Semua Bab Divorced Barren Mother Gave Birth To Triplets : Bab 11 - Bab 20
34 Bab
Who Is Daddy?
At the five star general mansion...Chioma held her dolls in her arms and leaned closer to her mum who was prepared to go out, and get familiarized with the new basement that she is been deployed to.Afterall, the base was huge and one could get lost in it, if care is not taken in a short time."Mummy... Our sixth birthday is next week". Chioma reminded and raised her head to Diana, her face was a Canva of freckles as usual, and her eyes wide with a child's innocence."Yes, I know.. how could I forget my children's birthday? You all are the best thing that ever happened to me!" Diana responded sweetly, with her eyes sparkling with curiosity why Chioma suddenly reminded her."We know you didn't forget. We just want a special gift from you that day!" John spoke on behalf of his siblings as he got closer to Diana and Chioma who were seated on a couch.James on the other hand was behind him, with his face devoid of it's usual playfulness, replaced by a solemn expression. When Diana noti
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A Deal With The Devil
Meantime,Anamika on the other hand was restless when the thoughts of Diana probed into her mind.She was seated close to her sleeping mum on the bed, but was completely absent minded. Then her phone chirped with a message, she dug her hands into her pocket and unearthed the phone. She quickly navigated to the message centre and saw the message from her secret lover, and it read,"Diana's children are illegitimate, no one knows their father!".Diana was stunned that she clenched her fist anxiously. She had told her secret lover to find out about Diana's children father, providing him with the necessary details to do so.The kids sure has a resemblance with the five star general and about six years old. Anamika suddenly became sensitive especially while trying to discern and connect the dots.She was now feeling like it was a necessary prerequisite to be aware of everything about Diana now! Aside being the four star general and a mother to triplets? What else?Deep down,she could not
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Mum's Biography
At the balcony.. seated on a couch, John's finger were typing on a laptops keyboards furiously and speedily, the next moment he provided a lines of codes. "You did it big bro!" James' said in excitement and shared a look with his sister. They could sense each other's excitement. "It's time to get excited ...." John said, stretching his fingers forward, the next moment, the laptop screen blinked and then returned to normal.To his left, his sister, Chioma sat close to him, staring at the laptops display screen and to his right, seated James staring attentively on the display screen.They had managed to find out their mum's real name, "Diana!" The first clue was from the drama Anamika and her mum played. Anamika even called her Diana and Barren Chick..However, the three little rascals knew their mum's name as Laura... Why would someone call her Diana? On top of that, they knew their mum was from this city and probably had one or two grudges with Anamika and her mum..a reason she refu
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Ancient Contract
Once James and Chioma saw their mother approaching, they dropped into acting and frowned deeply. Diana was surprised that their mood didn't lit up even when they saw and heard her calling them."Indeed... They're angry at me. They'd never been angry at me to this extent!" Diana thought and hummed.When Diana reached, the first thing she observed was the absence of John,"Where is your brother?" She immediately asked,"He went to pee-" Chioma responded with her frown and then rested her head on James' lap.Diana's facial expression changed, even though she was standing before her kids, it felt like her relationship with them was completely severed and crippled. The affinity they used to have was practically not there anymore.She walked over to the two and sat close to them, the kids averted their gaze away from her emotionally filled sharp stare.Before Diana could open her mouth to say what she intended to, John came and called out, "James! Chioma! Let's go play hide and seek!" Once
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Grandwar's Meeting
"I already agreed to a dinner with her, let's see if I can bound with her even after futile seven years!" Derrick thought and balanced his thoughts, "I need to make up for her! After all, what I did to her caused irreversible damages to her life!"At exactly thirty minutes time...General Derrick arrived at his villa, once he got down from the car, a grandwar master messenger walked up to him and saluted, "Sir! There is an urgent meeting at the grandwar masters cabinet. Your attention is needed!" The grandwar masters messenger reported.At that same time, General Derrick's electronic pager beeped, On navigating on the pagers display screen, he saw the invitation."Alright. I'm on my way!" He answered and eased the grandwar masters messenger.*****Despite the war Delta city was facing, the damages only affected it's border and outskirt. Delta city military defence was so good that the main districts of Delta city still operated normally without a hint of panic. The enemies can't pos
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Anamika's Desperate Move
Even when Diana was staring at the table and trying to avoid his serious gaze, he still didn't take his eyes away from her. Derrick was undoubtedly stubborn. Diana was so hot and pressed while speculating on why he would be staring at her all day long."Is there something on my face?", She thought,"General Laura, tell us your opinion please!" A grandwar master suddenly cued her, bringing her back from her reverie. She stood up, looking puzzled clearly as a result of her daydreaming. She had no idea what the grandwar master was pertaining to for seeking her opinion personally."Uh..... Can you come again sir!" She said boldly wth a puzzled expression.As her response landed, the grandwar master wore an ugly expression."Are you not general Laura who was deployed from united City? How can you be absent minded in a serious meeting like this? How incompetent of you!" The grandwar master, master Lee was naturally harsh thus he decided to reprimand her to teach her a lesson." How did yo
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Failed Plan
Derrick calmly followed her, he considered Anamika his savior from seven years ago. If not, he would have fallen into Four star general Manu's trap and he would have been forced to relinquish his position as the five star general.For the seven years now, he has kept Anamika by his side and satisfied all her need materialistically. Anyone who touches her, touches him indirectly. "Are you still going to return back to the base tonight? Won't you just spend the night here with me?", Anamika asked, her body yearning and heating up with sexual tensions."No, Thank you. I have some works to attend to at the base..." Derrick quickly answered knowing what was on her mind."But I didn't reserve this room to be here all alone. Besides I'm scared of being alone... I want you to keep me company," Anamika persuaded by playing on Derrick's understanding and sympathy by pretending to be scared."I just can't. I really have something to do in the military base. Next time, perhaps..." Derrick gently
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Do I Have Grandkids?
Derrick crouched down patiently and knelt on one knee and asked gently, "You sure of what you're saying? What did you see?" "I saw nothing. Nonetheless, even the stupidest person can deduce with one hundred percent accuracy how she was killed...only a grandwar master is capable of that." The little boy responded confidently."She was murdered!" He added, shocking Derrick the more."Murdered???" Derrick inquired,"Yes, this is clearly a murder case and without any autopsy one could tell she was strangled to death and from the marks and posture of her acutely bent arm, it's clear and a confirmations she struggled before she died!" Another adorable little boy, happened to be John's brother spoke as he walked into view. He was wearing same handless military camouflage as his big brother, complimenting it, was a combat nicker and military handkerchief tied around his head.Officers around were quick to point out the kids resemblance and evidently, they were twins but what the fuck do the
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Genius Kids
As Diana approached the central field, a round of applause filled the air. The kids successfully figured out the grandwar master who killed the officer and he is been nabbed and taken away. The blood stains on his gold tinted hair confirmed it. Although, further investigation was going to be made from the logical analysis and clues the two little rascals already provided. They were yet to find out why he had to kill a fellow officer, "He should know better as a grandwar master that killing an officer warrants death!"Every officer applauded the kids even as they wondered who taught them their superb deduction skills."Who are these kids? .... General Laura's kids? I thought as much, their mum is a four star general and probably taught them..." Some officers speculated on that.It was so surprising how littles kids were able to make such wonderful deductions that not even a base general could make.Derrick was still feeling the wonder when he caught sight of General Laura approaching.
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Missing Contract Box
Anamika picked up her handbag, dug her hands inside but couldn't find the contract box.Her eyes opened widely. "This was not happening right?"She dug her hands inside again, this time more calmly and she searched every corner of the bag and even over turned it, still, the contract box was not found. It was not a seed of rice that could hide somewhere in the handbag. It was a box, big enough like a wedding box ring, thus it was tangible enough to be seen and brought out easily.Anamika dropped into panic. What happened to the box? She questioned. How did it disappear? She questioned further in her confused state.Still, she checked every ounce of the bedroom carefully, not to wake Derrick up from his deep sleep.Despite being a soldier, he lost his guard today and was very much fast asleep.Anamika searched the room, hoping she dropped it somewhere but she couldn't find it."No no no!" She held her right hand to her forehead and started to rack her brain as she paced forth and back in
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