All Chapters of My Mafia Mate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
250 Chapters
#Chapter 61: Stony Eyed
EllaThe closeness was stifling. The proximity of our bodies, the heat radiating from Logan, the intensity of his gaze—it was all too much.The moment we stepped away from each other, a fresh wave of cool air seemed to sweep through the dimly lit stairwell. I could feel the flush on my cheeks, a stinging reminder of just how close we had been.I swiftly adjusted my blazer, using the action as a pretext to collect my thoughts. Glancing at Logan, I shot him a dirty look.“Logan, if you ever get that close to me again, trying to use your body to intimidate me or whatever it was you were doing, I swear, I’ll rip our contract to shreds and refuse to work with you again.”He raised a brow, his features sculpted, his piercing eyes still locked onto mine. “Intimidate you? Ella, I wasn’t trying to intimidate you.”I scoffed. “Oh, please! What would you call it then?”He took a deep breath, his jaw clenching as he searched for words. “I can’t help it, Ella. I’m an Alpha. It’s... it’s instinctua
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#Chapter 62: Respite
EllaThe door to the bathroom swung shut behind me with a quiet click, muffling the ambient sounds of the courthouse’s busy hallway.For a moment, the silence was overpowering, offering a brief respite from the chaotic world outside. Cold tiles met my stiletto heels, and I leaned over the sink, staring at my reflection. My usually vibrant eyes looked dull, and trails of tears had smeared my makeup slightly.Taking a deep breath, I let the weight of my emotions wash over me.I turned on the tap, letting the cold water rush over my hands before splashing some onto my face. Each droplet felt like a tiny balm against my heated skin, a fleeting relief from the oppressive weight of guilt that threatened to crush me.“Why did I ever think this was a good idea?” I whispered, the weight of my decisions bearing down on me. My wolf stirred, a familiar presence at the back of my mind.“We wanted to make a difference, remember?” she murmured, her voice as gentle as a summer breeze.“But like this?
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#Chapter 63: A Change of Heart
EllaThe courthouse’s archaic clock chimed, echoing through the expansive corridor. Warm sunlight filtered through the stained-glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors onto the cold marble floor.The hum of hushed conversations filled the hallway as I pushed my way out of the bathroom. In a few minutes, I’d be back in court, facing another round of the tumultuous battle between Logan and the local tenants.I wasn’t looking forward to it; not in the slightest. And I especially wasn’t looking forward to it after my emotional conversation with Miss Smith in the restroom.Logan’s tall frame called out to me from the end of the hallway. “Ella,” he said, a strange sense of what almost sounded like remorse in his voice, “I’d like to talk to you.”The sunlight filtering through caught the flecks of gold in his blue eyes, but they bore an uncharacteristic uncertainty to them.“Oh, god,” I thought to myself as I approached. “What is it now?”“Does he look… remorseful?” Ema asked, perking
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#Chapter 64: The Mobster’s Generosity
EllaInside the confines of the counsel chambers, the atmosphere was saturated with apprehension. Heavy curtains blocked the outside world, leaving the room bathed in a warm, golden glow. Oak bookshelves, lined with hefty legal volumes, lined the walls.Between Mr. Grayson and myself sat a polished mahogany table, its surface gleaming in the soft light.“This is a… shock, to say the least,” Mr. Grayson said, fidgeting with the cufflinks of his pristine white shirt. “Mr. Barret, if I may ask: what changed your mind?”Logan smirked. “I like to keep some things close to my chest, Mr. Grayson,” he said, shooting me a sideways glance. “But know this: I am being genuine. No strings attached.”Mr. Grayson shot me a look, silently asking if Logan was telling the truth.I nodded, fingertips pressed against the table’s smooth surface. “My client is completely serious, Mr. Grayson.”Mr. Grayson sighed contentedly, leaning back in his chair, the soft creak of leather echoing my own thoughts. Besi
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#Chapter 65: Fond Memories
 Ella As I processed Logan’s sudden invitation for drinks, an unfamiliar warmth spread across my cheeks. I was caught off guard by the sudden sense of attraction that bubbled up within me. The frivolous, detached mobster I had become accustomed to seemed to have been suddenly replaced by a more thoughtful, almost vulnerable man. And despite my inner reservations, I found myself intrigued by th
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#Chapter 66: Pity
 Logan As Ella posed her question, the dim lighting in the bar cast shadows that seemed to stretch out indefinitely, swallowing the other patrons in a blurry distance. The hushed jazz, an ever-present undertone, seemed to recede, leaving just the two of us in a world of our own. She waited with that unwavering look of gentle anticipation, clearly wanting the truth.
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#Chapter 67: Breakroom Gossip vs. Cold Blood
 Ella As the sun peeked through the gaps in my curtains, illuminating the quiet of my bedroom, my phone buzzed. The name on the screen—Logan—made my heart race. It had been a week since our conversation at the bar, and while the weight of his story still lingered between us, our professional relationship had felt as though it solidified.
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#Chapter 68: A Real Lawyer
 Ella The rhythm of my heels echoed through the polished marble hallways of the courthouse. Today, I was representing Logan in a preliminary hearing, a chance to sit face to face with the opposing counsel and discuss the evidence that had been uncovered thus far. The evidence I had, courtesy of Logan’s credible witnesses and backed by solid statements, made me confident.
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#Chapter 69: Discovery
 Ella The moonlight streamed into the living room, casting a dim glow over the scattered papers around me. My floor had turned into a makeshift work desk, a testament to the unyielding hours I’d spent trying to decipher every detail of the case. A nearly empty wine glass sat next to me, a small but rebellious act of indulgence for the night. I had to arm myself mentally and emotionally to go t
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#Chapter 70: Fall Guy
 Ella The meeting had been far more intense than I'd anticipated. The courthouse’s grandeur, with its marble floors and tall pillars, had done little to cushion the impact of Westbrook’s verbal blows. As we exited the grand, double doors, the change in environment was immediately noticeable. From the stifling intensity inside, we were met with an unexpected chill. The sky had turned a so
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