Semua Bab Curse of the Wolves: Bab 21 - Bab 30
131 Bab
Chapter 20
Blakely I half expected Azrael to scold me for disobeying his orders, but he didn’t. Judging from the way he held the knife I’d thrown at his face he was a murder first, scold later type of God. Wait, a second. Could the god of death even die? Ugh, focus Blakely. Too bad I still got an earful from Orion once Sephtis left. Given my history of throwing objects at their faces, he made sure nothing was within range when lecturing me on the importance of following their commands. I tuned him out for the most part, making faces at him whenever his back was turned. I only chimed in at the end to let the three of them know that it was the mansion that let me out. None of them found it amusing, but it was the truth. Apparently, catching the attention of the god of death wasn’t a good thing. Obviously. Still, it came as no surprise to me. I’d been marked for death since my birth. It followed me wherever I went, a constant shroud plaguing my life. The other kids in school could practically
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Chapter 21
Blakely Solana quickly left, having things to attend to. Azrael led me from the house in an attempt to give Orion privacy while he mended all of the protective wards. As we walked, I wondered quietly what duties the goddess of the sun might have and if Lunette had any herself. Clearly, the loss of mates was due to her disappearance, but what other jobs did she have? I took in the scowl on Azrael’s face as we wandered through the gardens. “Did you recognize that memory?” There was still so much I didn’t know about these gods, but I was learning a lot from watching Azrael. He was a master at hiding his emotions, concealing them behind one of his mischievous smiles. The way he wielded chaos like a weapon was unusual. Almost like he was using it as a distraction. But what would the god of wolves be trying to distract himself from? His eyes drifted to the hedges that moved, rearranging themselves to further complicate the maze we stood in. “We knew she was aiding our people during the
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Chapter 22
Blakely I stomped over to the bathroom, figuring I might as well empty my bladder. A wave of righteous fury washed over me when I opened the door and found myself staring out at the hallway. I took a deep breath, channeling all things peace and love (see, I could be calm), and slid on a pair of flats. “Fine, but just know that you’re a bully.” I muttered, trudging out into the hall. For the next fifteen minutes I played a game of hot and cold with the house. Yes, the house. My sanity was never going to recover. Any time I took a wrong turn, the flame dancing in the sconces would blow out. Eventually, I stopped in front of a towering door made from carved oak, embedded with little fragments of crystal. I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Really? You had to lead me here of all places.” The door swung open, and I did my best impression of a dear in headlights when Orion turned and spotted me standing just outside of his study. His eyes narrowed into slits as he stepped away from the t
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Chapter 23
Azrael I’ve got a bit of a problem. A Blakely sized problem, to be exact. Orion believes I’m having another episode. As usual, he’s wrong. Draco, on the other hand. Well, he sees it. He sees damn near everything, but especially this. She was the reason why I came here, after all. Stuck in a city I both loathed and craved. A place that brought out the worst in me. The darkness I held tight to my chest. After receiving that letter from one of Nunzia’s flighty apprentices, I knew to keep an eye out for anything amiss. Then Sephtis had to go and ruin everything. The no-good, deceitful god of death had to go and set his sights on my wolf. Yes, mine. It mattered not what my brothers thought. The moment Blakely prayed for aid, sending out an alert to every immortal in our realm, she belonged to me. A sweet caterpillar that had walked right into my web, and I had no intention of letting her go. I’d never felt this way towards another person before. Perhaps it was because I allowed myse
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Chapter 24
Blakely If someone would’ve asked me what I thought I’d be doing two weeks after my twenty-first birthday, I would’ve said rotting in an unmarked grave six feet under. Certainly not swimming with the godly equivalent to a male supermodel, roguish grin and all. Throw in the enchanted lake with its powdery, pink sand and I was thoroughly confused. It wasn’t that I was opposed to getting out of the mansion. On the contrary, I was gearing up to set the place on fire if I had to spend another day cooped up in the library, regardless of how beautiful the room was. The main reason for my hesitation had to do with the god of death, and the fact that he apparently wanted me dead. Azrael kept pace at my side as we walked through the forest, whistling some cheery tune I had no name for. Several times I had to peel my eyes away from his muscular frame. The mere thought of him shedding the t-shirt and jeans he wore to slip into the lake made my face explode in a mess of heat. The first step t
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Chapter 25
Blakely His body was all muscle, lean much like an athlete, and covered in so much ink I had to search to find his porcelain skin. Wolves raced down his biceps, vanishing within a forest printed along his forearms. Each image moved, somehow interwoven with magic. Such a thing felt impossible, and yet here it was. “Eye-fucking me again, little wolf?” The gorgeous bastard sang. I chucked one of my shoes at him and set to work removing the other, ignoring his melodious laugh. There was just one problem with all of this—one I had been trying not to think about on the walk down here. After what the blood mages did to me, I couldn’t exactly tear my shirt off. The scars weren’t something I was proud of, but I was stuck with them. A flash of pale skin caught my attention and I folded, turning to ogle as Azrael tossed his pants at a nearby tree. Thank fuck he had swim shorts on, but that didn’t stop me from ogling his ass. Did he do squats or was it just naturally perky? At the last seco
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Chapter 26
Blakely “You do know what that is, don’t you?” Amusement filled his words with an addictive warmth. My mouth went dry. There was no way—no, he was just toying with me. Clearly, that’s what this was. Just another attempt at messing with the silly mortal. Yeah, well not this time. I steeled my voice, and prayed it revealed no hint of weakness. “Of course I know what a kiss is, but you’re not getting one.” He sighed dramatically, and I felt his presence retreat across the cavern. I didn’t dare turn and reveal how red my face had become, or the way my eyes flared with desire, because fuck—I wanted to kiss him. Goddess, I was going insane. That had to be it. “Very well. I suppose desperate times calls for desperate measures, yes?” I spun around and found him sitting on one of the smooth stones. His elbows were propped up on his thighs as he watched me without abandon. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “I’d like to call in the favor that you owe me, little wolf.” “The favor…” I repe
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Chapter 27
Blakely Azrael’s a God. He couldn’t die from a Wendigo, right? Right? I held onto that thought as I plunged deeper into the forest, down the weathered path until I exploded into the clearing once more. Silver blood coated the ground, forming a trail to where Azrael stood. One arm was slung over his stomach where it continued to flow freely, while the other wielded a blade. Dark liquid oozed from several gashes on the Wendigo’s body, but it didn’t seem to feel them. Giving myself no time to think, I raised the dagger above my head and charged at the creature. Azrael’s eyes widened as they locked on me. The Wendigo turned my way, and just as I shoved the dagger into its chest, it slashed with its massive claw. Its arm slammed into my midsection, sending me flying backwards. A different sort of roar exploded from Azrael’s chest. I hit the trunk of a tree hard, my spine bowing around its shape. The pain was so intense I nearly blacked out. Blood coated the inside of my mouth from whe
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Chapter 28
Orion “GO!” I bellowed at the poisonous mortal, ignoring the flash of pain in her eyes. Azrael groaned as I wrapped an arm around his waist and shouldered his weight, dragging him down the corridor. “Enough, Orion.” Enough? No, I was only getting started. The mortal should feel guilty. I had no doubt in my mind that the Wendigo, whose scent still clung to Azrael’s bleeding body, had been after her. Their kind lived deep within the mountains, only ever traveling as far as the Forest of Ruin. The creature had been coaxed here by someone. Whoever they were must’ve truly wanted the mortal dead, which meant we needed to know why. Entering my study, I sent a gust of magic to close the door behind us, then deposited Azrael into the armchair I kept by the windows. When I couldn’t sleep, which was more often than not, I’d sit there watching the moon come and go. Quickly turning on my heel, I raced over to the bookcase where I kept most of my healing tonics. I paid no attention to the pres
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Chapter 29
Blakely Apparently getting an eyeful of naked God was what the twisted mansion wanted, because instead of screwing with me further, it led me back to my own bedroom. Getting a shower was now the last thing on my mind. With every step, the shards of stone embedded in my heels began to burn. They needed to come out, and since I couldn’t count on Orion’s magic to help me, I had to help myself. As-fucking-usual. The door opened half an hour later, but I was long gone by that point. Blood coated the floor, forming a crimson river around my hunched over body. I wielded Azrael’s dagger like a scalpel, slicing into the bottoms of my feet to then pry the chunks of stone loose. Sweat coated me from how close I sat to the fireplace, using the flames to sterilize the blade. Each slash, each cut, was met with a strange numbness that flooded through my limbs and left me in a haze. Pretty sure I was going into shock. Draco padded into the room and froze. I didn’t look up from my work, but that
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