than acquaintances. We were genuinely becoming friends.“You were the same person who told me how hard this class is. I’ve got to concentrate, don’t I?” He was right.
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29. The future
Damon Valentino~•~I had always been the type to obsess over what I perceived was mine, but I knew Dahlia wasn’t mine yet I obsessed over her anyway.I knew it was unhealthy, but as long as it wasn’t hurting anybody, right?A few weeks had gone by since we last spoke to each other. It didn’t matter that we saw each other in class twice a week, we knew we had to stay off each other’s paths. I was not supposed to hate my students but I despised that Roman kid. He was able to follow her around without anyone saying shit about them. He could flirt with her in class, he could carry her bag, and he could also ask her out on a date, uncaring of who heard.Okay, maybe I was a little bit jealous, but how wouldn’t I be? Dahlia was supposed to be mine. We weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend but I’d already claimed her in my head. I was hoping to ease her into a normal relationship because I liked her that much, but it was just my poor luck that we were over before we even started.I wouldn’t say
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30. Surprise visit
Dahlia Carrington~•~I didn’t know what Damon was up to and I didn’t know why I replied to his text in the first place. He had been the one to text me yet he left my message on read. It annoyed me greatly.Why would he even ask about my date when we hadn’t been in contact for weeks? I was not interested in Roman and I wasn’t going to give him false hope by going on a date with him when I knew it wouldn’t lead us anywhere.I was in my room trying to write the report Damon had given us. It was due on Sunday but I hadn’t even started it yet. A knock on my door startled me. “Come in.” The door was pushed open and Clementine stuck her head in. “You have a visitor. He’s handsome. Is he your boyfriend?”I frowned. A visitor? I didn’t know many people in New York. I didn’t know any men in New York. The only people I knew were Roman, Damon, and my old boss. Roman was not personally my visitor and the other two had no reason to visit me.Standing up from the bed, I put on a shirt over the fli
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