All Chapters of The Billionaire's Deadly Doting Wife: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
297 Chapters
What About My Pants
Aurora's tears cascaded down in an instant. She had seen countless proposal scenes in TV dramas, thinking the actors were just trying to set the mood, thus shedding tears during the proposal.But today, when it was her turn, she realized that those tears really do fall involuntarily.It was as if, in just a few decades, she had finally met her soulmate, marking the end of all her wanderings. The tiny ring, the man kneeling on one knee, and his simple words all signified the security and belonging of her future.At this moment, she completely forgot her painful past, forgot Olivia, the abyss, Isabella, and her hatred. If she had once been a cold-blooded assassin, then this man alone could reawaken the deepest kindness and tenderness buried in her heart.Her eyes and heart were filled with the man kneeling before her, a man who stood high above all, king-like, now on one knee asking for her consent.Aurora nodded fiercely, "Yes! I do!"Heath slipped the ring onto her finger, stood up, a
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Maxwell Wants to See You
After his shower, Heath emerged to find Aurora about to leave. In a bold move, he playfully insisted she join him, resulting in Aurora, albeit reluctantly, preparing for a bath.As she was about to undress, her eyes caught the delicate sparkle of the diamond ring on her hand. Bathed in the warm, yellow light, the pink diamond gleamed softly. Its design was both petite and intricate, highlighting the gem's size and brilliance while accentuating the slender beauty of Aurora's fingers.Staring into the mirror, reality dawned on her. It was true—she had just accepted Heath's proposal. Perhaps, in the near future, they would walk down the aisle, and it was time to reveal the secrets she had kept hidden deep within her heart.With care, Aurora placed the ring on the vanity before stepping into the shower. After her bath, she gingerly put the ring back on. Throughout her lifetimes, she had seen countless priceless jewels, yet this modest ring was her most treasured possession. It symbolized
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Grandpa Collapses
Although Maxwell didn't suffer any harm this time, the moment he awoke and didn't see Aurora by his side, he insisted on leaving the hospital. Madeline, naturally, was displeased. How could her darling son be so entangled with Aurora, that girl seemingly from the nether?Madeline had intended to storm to the family patriarch in outrage, but to her surprise, Aurora barred them from even stepping foot inside, making Madeline wonder if the old man was on his last breath, given his recent hospitalization.With the patriarch's health in question, Madeline couldn't stand the thought of Aurora guarding him alone. What would become of the shares once the old man passed away?Fueled by this thought, Madeline shoved aside the servant holding her back and burst into the villa, screaming, "Dad! You must stand by us!"Aurora, startled by her outburst, rushed to intercept her, but Madeline was too quick, darting into the living room in a blink.There, Grandpa sat, engrossed in a game of chess, only
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Aurora is Olivia
Heath scanned the documents before him and questioned, "Eamon, you're not trying to tell me that Aurora is Olivia, are you?""Isn't it obvious?" Eamon retorted, having thoroughly investigated Dominic Ashcroft's background. "This renowned Dominic Ashcroft is the sole male heir of the Ashcroft family, which originated from the mafia. Though they've gone legitimate now, Dominic Ashcroft indeed commands his own squad, a force with combat capabilities comparable to mercenaries! And within this squad—" Eamon pointed to a photograph on the table. Beside Dominic stood a girl with a face identical to Aurora's, only her expression was colder, her gaze sharper. He coldly stated, "This ace assassin under Dominic, this face, we all recognize it, Aurora Pendleton!"The photo lay clearly before them. Eamon had indeed done his homework. The Abyss had its own assassins, each trained to be elite spies. And this girl, Dominic's trump card, had been involved in countless internationally renowned missions
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Grandpa's Gone
At the hospital.Aurora stood vigil outside the emergency room. Suddenly, the lights above flickered off, prompting Aurora to leap to her feet, a wave of dizziness washing over her. She steadied herself and rushed to the emergency room entrance.As Lysander emerged, Aurora besieged him with questions, "How is he? How's my grandpa?"Lysander sighed, "Aurora, I've told you before, the last surgery was perilously close to disaster. He cannot endure even the slightest disturbance.""I know, it's my fault. I didn't take good enough care of him. How is he now?" Aurora was so anxious she was nearly ready to burst into the emergency room herself."He's stabilized for now, but he's not out of the woods yet. I've done everything I can; the rest is up to your grandpa's own luck," Lysander spoke gravely.To a doctor, there might be no more moves to make, but for Aurora, this felt like a death sentence for her grandfather.Aurora watched numbly as nurses wheeled her grandfather into the intensive
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You Are The Real Curse
Lysander approached, embracing Aurora with a voice trembling as he said, "Aurora, I'm so sorry. Please, find peace in this time of sorrow."Originally motionless as if frozen, Aurora suddenly pushed Lysander with such force that he nearly stumbled.She rushed to her grandfather's bedside, ripping away the detested white sheet, and cried out, "Grandpa! Grandpa! Aurora is here, look at me, please wake up and see me! I'm about to get married, didn't you want to be my witness? I'm really upset with you for just lying there!"Lysander and Jay attempted to console her, saying, "Aurora, please get up."Shrugging them off, Aurora clung to her grandfather as if he were a lifebuoy in her moment of despair. "Grandpa, please wake up. I don't want to be alone... Grandpa, take me home..."Little Fish stood by, tears streaming down her face, and even Jay and Lysander, two grown men, had eyes brimming with tears. They all knew that to Aurora, her grandfather was her only real family.Leen, tears stre
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Kidnapped By Eamon
Even after Evelyn's face was marred with a bloody scratch, Aurora's grip on her throat remained unyielding, as if determined to choke the life out of her right there and then.Evelyn's vision darkened in waves, until a furious roar pierced the air: "Stop!"Barely opening her eyes towards the door, Evelyn saw Maxwell rushing over. Extending a trembling hand for help, it took Maxwell considerable effort to pry Aurora's fingers loose.Shoved aside, Evelyn coughed violently, as though she had just skirted the edge of death, and cursed, "Aurora! You maniac!"As Maxwell went to help Aurora up, he asked, "Aurora, what are you doing?"Aurora shrugged him off with a scoff, "What does it look like? I wanted her dead! All of you, dead! Maxwell, weren't you in a car accident? Grandpa was so upset over you, he had a stroke. Why didn’t you die in the hospital?"A shadow flickered in Maxwell's eyes. He opened his mouth, but words failed him. Aurora wasn't entirely wrong in blaming them for grandpa's
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I Will Bring Him Back
"Eamon! It wasn't me! I haven't been able to contact him for days!" Aurora shouted.Eamon approached, pressing the muzzle of his gun against Aurora's forehead, saying, "I'm giving you one last chance. Are you going to talk or not?"Aurora's expression turned cold, and she signaled Jay with her eyes. Jay charged at Eamon, allowing Aurora to grab Eamon by the neck with her gloved hand, tightening a rope around his throat and kicking the pistol out of his hand.Jay, quick to react, picked up the gun and pointed it at Eamon's head, instantly reversing the situation. Eamon had indeed underestimated them, thinking that simply binding them would be enough."Eamon, I don't want to hurt you. Let your people release us!" Aurora demanded."Never! After everything Heath has done for you, this is how you repay him? By lying and deceiving him all this time! You're unbelievable!" Eamon cursed.Jay hit Eamon on the head with the gun, saying, "Are you stupid? Olivia is already dead. Aurora is a daught
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Inside the Enemy's Den
As soon as she touched down, Aurora, relying on the intelligence she had previously acquired, conducted another sweep and quickly pinpointed the location of Heath. There was only one stronghold that had recently seen increased activity and bolstered security.Aurora sent Jay to the black market to purchase firearms. He grabbed her arm, questioning, "What are you planning to do? You're not just going to walk into their den like that, are you?"With her head down, she inspected the gun in her hands, nodding as she replied, "Yes, is there a problem?""Is there not a problem? With your small frame, you'll be chewed up and spat out. Do you think this is a movie?" Jay shouted in alarm.Aurora holstered the gun at the small of her back and tucked a miniature pistol into her boot. Clad in black tight pants and a dark red leather jacket adorned with a vibrant rose on the chest, she let down her hair, letting it flow seductively down her back.She flicked her hair and declared, "Since even you
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Rescue Heath
Upon hearing someone enter, Heath, with his eyes closed, said, "I won't tell you where Eamon is."Ludi gave a sinister chuckle and replied, "I've got a wedding to celebrate today, no mood to interrogate you. Let me introduce you to our VIP, the infamous Olivia, have you heard of her?"Heath's body jolted, and he struggled to sit up, clearly in pain from his injuries, making even the act of sitting an effort.Heath looked past Ludi and when he saw the girl wearing a mask, his expression froze.He recognized Aurora at a glance. The young girl, clad in black leggings that accentuated her slender waist and smooth legs, looked more mature in her dark red leather jacket, and with the black mask, she was undeniably sexy and alluring.But Heath knew this was Aurora."Is... is she Olivia?" Heath asked.Ludi laughed, "Yes! A top international assassin has joined my team. One day, I'll find Eamon and make him pay in blood for his crimes! Olivia, I've heard your assassination record is spotless.
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