All Chapters of My Mafia Mate: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
250 Chapters
#Chapter 161: Rivals
Logan   I was strapped tightly into the driver’s seat of my trusty racecar, the leather of the seat and the nylon of the thick safety straps hugging me tightly all around. The hum of the car engines at the starting line mingled with the sound of the crowd and the announcer, but my eyes were only on Ella.   She was standing down by the rail right next to the track, leaning on the cool metal. Her hair was blowing slightly in the wi
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#Chapter 162: Glitter & Gold
Ella I touched the gold medal around my neck, feeling the weight of it against my skin. It was a surreal moment, one I couldn’t quite wrap my head around. Logan had just won the race, and he had draped his victory medal around my neck. The gesture left me inexplicably attracted to him, and I had to look away to hide the blush that had crept onto my cheeks. 
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#Chapter 163: The Desert at Night
Ella As we drove away from the racetrack, I couldn’t deny the sense of unease that began to wash over me. The winding, dark road stretched ahead, surrounded by a vast expanse of flat, barren land. Off in the distance, tall rock formations loomed against the pale night sky, like silent specters waiting to attack. 
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#Chapter 164: Belonging
Ella “Hey! Wait!” I hurriedly made my way through the crowd, determined to catch up with Logan. He had already disappeared into the throng of people, and the deafening heavy metal music made it hard to hear anything else. I finally spotted him a short distance away, chatting with a group of people who look
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#Chapter 165: All Too Familiar
Ella As Rickie and I pulled away, I felt completely overwhelmed and shocked. Here was this woman, covered in tattoos and piercings and towering over me by several inches, and every bit of her looked terrifying. And yet… I hadn’t received a hug quite like that in a long time. I couldn’t help but feel
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#Chapter 166: Eyes Beneath the Shadows
Ella The party was raging on, the music thumping in my chest as I finished my drink. Logan turned to me, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and anticipation. “You ready to head out, Ella?” he asked, his voice almost drowned out by the music. I glanced around at the raucous crowd and the flickering bonfi
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#Chapter 167: Weird
Ella “And there he was,” Miles said, gesturing dramatically with his arms. “Coming up on the final stretch, neck and neck with his rival, and out of nowhere, he pulled off this insane drift. I’m telling you, Ella, it was like watching a scene from a Fast and Furious movie. The crowd went wild!” “Oh, come on, Miles,” Logan said, waving his hand dismissively as he rolled his eyes. “You’re exaggerating. It wasn’t that insane.&rdquo
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#Chapter 168: Uneasy
Ella The cool desert breeze tousled my hair as Logan and I said our goodbyes and made our way back to his car. It should have been refreshing, but I couldn’t seem to get my mind off of the strange interaction with that ‘Jet’ character, and I found myself looking over my shoulder as if he would be right behind me. “You okay?” Logan’s voice pulled me out of my reverie. I blinked, feeling a bit taken aback by my sudden snap back to the present, and nodded
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#Chapter 169: Dark Associations
Ella The sun had barely begun its ascent into the morning sky as I made my way into the office. The familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee greeted me as I stepped into the break room, and I couldn’t resist pouring myself a cup. After the events of that weekend, I couldn’t get my churning thoughts out of my mind. Between the time I spent with Logan and the stranger known only as ‘Jet’, I had plenty to think about.
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#Chapter 170: Spy Cam
Ella I took a deep breath and picked up the ringing phone, my heart racing as I saw the unknown caller ID. With a shaky hand, I answered, not entirely knowing what to expect on the other end, although I had a pretty good idea as to who it was. “Hello?” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. A chilling voi
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