All Chapters of THE MAFIA AND THE BEAST : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
72 Chapters
(THE WEDDING DAY)KIERA 'S POVThe sunlight that passed through my window curtains greeted me. It is exactly 7 in the morning.I did some stretches after arranging my bed then picked up my phone to check if I had any messages.There were a lot of greetings from my friends and distant family. There are also some messages from my mafia family. They are almost all the same, it's all happy birthday greetings.There was a message from Fiona so I opened it.'Girl, I will accompany you to the makeup room tell me if it's time to go.' I automatically smiled when I saw her message. This girl is really sweet.Realization hit me because of her message. Today is my birthday and today is my wedding day too."This is it, I still cannot believe that I am going to be a bride on my 18th birthday," I said to myself while looking at the wedding dress that was hanging nearby.The wedding is at 10 am so I went to the bathroom to take a bath and prepare myself. I need to be presentable in front of a lot of
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FIONA'S POVKiera finished changing into her wedding dress. She looked so stunning and she looked like a main character in a Disney movie.I am so happy for her and my brother."You look so beautiful in your wedding dress." My brother Hendrix appeared out of nowhere.I think this is my sign for me to exit. They need privacy and I don't want to listen to my brother's cheesy lines. I can't imagine him being out of his usual character. The serious-looking alpha who rarely smiles is now smiling ear to ear.After changing my dress to formal attire. I went around the garden to unwind. It is too early for the ceremony. There were almost 2 hours before the wedding ceremony started so I decided to lie on one of the benches in the shaded area of the garden." Hey, Fiona. What brought you here?" I heard someone talk beside me.His voice is so familiar that I don't even need to look because I already know who it is."I am just passing time here. It is too crowded and busy inside the house." I sai
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THIRD PERSON POVFAST-FORWARD Underneath the grand chandeliers of an elegant multi-purpose hall inside the residence of the Hallow Family, Kiera and Hendrix's wedding ceremony is about to begin.There are a lot of people in the venue. Most of them are excited to witness the union of their Alpha and its mate, his Luna. There are a few of people hidden in the crowd that is not happy about this. They are just here to make sure it's true.The venue is filled with a lot of elegant flowers and decorations. Everyone can see that this ceremony is very important."Let us welcome the groom." The officiant said, then everyone almost exclaimed when the Alpha entered in his formal attire. This is the first time that they see Hendrix wearing this kind of attire, so they are shocked to see him. It suits him perfectly."He looked so handsome." "That girl is so lucky to have him."A lot of whispers can be heard inside the place, but the groom just ignores it. He only has his eyes on one girl and tha
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THIRD PERSON POVIn the majestic ballroom of Hallow City, Kiera and Hendrix's wedding continued, but at the same time, the dance of deceit had already begun.As Kiera, adorned in an exquisite gown, exchanged vows with Hendrix, the Alpha of Hallow City, a subtle tension lingered in the air. Meanwhile, the people surrounding them are not guaranteed their ally. A whispered conversation took place between two figures, their voices barely audible above the orchestral melodies."Our time is near. The Alpha is too focused on his mate. His mind has been all over the place this past few days." The man said with an evil smirk plastered on his face."That's better for us. He is not even aware that we are planning something against him." The other man said before he took a sip of the glass of wine that he was holding." Yes, that is really good for us. We must wait for the opportune moment. The city will soon be ours." The man replied.Behind the scenes, a secret group gathered, weaving a web of
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Kieras' POVFAST-FORWARDThe wedding ceremony ended, and we moved to a unique location for the celebration in Hallow City. It was 8 o'clock in the evening, and the moon lit up the outdoor venue like a campfire gathering. It looks amazing and picturesque.There were a lot of people or let me say werewolves around. They are enjoying dancing in the middle of the dancefloor. They all look happy and more energetic than before . Fiona, seated to my right, couldn't contain her laughter. "Experiencing a bit of culture shock, Kiera?" She said while laughing.I think I was too immersed in the surroundings that she even notice my amused face. "A little," I admitted, still trying to process the vibrant scene unfolding before my eyes. The werewolves, usually reserved and composed, now reveled in the moonlit celebration with unbridled enthusiasm. It's a new discovery for me. I thought that they were always serious and composed, but now they look like normal people enjoying the moment.I can't h
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KIERA'S POVThe wedding ceremony and celebration ended without any trouble. All of the guests already went home and me and Hendrix are on our way to their mansion. I don't know where my brother and her sister Fiona are. We were together earlier but they just vanished. "What are you thinking ? Is it serious that your eyebrows even creases.?" Hendrix on the driver seat asked me."Ahmm nothing." I answered with a awkward smile .The truth is I am nervous going home because I don't know if like the normal newlyweds who are going to have honeymoon after wedding. I just turned 18 today . I grew up in the city but I am not liberated .Just the thought of it makes my hands sweat.I decided to focus on the view outside instead.As the car glided through the quiet forest like road Hendrix's voice broke the silence. "You seem a bit on edge, love. Anything on your mind?"I fidgeted with the edge of my dress, avoiding eye contact. "Just wondering about... you know, the usual newlywed stuff.""N
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Kelvin's POVThe ceremony in the wedding hall ended and now I am here looking at my sister with his groom. They are dancing under the moonlight. I am so happy for my sister that she already found her other half.'buzzzz.buzzzz' The buzzing sound of my phone in my pocket caught my attention."Kelvin, we've got trouble back at the training grounds," a voice crackled through the line. It was Tony, his right-hand man in the mafia.Kelvin's jaw clenched, eyes narrowing. "What kind of trouble, Tony?"" The rival mafia, they're infiltrating. It's chaos. We need you here. Your mom and dad are not around too. I don't think that the people here are enough to take them head-on." Tony explained on the other line.D*mn those bastards. They will pay for this."I will call all the nearby Allies to back you up. We will also go there but it will take us some time to arrive. Install them for now, I trust you, Tony. Be careful. Prioritize everyone's safety." I said to Tony and ended the call.Fiona, se
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THIRD PERSON'S POVKelvin's hands gripped the steering wheel as he raced through the night, his mind was full of thoughts, anger, and worry. Fiona, sitting beside him, looked out the window, the urgency of the situation could be seen on her face."Kelvin you need to calm down, to think of a plan," Fiona said breaking the silence, her voice was steady despite the tension in the air."Yes, you are right. Sorry for being this weak. I am just too overwhelmed because of the sudden attack." Kelvin answered and tried to relax."You are not weak Kelvin. You can do this." Fiona sitting in the passenger seat tried to motivate him.Kelvin sighed, his eyes never leaving the road. "It's a mess. Rival mafia's attacking our training grounds. We need to stop them before they do more damage."Fiona nodded determination in her gaze. "We'll handle it together. How about Kiera and your mom and dad? Are they coming?" Fiona asked him curiously."I want her to wait until the celebration is over. I don't wan
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THIRD PERSON POVKelvin, Fiona, and Tony rushed towards the main building, the tension escalating with each step. As they approached, the sounds of chaos and gunfire echoed through the whole building.It makes them worried but angry at the same time.Inside the building, the rival mafia's boss's presence was still unknown. Kelvin's jaw clenched as he surveyed the scene, his anger fueled when he saw a lot of their members injured and some unfortunate ones were already dead."I promise to avenge you." He said with gritted teeth.Fiona, by Kelvin's side, whispered, "We can do this. Stick to the plan. Don't let your anger consume you. You need to be logical" Her words provided a moment of reassurance in the midst of the turmoil."Yes, I understand. We need to end this soon before they take more lives." Kelvin answered while clenching his fist.Tony led them through the strategic points, and their group led by the three of them is moving with calculated precision. As they encountered oppo
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THIRD PERSON'S POVKelvin, fueled by determination, locked eyes with the rival mafia's leader across the room. The air was thick with tension as the firefight raged on, but Kelvin's focus remained unwavering.Tony, assessing the situation, signaled to their team, "Hold the line! Support Kelvin, Fiona, with me." The trio strategically closed in on the rival leader. They plan to corner and capture the mastermind of this attack.This is the only way to end this battle, by catching the boss.As they approached, the rival leader mocked them "You think you can take me down? You're just a pawn in this game." Vinzence the eldest son of the rival mafia said with a smirk.Kelvin's jaw tightened, and his anger channeled into a steely resolve. "You took innocent lives. Now you are telling me that it is just a game? Your craziness should end now." Kelvin's footsteps echoed in the tense silence as he closed in on the rival mafia's leader. The room felt charged with emotion, anger, determination, a
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