All Chapters of My Mafia Mate: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
250 Chapters
#Chapter 121: Window to Another World
Logan“Mom? Dad?” Ella called out as we stepped out of the elevator and into the brightly-lit foyer.Walking into Ella’s parents’ penthouse felt like stepping into a different world.Rather than the pure extravagant opulence that I had expected, I was instead met with understated elegance, creaking hardwood floors, and tall arched windows that allowed the sun to beam in. The furniture was chic yet comfortable, and the entire place smelled like fresh baked bread.However, despite the beautiful and comfortable decor, I felt anything but comfortable. This evening was like a high-stakes performance, and my mind was on edge for every little change in the atmosphere. This was my one chance to make this entire arrangement with Ella worth it.“Logan, let me introduce you to Selina, our housekeeper,” Moana said, gesturing toward a distinguished elderly woman standing nearby. She was leaning on a carved wooden cane, but there was a sort of understated dignity about her.Selina approached, exten
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#Chapter 122: Always Greener
EllaI watched as my father pulled Logan away from the party… to play a game of chess.“Oh no,” Ema’s voice echoed in the back of my mind. “Not this again.”Her words made me wince. I was suddenly reminded of a boyfriend I’d had when I was younger; my father had pulled a similar stunt, using a game of chess as a gauge for the boy’s worthiness to be my boyfriend.Needless to say, we weren’t together after that. My boyfriend turned out to be a rather sore loser and stormed out angrily. I could still remember my father’s words: “See, Ella? Never waste your time on men who don’t know how to lose.”But this shouldn’t have bothered me in the same way. Theoretically, at least. Logan and I were not really in a relationship, nor would we ever be, as far as I was concerned.“I’m just worried about his business prospects,” I told Ema when I felt her teasing nature begin to work its way out in response to the racing of my heart. “That’s all.”“Mhm. Sure.”Turning my attention back to Clara and Da
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#Chapter 123: A Crack in the Ice
EllaA thick wall of silence enveloped the room as Logan’s words floated through the air. His voice was stern and slightly raised, as though they had been working at some sort of argument for a while now.“I’ll keep her safe because I care about her more than anything, and that’s all that matters, Mr. Morgan.”My eyes widened, my heart pacing a marathon inside my chest. The resonance of his voice—a mixture of sincerity and frustration—latched onto me, sending my head spinning.“What’s happening?” I whispered to my mother, who was standing there, blocking the way.She shook her head. “Just men being men, honey,” she whispered back. “Just go back to Daisy’s room. They’ll get over it soon.”But I wasn’t about to be pushed away now like a child witnessing a parental fight. Especially not when my wolf was pulling me closer to him, urging my legs to steer into the room.“He does care for you,” my wolf murmured, a note of triumph in her tone. “I told you so, Ella. But you never listen.”Foll
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#Chapter 124: Romance Novels & Forgotten Memories
EllaThe moment we entered my childhood bedroom, an overwhelming sense of nostalgia washed over me.Nothing had changed since I last lived here—literally. I hadn’t lived in this penthouse since before college, and yet my parents never changed a thing.Band posters were still tacked to the walls, their colors somewhat faded but nonetheless holding the spirit and angst of my teenage years. Stacks of old novels, their spines well-worn from my anxious fingers, lined the bookshelf. Even my vanity was still covered with haphazard jewelry and makeup from my ‘emo’ days.I felt exposed, as if Logan was unwittingly peering into a window of my past life. It was funny, how this room felt perfectly normal to me. But now that someone else was here, in my teenage self’s space, it suddenly felt cringy and weird.“So, this is your old stomping ground, huh?” Logan asked, a playful smirk settling on his lips as he wandered around the room. His eyes seemed to linger on every little detail, which only mad
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#Chapter 125: Last Way Out
EllaThe party had long since quieted down. I had already said my goodbyes to Clara, Daisy had gone to bed, and now it was just me, my parents, and Logan. The air coming through the penthouse window smelled like rain; a storm was brewing on the horizon.“Are you sure you don’t just want to stay here tonight, honey?” Moana asked, following my gaze out the window. “It’s supposed to storm.”“I’ll be fine,” I said, not wanting to reveal the actual reason behind why I didn’t want to share a room with Logan. “Thanks, though.”My mother was silent for a moment. Logan was off in the kitchen being fawned over by the two maids, who had taken an immediate liking to him. I could see him through the doorway, refusing another bite of food.Selina was perched on a stool, watching him with her hawk eyes. But there was a softness to her gaze as she looked at him, something that was rare for her when it came to newcomers.“Ella,” Moana started, lowering her voice, “I have to ask, because I’m your mothe
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#Chapter 126: Just One Drink
EllaThe water in the bathtub had gone lukewarm long ago when I finally pulled myself out, wrapping up in a towel.After drying off, I slipped into my pajamas and sat on the bed, book in hand, fully prepared to lose myself in another world. My wolf was unusually quiet, and for once, I relished the solitude. I knew that she was mad at me for ending things with Logan earlier, but she would understand with time.However, just as I was beginning to really get into the story, a knock sounded on the door and broke me from my reverie. I sighed, placing the book face down on the bed.“Who could it be at this hour?” I muttered, walking to the door and cracking it open. Just as I expected, there stood Logan, leaning against the frame with a cocky smirk on his face.“I couldn’t sleep,” he said. “Bored out of my mind. Can I come in?”I eyed him warily. “I’m not just here to entertain you when things get slow, Logan.”His grin widened as he lifted a wine bottle and two glasses. “What about now?”I
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#Chapter 127: A Night to Remember
Ella“Are you sure you want to do this?”Logan’s voice was low and husky, his breath warm against my ear. But when I looked into his eyes, instead of the predator that I expected like so many other men, I saw nothing but concern in his eyes.His words gave me pause, and for the briefest of moments, logic almost took over and I nearly pushed him away.But I didn’t.Maybe it was the wine, or my wolf, or the fact that I hadn’t been intimate with anybody in this way for a long time, but I found myself nodding and pushing him down further onto the bed. His chest felt warm and firm under my hand, and the way that his muscles rippled beneath my touch as he moved sent an electric shock up my spine.“Don’t ask stupid questions,” I murmured.Logan stared up at me as I gripped the hem of my shirt and slowly began to pull it off, exposing my waist and eventually my bare breasts. His eyes widened slightly as he gazed at me, and before I knew it, he was sitting back up and running his hands along m
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#Chapter 128: Cold as Ice
EllaThe morning light broke through the thin curtains, casting a pale glow on the cream-colored walls of the hotel room.My eyes flickered open, feeling the weight of an arm wrapped around me. For a brief moment, I relished in the comfort and warmth that it provided. But then it all came crashing back—what happened last night, how I had allowed myself to lose control, how I had let Logan into my bed.Regret washed over me like a tide. I couldn’t believe I had allowed things to go so far. Pushing Logan’s arm away, I untangled myself from the bedsheets and sat up abruptly.Logan stirred, blinking away the haze of sleep. Confusion washed over his face as he saw that I was already standing, frantically gathering my clothes off of the floor and trying to cover myself.“What’s going on?” he asked. “You okay?”“Just… get out of my bed,” I muttered, avoiding eye contact.He paused, but there wasn’t complete surprise in his eyes, maybe just a tinge of disappointment. “You regretting last nigh
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#Chapter 129: A Wall of Thorns
LoganThe hum of the airport droned in my ears as I waited for the plane. I glanced down a few seats, stealing a furtive look at Ella. She sat immersed in her music, headphones firmly in place, eyes closed, face serene.And yet, I could feel the tension emanating from her like an invisible wall between us.Last night kept replaying in my mind, each memory so vivid I could almost feel the warmth of her touch, the softness of her lips, the eagerness in her eyes.It was as if, for those fleeting hours, everything fell into place; the world around us dissolved, leaving just Ella and me, bound by a connection so intense it defied explanation.My wolf purred in agreement, a deep sense of contentment filling us both. Last night had been unlike any other experience I had had before with a woman—intimate, loving, real.Ella was a storm of contradictions that somehow perfectly balanced the chaos within me. Her body was uncharted territory I wanted to explore over and over, each touch and kiss s
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#Chapter 130: Black Balloons & Black Hearts
EllaThe moment I stepped into my office for the first time after that whirlwind of a trip, a wave of exhaustion washed over me. I slumped into my chair, staring blankly at the stack of paperwork on my desk. Each document seemed to scream for my attention, but my mind was elsewhere.Logan.The very thought of his name sent a rush of mixed emotions swirling through me. The intensity of the last few days had left me emotionally drained, a confusing tangle of yearning and doubt. We had slept together, yes, and I had pushed him away.But it wasn’t just him. It was my wolf, too.She was gone. Not sleeping, not tired, but… dormant. She was so angry with me for pushing away our fated mate that she disappeared entirely, and I didn’t know how to get her bag. No amount of mental begging over the past two days had solved the issue.No matter how much I cried, no matter how much I yelled, she was just gone. It was as if it was her way of reminding me that I had royally messed up with Logan, and I
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