All Chapters of I hate you and love you Alpha: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
99 Chapters
Chapter 72
—How did they know we were here?—If we are honest, we are not sure, it was just like something guided us here—How are you Michell?—Nausea has stopped, cravings are increasing—I see that pregnancy suits you, it is not the same for Julián—He was so emaciated that it was sad.—It is better not to say anything while this facet passes, better tell us how Ana is.—Physically she is very well, her pregnancy is going spectacularly as if nothing had happened, however she does not wake up and that is strange, she has only moved twice and has cried in her sleep calling her Alpha—Something isn't right, something doesn't add up Chima, I still don't know what it is, but I know it's going to be very difficult from now on.—You're right Michell, something doesn't add up anywhere, Lale hasn't reappeared and neither has the Alfa, it's very strange.—In the distance I heard voices that I didn't recognize, for some reason I didn't feel afraid, little by little I tried to open my eyes and I couldn't
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Chapter 73
—I woke up very tired, feeling some kisses on my neck and chest, I felt hands rolling over my crotch, but that touch caused me nothing but repulsion, I opened my eyes finding a beautiful woman on top of me, raven hair that shone brightly. the sunlight, those red eyes and a mole near his mouth which would have been tempting on some other occasion only made me reject it—You finally wake up Alpha, I see that only you woke up, your “little friend” doesn't want to cooperate today, it doesn't matter. How do you feel?-Where I am? Who are you? And more importantly, who am I?—It seems that my spell worked, no matter how much time passes, my spells are very effective —You are my Alpha, your name is Andrews Wen, you had a very deep wound, causing you to forget your memories, don't worry, my alpha, I will help you. I will help, but first we must end the “plague”—That doesn't answer my question, woman: Who am I? Who are you?—I'm sorry, as I told you, you are my alpha, you were previously the
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Chapter 74
-Who is that? Don't tell me another crazy person, don't say yes please Chima—More or less Clara, he's not that crazy, he just wants to make Lale disappear and since he can't find him, he's a little desperate.—So he's not an enemy, is he a friend?—Not like that Henry, he doesn't have a shield, that is, he isn't faithful to anyone and he doesn't want to start doing it either, he only has one objective, to kill Lale, no matter who he takes in his path.-Is seriously? Until when do the crazy ones come to this pack? We have a magnet for disaster or what—Until Lale dies or disappears, the disasters will not end, the misfortunes will not end, and they will continue. She had many enemies, apparently not even time helped her forget her bad actions.—Don't tell me that, Chima, the Silver pack doesn't have a Moon or Alpha, we're adrift. Who's going to protect what's left of it?—I will do it, Chima says she was the Moon of her pack, I will defend what is left of her, you should not worry—Yo
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Chapter 75
-My mother?—Lale, I'm sorry, what I'm going to tell you may hurt, how could you not care, it doesn't matter, I just want you to follow your heart, that's what Andrews would have wanted.—Let's leave "my mother" aside and tell me about the Alfa, Chima—Don't you feel anything when you hear the name Lale or the word mother?—It just makes me angry or repulsed, I don't think we have a good relationship, isn't that right Chima?—You are very intuitive Ana, you don't tolerate her, let's say she is not......a good mother, she had you and decided that she would rest for two decades and then return to reign at your expense, she only wants your power and she knows that You can get it through Andrews—It sounds like something that would happen in my family, now tell me, what were you going to tell me? I know it's not something that others can't hear.—That's right Ana, what I'm going to tell you is not something that everyone understands. Do you understand the connection you have with your alp
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Chapter 76
—Are you sure what you're doing, Ana?—Very sure, just tell me what it was like before I lost my memory, and tell me what these "beauties" who are locked in the cells of the Silver pack did.- If you are sure, I will explain to you who those Lycans are that are locked up, one is your father who went crazy when he found out about Lale's death and the other went crazy when he lost her and wanted to revive her at any cost since he thought that she loved him like love. of their life—I have beautiful parents and I imagine I was a disaster, right Chima? I must have been a pain in the ass.—No my girl, you were the jewel, they are the scum, maybe it was because you didn't grow up with them, although those who raised you weren't good people either, that's why they died, the good thing is that you didn't inherit anything from those four.—In my life I only have misfortunes, it is better to continue being cruel and put an end to the scourge that waits in the dungeons, I hope that my reward is
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Chapter 77
—Are you having fun Alex?—Luna is unconscious, she cannot answer him.—Don't worry about him, beta Muriel deserves this and more.— If the goal is not to kill him and keep him alive to continue playing, you must stop Luna—You're right, as always, Chima, I got too excited, take him to his cell and please give him a bath, he stinks.—Do what?—Don't worry beta Muriel, I'm not telling you to do it, just spray him with the hose, that will keep him awake—Remind me not to be your enemy Luna, I don't want to suffer that same fate.—This being, so to speak, deserves this and more, he played with the lives of many and among them with the life of my baby, it is impossible for me to leave him unpunished, this is nothing—You should not waste your energy Luna, I will take the captive, rest a little—Thank you for your concern beta Muriel, but the other one is still missing, I want to finish this today, tomorrow I want it to be a new day to rebuild the Silver and Moon pack, they will be the lar
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Chapter 78
—"Ahhh" "ahhh"—damn it! I didn't know I needed you so much my Omega—I'm not your Omega, but continue with what you do "ahh" I love it—What I love is what you are doing to me, keep it up baby"A mess of bodies was what was in that room. When did it start? They don't know, they only know that they were surprised with an imperious need to wildly possess their bodies. Andrews' hands were caressing the other's body without wanting to move them away. For a minute, it was like a drug I couldn't stop taking."—She was moaning in my arms, I had her on all fours for her comfort, her belly was not that big, but I didn't want to hurt her, my wolf was howling with pleasure when he felt me ​​inside her, her movements were exciting me too much.—Keep it up, Alfa, don't stop.—The sexual tension between them is palpable and awakens hazy memories of a shared past.As they try to unravel the truth behind their past, without fully understanding what is happening, they find themselves involved in an in
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Chapter 79
— It is better that they be ready before nightfall, the king is moving very fast and no one will be able to stop him—We know alpha Julián, we know that he is moving fast, he is desperate to catch Lale, his movements are becoming desperate, they must protect themselves or it will be a catastrophe—Don't worry about that, I sent Michell to London and we can almost say that it was like an exchange, but this time the promotion was... "I send one and two come back" right guys?—You... What are you doing here?"You're not happy to see me, mother, I'm very happy to see you." Esme hugged her mother tightly as she had wanted to for a long time.—How am I not going to be happy, my daughter, but we didn't expect them. Who will Domenica stay with if you are here?—Don't worry about that Chima, she stayed with Chris, I know she's recovered and she's like new.—It's a relief and Domenica, how is she?—Unrecognizable mother, she is a beautiful young woman, a pure Alpha with incredible abilities.—Wh
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Chapter 80
—Anastasia surprised? You should notFor some reason that I couldn't explain, I was immobilized, I could only move my eyes and see the man who did it, for some strange reason he seemed familiar to me, but I didn't remember him.—You can do it too, my daughter, it's just that no one has taught you, it's impossible for you not to know how incredible you are, the last Akira is the most powerful being in the world, you're even more powerful than me, "daughter."I looked behind that person who called me daughter and I felt confused, if this crazy man was my father? Who the hell was Axel?—I will not return the movement, you must do it yourself, you are strong enough, it does not matter that you do not remember even a tiny part of your past life, you are my daughter Anastasia, therefore you are very powerful, if you do not believe me, I will show you.I felt his hands on my face and a tender look prostrated himself in front of me, something I had never seen or rather I did not remember that
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Chapter 81
—I can't let you do it, no matter how much pain you feel, you must continue living.-Do you know how old I am?—Cross hundred according to my calculations, however I don't think that's the way to end your life.—I'm already dead Ana, and you will be if you continue down this path, you must find your balance point, forget the past and resentment, start a new life with your children and that stupid Alpha who dies for you, even if it doesn't seem like it. that idiot would give his life for you—He didn't create it, let's better focus on you and life, without life you want to end—Wouldn't you like to know another way of living?—Did you see that beautiful movie called "Me After You"?—If ever, what does the movie have to do with what......—I understood what he wanted to tell me and even so I tried to continue being selfish.—Yes Ana, the protagonist was angry with the protagonist for wanting to die, in the end she understood his decision, she did not want to live under the shadow of what
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