All Chapters of My Mafia Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
250 Chapters
#Chapter 21: Family Ties
EllaThe grandeur of Logan’s family estate was unmatched, the chandeliers glistening with thousands of crystals, reflecting the light in the room. I hesitated for a moment on the threshold, taking in the lavish spread of food and guests buzzing with conversation.My previous assumption had been sorely inaccurate. This was not a mere family dinner. It was a statement, a spectacle. And I was the trophy on his arm, the daughter of the CEO of WereCorp. An accessory.I put on a smile, though, if only to play my part—just as Logan had requested. It was part of our plan, after all. And after what happened with the billboard, Logan’s motives behind wanting to take down the Mafia were becoming more clear to me.Logan was ever the commanding presence. Every move he made, every word he uttered, seemed to draw attention. Tonight was no exception. His sharp gaze traveled the room, making sure to make contact with every important person in attendance.It was difficult to find any hint of the melanc
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#Chapter 22: Intrigue & Devastation
EllaWhen Logan’s brother questioned me about my mother, I felt a sudden heat rising in my cheeks.The audacity of the question, the way he said it, filled with a disdain I couldn’t understand, ignited my temper.“Teach this one a lesson,” Ema hissed. “Oh, how I’d love to gnash my teeth on his skull…”“Enough,” I said. “Not now.”“Interesting, considering Ella isn’t even the biological daughter of the Golden Wolf Moana, isn’t that right?” Logan’s brother taunted. “She’s the bastard child of her father and… Who is your mother, Ella?”I gritted my teeth, struggling to keep my anger at bay. My biological mother’s identity was none of his business, and the way he had thrown the question at me was downright offensive.As far as anyone was concerned, Moana was my real mother. It didn’t matter whether she was my biological mother or not.Before I could answer, Marina, dressed in her oh-so-extravagant red dress, chimed in, her voice dripping with condescension.“Oh, Ella, it must have been so
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#Chapter 23: Unlikely Attraction
EllaMarina’s father’s words made me feel unexpectedly unsettled. I cocked my head, looking at him for a moment. Was that a threat, because I asked too many questions? Or a friendly warning out of concern?“Pardon?” I asked, clenching my drink a little tighter in my hand.“Miss Morgan, I’m sure you understand what I mean,” Marina’s father said, his eyes fixed on mine. His voice was kind, but there was a knowing look in his eyes that unsettled me.I gave him a reassuring smile, though I felt anything but reassured. “I appreciate your concern, but I assure you, I have things under control. There’s no need for you to worry about me.”He continued to look at me for a moment longer, his eyes narrowing slightly. It was as though he could see right through me, understanding that I was lying.Through my carefully constructed facade of a perfectly cool and calm young woman, there was a little girl screaming on the inside, begging to leave. And at that moment, I felt certain that he saw her.Bu
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#Chapter 24: Midnight Kiss
EllaLogan and I stood side by side on the balcony, the night air wrapping around us like a refreshing embrace. The cool breeze felt like a welcome reprieve after the stuffiness of the party, and the city lights sparkled below us like a bed of jewels.“God, I hate these fancy dinners,” Logan groaned, loosening his tie. “I hate having to dress up in these tight suits, pretending to be someone I’m not.”I looked over at him, a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. “Well, I hate to break it to you, Logan, but you do look quite handsome in that suit.”He turned to me, his eyes wide. “Handsome, eh?”I rolled my eyes, trying to suppress a grin. “Don’t let it get to your head.”“Too late.” He chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief.We fell into a comfortable silence, the sounds of the party fading into the background as we enjoyed the serenity of the night. The gentle rustle of leaves and distant hum of traffic created a soothing melody that allowed me to forget, if only for a moment,
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#Chapter 25: The Bright Side
LoganI couldn’t shake the feeling of her lips against mine as I stood there on the balcony, the night air cool against my skin. The city lights twinkled below, but their beauty was lost on me. All I could think about was the kiss, the way Ella had reacted, the look of shock and confusion in her eyes.It had happened so quickly, a moment of weakness, a lapse in judgment. One minute we were talking, laughing, enjoying the serenity of the night, and the next, I was kissing her, my wolf driving me forward, excitement and desire clouding my judgment.But she hadn’t wanted it. She had pulled away, her face pale, her eyes wide. “What was that, Logan? What are you playing at?” she had asked, her voice trembling.“I don’t know,” I whispered, my heart pounding. “I just… I felt something, and I acted on it. I’m sorry, Ella.”I replayed the moment in my mind, trying to make sense of it, trying to understand what had driven me to act so impulsively. I knew she had been regretting our fake relatio
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#Chapter 26: Warning Signs
EllaI arrived home that night, the weight of the evening still heavy on my shoulders. The glittering chandeliers, the fancy gowns, the laughter and chatter of the party all seemed like a distant dream as I stood in my dimly lit apartment, still wearing my beautiful white dress.The words Logan had spoken to me on the drive home lingered in my mind, a soothing balm to the chaos of emotions I felt. His promise that no one would get hurt, the determination in his eyes, it somehow made me feel a little better. But could I really trust him?I unzipped my beautiful white dress and let it fall to the floor, my reflection in the mirror looking pale and lost.Logan was a part of a world I knew nothing about, a world that seemed both thrilling and terrifying. What would my parents think if they ever found out? What would they say if they knew I was pretending to be involved with a Mafia boss?I shuddered at the thought, realizing with a sickening feeling that I could never tell them the truth.
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#Chapter 27: Disrespect
EllaThe office hummed with the usual activity, but as I sat at my desk, the files for the new case spread out in front of me, my mind kept drifting to Sarah’s words. They clung to me like a shadow, her insinuations and her accusations haunting me.I tried to focus on the documents in front of me, the complicated legal jargon and the details of the new case with Logan. But my hands trembled slightly no matter how hard I tried to steady them, and I couldn’t shake the fear that had settled itself in the pit of my stomach.What if Sarah was right? What if I was trapped? A pawn in a game that I didn’t fully understand? A game that I could never understand?“Ella,” a voice said, snapping me out of my thoughts, and I looked up to find Mr. Henderson standing over my desk. “Are you okay? You look distracted.”I forced a smile, willing myself to push Sarah’s words aside. “I’m fine,” I lied. “Just a lot on my mind.”He frowned, his eyes searching my face from behind his wire-rimmed glasses. He
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#Chapter 28: Contracts & Promises
EllaThe sun’s late afternoon light spilled into my office, casting long golden fingers over the documents I had meticulously drafted the previous night and spent all morning working on. I sipped on a cup of coffee, its bitter tang juxtaposed against the heavy sweetness of my lingering doubt.Instead of spending the day working on my case with Logan, which I should have been doing, I spent it writing up this contract. Every word, every line, every clause had to be absolutely perfect. I had to protect myself, and this was the best way that I knew how.But in reality, what was I really doing? Could a simple contract—a piece of paper—really guarantee my safety in a world so deeply entrenched in intrigue and power plays?Of course, Logan was late. He was supposed to meet me at my office an hour ago, but he never showed. I figured that it would be just like him, to make this promise and then ghost me without signing the contract.Just as I was engrossing myself in a particularly tricky cla
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#Chapter 29: Fast Cars & Slow Smiles
Ella“A broken furnace? Isn’t this a servant’s job?”As soon as the words slipped out of my mouth, I felt my eyes widened.“Ella!” my wolf growled, annoyed by my words. “That’s rude! Why did you say that?”Truthfully, I didn’t know why I said it. It just… slipped out. Surprise, maybe?“I-I’m sorry,” I said aloud, swallowing. “That was rude. I just meant that I’m shocked to see you working on a furnace, that’s all.”My words were met with a chuckle from the other man who was working with Logan. The servant, a man of about fifty with grizzled hair and weathered hands, looked up at me from where he kneeled on the floor next to the furnace and winked.“None taken, Miss. I know it’s shocking for a man of Mr. Logan’s status, but believe it or not, we work on all kinds of stuff together,” the servant explained, his voice full of pride. “Mr. Logan here is so good with his cars, it allows him to fix all manner of things. We’re all happy to have him for a boss ‘cause he helps out with difficult
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#Chapter 30: Joyride
Ella“Wait! What about that ride?”I slowly turned around, my eyes wide, my heart hammering in my chest. My eyes were met with Logan’s smirking face, his expression dancing with mischief.“Well?” Logan asked, pushing himself off of the hood of one of the cars and coming over to meet me by the door. “Just one joyride? I’m itching for a good drive. Being stuck in the basement all day really made me crave seeing the sunset.I swallowed. “I really shouldn’t,” I said, glancing at my watch. “I’ve got work…”“Work, shmork,” Logan interrupted with a grin. “Pick a car. Any car.”“But… I've never been on a really fast ride,” I stammered, my mind a whirl of confusion and excitement. “I mean, growing up in such a dense city, we barely drove at all except to go to our mountain estate in the summers.”Logan’s eyebrows shot up, and he let out a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with amusement and making them stand out against his dirt-stained skin. “So that must be why you always want to walk everywhere.”
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