All Chapters of Hiding His Alpha Twins: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
58 Chapters
Catarina’s POV Something was nagging me to think this through before running again. I had done nothing but run for the past five years. There was no way I was going to keep doing it. My twins deserved to be safe, but they also deserved to be settled and not have to look over our shoulders all of the time. It was time to stand my ground. “No, Alex.” He turned around, surprised. His brows furrowed in confusion as he tried to comprehend the sudden shift in my demeanor. "No? What do you mean?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern. I took a deep breath, summoning all the strength I had left within me. "I mean that I can't keep running, Alex," I replied firmly, locking eyes with him. "We've been on the run for far too long, and it's taking a toll on all of us. Our children deserve a stable and peaceful life, not one filled with constant fear and uncertainty." Alex's expression softened as he listened intently, absorbing my words. He reached out an
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Catarina’s POV I couldn't let this opportunity pass. I needed to find out what Lochlan and Carl were up to, what deal he had made, and how it could affect my plans for my and Alex's life with the Twins. With my heart pounding in my chest. The air in the cell block was tense, and I could hear the distant murmurs of restless prisoners. As I crept closer, I caught snippets of hushed conversations, whispers of secret alliances and hidden agendas. My mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle of what was unfolding before me. I knew I had to be careful not to get caught in the crossfire, but I also knew I couldn't stand idly by. I found a vantage point, a small alcove that allowed me to observe the scene unfolding below. My heart raced as I watched Lochlan, his commanding presence and unsettling smile sending chills down my spine. He stood chained and concentrating fully on Carl. I dared not to breathe, his voice low and persuasive as he outlined a plan. Every word he
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Catarina’s POV I thought he was dead. “You were shot!” I pointed to his leg; it was all healed as if nothing had happened to him. He laughed and shrugged his shoulders. “David, What are you doing here? Where is Alex? And my babies? What have you done?” I gasped, looking around to find bodies lying all around. “Oh, this.” David chuckled proudly. “Well, what can I say? We have friends all over. You know, Tara is a pretty good witch.” “You what? What are you talking about?” I couldn't process what he was trying to say. “It was easier than I thought it would be. You know a special spell cast upon them—this whole Castle. All your precious kingdom people are under a spell, they will not help you! There is no escape from this. I am the Beta and you should be with the alpha. You made a promise to him when he made you his Luna. Now, enough of that! I think you have something for me. The key.” he held his hand out. “We want our Alpha and will do what we must.” Startled
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Tara’S POV Ever since that day, Catarina became lochans Luna, and I always wondered why she was so special. Growing up, we were close like sisters, but she was boring. She wanted to save herself for her mate, and lochlam was far too exciting for someone like Catarina. I always believed that I and Lochlan were destined to be mates. I was so excited when he finally gave in and slept with me. He was just too stubborn to make me his Luna, too infatuated with that muppet mate of his. Nobody in our pack knew about my witch side. My father claimed not to know about my mother's whereabouts hence why my witch side was never spoken of until after Catarina left. But once Catarina left, everything changed. Suddenly, she was no longer the plain and dull girl I had known growing up. She transformed into this radiant and captivating Luna, commanding respect and admiration from everyone around her. It was like she had unlocked some hidden power within herself. I couldn't help but feel jealous
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Alex’s POV I felt so stupid. How could I let this happen? My whole kingdom was under attack, a silent attack where one by one they were cast under a horrific spell, under the hands of this cretin. Tara. The twins remained oblivious to what was going on thank goddess but I worried for my Queens safety. There was no way that I could mindlink with her and it was driving me crazy. I needed to know she was safe and alive. This witch was powerful and I had totally underestimated her. She had tricked me and the kindness of my kingdom. We had fallen for her trap so easily that of course she would be standing in front of me laughing. How could I have been so blind? Tara had played me like a fool, using her cunning and deceit to infiltrate my kingdom and cast her spell. And now, I was left to deal with the consequences. I couldn't help but blame myself for our predicament. As the ruler of this kingdom, it was my duty to protect my people, to anticipate any threats that may come our
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Catarina’s POV THAT BITCH! I was so crazy mad; how dare she take my twin's hostage and my mate. She had tricked her way into this kingdom, thinking she was invincible, but I would show her otherwise. She needed more than just an ass whopping. I wanted to kill her! First, she stole Lochlan from me, and now she wanted my twins and probably Alex too. It would not surprise me, stupid tart! I was going to end her life once and for all. I needed to be careful, though, as my twins and Alex's life could be at stake. Tara was an unpredictable loon, and she had already tricked us all. I told Alex she couldn’t be trusted, but he was too kind-natured and felt sorry for her. I couldn’t blame him since she knew how to put on a good act. But all this for Lochlan? Was he worth all this trouble? No, he wasn’t. I observed the monitors and saw that Alex and the twins were leaving the room along with Mindy and that witch. I had no idea where they would be going, but ov
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Catarina’s POV The tension in the room escalated as my defiance clashed with his anger. My resentment towards him grew stronger with every word he spoke. I refused to let him control me, especially now that I held the power of a queen. "Stay clear of me. She deserves to die," I spat, my voice a low and menacing growl. "Nobody threatens my twins or my mate." The words tumbled out of my mouth, fueled by anger and spite, as I made my determination clear. "She is going to die once and for all." “Catarina, please. I'm sorry.” Tara gasped for air. I didn't listen, and I would not allow her to change my mind. She fought furiously, her movements becoming a whirlwind of desperation. Her wild kicks and swings were fueled by her relentless desire to break free from my firm grip. Her sheer force and intensity added complexity to our struggle, challenging my ability to maintain control. “Just die. Hell is waiting for you! Bitch!” I spat in her face as she stru
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Alex’s POV I wake up in a daze, my senses slowly returning to me. The first thing I notice is the overwhelming feeling of restriction. I try to move, but it's as if I'm being held down. Panic rises within me as I try to call upon my wolf, but there's nothing. It's like a part of me is missing, leaving me feeling vulnerable and weak. I squint, trying to adjust to the darkness that surrounds me. The putrid stench of urine and mould fills my nostrils, making me gag with disgust. Where am I? How did I end up in this wretched place? I don't remember anything, my memories hazy and fragmented, but my head throbs with pain, a constant reminder of my dire situation. I raise my hand to touch my aching head, only to be met with the chilling sound of metal rattling with every movement. Confusion gives way to realization as I feel the cold, unforgiving grip of chains around my wrists and ankles. I'm chained up. My heart sinks as I understand that I must be in the c
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Catarina PoV "Tell me. Where is Alex? Do the right thing in your life, for once.” I hissed at Lochlan, frustration and fear making my voice sharp. My heart pounded in my chest as I glared at him, not wanting to hear his empty promises or sudden desire to protect me and our twins. All I cared about in that moment was finding Alex and bringing him back, safe and sound. Lochlan stammered, caught off guard by my intensity. He tried to offer an explanation, but his words were drowned out by Nathan's small voice. My gaze snapped to our son, his innocent eyes wide with worry. "Mummy, it was that strange man. He took Alex with him and didn't even say goodbye to us," Nathan suddenly blurted out, his voice trembling slightly. My heart skipped a beat, anger flaring within me. Who could this strange man possibly be? I desperately searched my memory, trying to connect any dots or recall any suspicious characters, but I came up empty-handed. "My Beta, David?" Lochlan's sudden exclamation caug
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Lochlan’€™s POV In the heat of the moment, a surge of anger coursed through my veins as I confronted my Beta about his disrespectful treatment towards Catarina. My voice carried a low growl as I locked eyes with him, throwing a warning look his way. How could he disregard the years of loyalty and dedication she had shown our pack? Yet, instead of showing remorse or understanding, David let out a callous laughter, dismissing my concerns as if they were inconsequential. The audacity of his actions surprised me, for he had never before displayed such blatant disregard for my authority. "She shot me," he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "She abandoned her pack and left you weak. And let's not forget, she ran off with your heirs, keeping them away from their true family. Why should I have any respect for her? She is no longer worthy of being our Luna." His words pierced through me like a dagger, stirring a mix of emotions within. Yes, Catarina had made choices that brok
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