All Chapters of Tangled by the Billionaire's Vow : Chapter 121 - Chapter 122
122 Chapters
Chapter 121
Rickard's POVMy head was spinning and my vision was getting blurry. I clenched my fist tightly, enraged. Who the hell has the audacity to attack me like that?Before I could make another move, I felt a tight grip on my collar, jerking me up and throwing more punches at my face.“Ricky, stop, he has had enough” I heard Gwen's voice.Gwen dragged Ricky away from me, telling him to calm down. My mouth was still oozing with blood and I wondered what happened to receive an attack from him.I had no personal encounter with him before, so what was this all about?.Noticing he was carried away by Gwen, I rushed at him and threw a punch at his face. No one hurts me and gets away with it.“What the hell?” I yelled, throwing another punch at him. However, Ricky caught my fist in midair and twisted my arm. I screamed in pain.“Let him go Ricky,” Gwen ordered, pulling his arm away from him.“Gwen, what's going on? Why is your boyfriend attacking me?” I asked, wiping the blood from the corner of m
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Chapter 122
Gwen's POVI quickly got down from Ricky's car. He insisted on dropping me at the office today. Ever since I decided to make things official with Ricky, he has been more sweeter.He made it his responsibility to take the boys and I for ice cream every evening after work. He also helps Granny with the grocery when he is less busy during the day.He has be instistent for a while now to be the one dropping me at the office but I flatly denied, at least not until today.Deep down, I knew that I don't love Ricky in that aspect but I was secretly hoping that the feeling eventually kicks on. He deserved all the happiness in the world and I would be the happiest person if I could give him that happiness.It is the least I could do, even if it meant teaching myself to love him at any cost.I knew it wouldn't be easy, especially because Andrew is in my space and I feel tons of emotions for him but that doesn't mean it was impossible.I needed to remind myself each and every day about Andrew's b
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