Semua Bab The Billionaire's Deadly Doting Wife: Bab 161 - Bab 170
301 Bab
He's Getting Married
Aurora snatched a cushion nearby and hurled it at Zane’s head, scolding, "Quit scheming on Chery!"Zane caught the cushion, scratching his head, and retorted, "What's so bad about me that you have to interfere?"Aurora glanced at him helplessly, "It's not about you being good or bad. It's about Chery's career, which could be ruined in an instant. This isn't just about you. I can't use Chery as a shield for you."Standing up and ruffling his hair, Zane suggested, "Then I'll go and talk to Chery directly, clear things up, okay?"Aurora was speechless.She grabbed him abruptly, "Stop right there! Don"t be reckless!"Zane, currently surrounded by rumors, seemed utterly unbothered, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Chery. However, Chery's true feelings on the matter were a mystery.Aurora was equally frustrated. The dilemma was tricky; ignoring the situation could severely impact Zane's public image, but mishandling it could jeopardize his future career prospects even more.Moreover, s
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Grandpa Is Getting Old
But Aurora couldn't finish her sentence, the thought of parting with Heath was unimaginable, let alone coping if that day ever came.Vespera, busy dabbing at her tears and touching up her smeared makeup, managed a messy yet composed look. After tidying herself up, she forced a smile at Aurora, "It's okay! It's over!"Aurora mirrored her smile, reassuring, "It will pass."With her eyes still red, Vespera nodded. Aurora first dropped Vespera off at her home before returning to the Pendleton residence to have dinner with her grandfather.During the meal, her grandfather inquired, "Sweetheart, how are things progressing with Heath?"Caught off guard, Aurora responded, "There's no progress."Frowning, Grandpa pressed, "He hasn't mentioned marriage? You've been staying with him for so long, and he hasn't talked about marrying you?"Aurora's cheeks flushed as she protested, "Grandpa! What are you saying? I'm just staying there temporarily; nothing has happened...""That's not acceptable!" he
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Time To Get Married?
Aurora, with measured tones, addressed Chery, 'You know, Zane might have something he wants to discuss with you. Maybe you should have a heart-to-heart with him?'"Chery shook her head, "I'd rather not. If he's alright, then I'm heading back. With his temper, I'm not about to walk into the line of fire!"Aurora felt helpless. With Chery unwilling to budge, she couldn't assist Zane any further.Left with no choice, Aurora contacted Zane's assistant, urging him to keep Zane out of trouble. She even went as far as to change Zane's Twitter password, imposing a temporary ban on his social media activities.The storm seemed to pass, and not long afterward, Zane's The Pianist and Chery's Dual Facades were released consecutively.Dual Facades broke the year's box office record on its premiere. Chery's portrayal of a character with depression was hauntingly vivid, pulling audiences into an empathetic whirlwind.Her performance was so immersive, one could almost feel her internal struggle—her f
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Date Ruined?
Heath packed up his luggage, descended the stairs, and dug out a set of fishing gear, dragging Aurora along for a fishing adventure.Aurora was baffled again, "Where are we going fishing?""You'll see when we get there." Heath, carrying the fishing gear, led Aurora on a walk that lasted about twenty minutes, ending up beside a lake.Heath picked a spot to sit down, took out a fishing rod and bait, and looked at Aurora, "Do you know how to fish?""Of course!" Aurora responded immediately.How hard could fishing be? Just sit and wait for the fish to bite.Heath handed Aurora a fishing rod and suggested, "How about a little competition?"Aurora's interest was piqued instantly. She squatted next to Heath, mimicking his actions to fix the bait onto the hook.Taking a few steps back, Heath swung his arm, sending the hook flying far into the water, where the bobber steadied with a gentle sway. He then turned to watch Aurora cast her line.Aurora, attempting to emulate Heath, swung her rod, b
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I Won't Stop You
Concerned Aurora might overindulge, Heath kept pouring her juice, and she contentedly sipped it without complaint.Lysander, observing the couple, inquired, "You two have been together for more than a minute. When are you going to make it official?"Caught off guard, Aurora lowered her head in silence, while Heath, busy serving her food, retorted, "Mind your own business."Lysander: "…"Alaric declared, "I don't care; I've already called dibs on the best man role. No one's taking that from me!"Heath glanced at him, teasing, "Are you sure you won't be the one getting married first?"Alaric's face fell as he lamented, "I wish! But who would marry me?"Lysander, taking a sip of wine, chided, "I don't mean to be harsh, but what's so great about Elowen? Just because you grew up together? I've grown up with plenty of girls, and I'm not hung up like you are!"Zane chimed in, siding with Lysander, "I'm with Lysander on this. Elowen is nothing but trouble. I don't know what my brother sees in
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Her Promise To Heath
When Alaric emerged, he found Zane with a sour expression. Alaric shot him a look, "What's with the long face? It's just a girlfriend issue. I don't even have one, why are you the one fussing?"Zane retorted, "Since when does this kind of thing depend on who came first?"Having drunk quite a bit, Alaric decided not to dwell on it. He sat down and heartily indulged in the food before him. The hot pot meal stretched from dusk well into the night, past ten.Aurora, after hours in the car and more hours fishing with Heath, touched by a hint of alcohol, was now fighting off sleep.Alaric, Lysander, and the others, buoyed by their drinks, seemed to grow more energetic, showing no signs of wanting to sleep.Aurora, barely holding up, turned to Heath, "You guys keep talking, I'm off to sleep."Heath nodded. Aurora went upstairs to her own room, took a shower, and fell asleep.Not long after Aurora left, Heath put down his glass, no longer interested in drinking, and decided to head upstairs.
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The Film Festival
"Rory," Heath began as he took Aurora’s hand gently, "about your mother's situation, if you want to investigate, go ahead. If you need any help, just ask Kieran."Aurora turned to Heath, her expression serious, "Madeline dared to drug me for over a decade, turning me into a fool. Is it also possible she drugged my mother, making her lose her sanity?"Heath stroked Aurora's hair, comforting her, "I've already asked Kieran to look into Madeline's past. Don't worry."Aurora sniffed, managing a small smile, "Yeah, it's been over a decade. A few more days won't make a difference. I'm fine, don't worry."Heath smiled back, "Let's eat."Aurora nodded, lowering her head to eat. She even went out of her way to serve Heath a piece of fish, looking at him with a cheerful grin.Heath was moved, pulling Aurora in for a deep kiss before letting her go, teasing, "This tastes even better!"Aurora, feigning anger, wiped her mouth, "Hooligan!"Heath chuckled softly, continuing to eat.Heath couldn't he
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Heath Is MY Boyfriend
Evelyn had harbored thoughts about Heath, but upon learning that Elowen and Heath were childhood sweethearts, and that their families were even considering an engagement, she let the matter drop.Without Heath, there were still other eligible bachelors from the Fairbank family. As long as she stayed close to Elowen, wouldn't she have a chance to climb the Fairbanks ladder?Aurora, caught off guard by these words, paused and asked, "The Fairbank?"Evelyn laughed, "Yes, the Fairbank family from the capital. Surely, Aurora, you must know them? Mr. Heath Fairbank even attended Grandfather's birthday banquet. Weren't you quite attentive to him? It's just that, unexpectedly, Mr. Fairbank has his own beloved!"Aurora couldn't help but snort with laughter, "His beloved? Don't tell me it's Elowen?"Evelyn nodded, "Of course! Elowen will soon marry Mr. Heath Fairbank!"Evelyn was brimming with pride, flaunting like a peacock in full display, eager to let everyone know that Elowen was Heath's ch
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The Winner
Aurora returned to her seat, only for Chery to nudge her and suggest, "Aurora, let's switch places."Aurora blinked in confusion and asked, "Switch what?"Chery stood up, gently pushing Aurora, explaining, "You take the inner seat, and I'll sit by the aisle to get some air."Although Aurora didn't quite grasp why Chery suddenly wanted to switch seats, she cooperated, standing up and moving to the inside.This rearrangement placed Chery by the aisle, with Aurora in the middle, flanked closely by Zane and Soraya on the other side.As soon as Aurora sat down, she noticed Soraya occasionally whispering something to Zane, who listened with a good-natured patience. They seemed to be enjoying their conversation. Glancing at Chery, who sat aside with a less-than-pleased expression, Aurora mused, "Chery's reaction suggests she's not entirely indifferent to Zane!"Elowen returned shortly after, and Evelyn immediately welcomed her with eager hospitality, asking, "Elowen, what took you so long? E
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Behind The Spotlight
The crowd erupted into cheers again as Chery smiled and gave a slight bow to the host in gratitude for the assist, then turned to stand before the microphone, facing the camera to deliver her acceptance speech."First and foremost, I am profoundly grateful to the judges for their recognition, and to my fans for their tolerance and love. I promise to continue striving for excellence, dedicating my best works to all of you. Most importantly, I must extend my deepest thanks to my boss, Miss Aurora!" Chery bowed slightly towards Aurora, who was seated below the stage, and said, "It was Aurora who believed in me to take the lead, strongly recommending me for the television series. It is also Aurora who has invested her efforts and resources to craft this masterpiece, Dual Facades, for me. Without Aurora, there would be no Chery standing on this path of acting today. This award holds great significance, but half of the credit should go to Aurora!"The applause was thunderous. Aurora, with t
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