All Chapters of In the Lap of Luxury: Chapter 741 - Chapter 750
830 Chapters
Chapter 741 Wiretapping
Each of them was sitting in front of a laptop, wearing headphones, and typing away. They were fully focused.Shawn nodded and called Spencer over. "Stay here. Serve the guests well.""I said no need. Are you deaf? Get out!" The person yelling was an irritable man with a stubble.Shawn remained calm. "This is our teahouse's etiquette. You can have no orders, but we must still serve you.""You really don't understand plain language. I told you we don't need your service. Get out!"The man's patience was running out. He stood up and pushed Shawn and Spencer out. Just as he was about to close the door, Shawn suddenly pushed him back, swiftly and concisely pinning him down on the couch. "Spencer! Unplug their laptops!"The man cursed out, "Fuck!"However, the others were not pushovers. They quickly got up, closed their laptops, and stopped Spencer. "Turns out there are actually hidden talents in such a small teahouse."After saying that, they all smashed their teacups and started
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Chapter 742 Tending to His Wounds
Though they were involved in shady dealings, they would rather get injured than lose their freedom."Officer, it was just a minor scuffle. You've misunderstood us!" The stubbled man released Shawn, raising his hands."A scuffle? With bloodshed? It looks more like a brawl to me!" Grace couldn't help but feel alarmed upon seeing blood on Shawn's hands.She didn't dare to get too close, fearing that the men would recognize that the gun in her hands was fake. Her palms were sweaty.She pursed her lips and said, "Get out of there and stand in a line!"The men hesitated. However, as they were wary of the gun, they reluctantly stepped out and stood in a crooked line.Inside the private room, Spencer rushed to help Shawn up. "Are you alright, Mr. Griffin?"Grace quickly approached them. While keeping the gun aimed at the men, she asked Shawn, "What happened?"Frowning, Shawn casually wiped the blood on him with some tissue paper. "Wiretapping."Seeing the laptops and headphones on the
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Chapter 743 He Found Out
They had set up bugs in Xander's private room in advance to listen to his conversations, but they hadn't expected Shawn to be so keen. He had discovered the bugs so quickly! They confessed to the illegal surveillance but insisted they had done it of their own accord. They claimed that they had been tempted by greed and had wanted to steal valuable business intelligence for money. Xander shrugged it off. "We were just chatting about mundane things. It wasn't anything sensitive." This case alarmed Howard, not only because of Xander's prominent status but also because it involved another high-ranking individual, Isaac Wilde from the Internal Revenue Service. They shook hands and teased him, saying, "Howard, this is your jurisdiction. It seems quite dangerous that even conversations with friends can be eavesdropped on." Howard was embarrassed and quickly apologized. "I'll strengthen control measures."However, private conversations between an Internal Revenue Service officer and
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Chapter 744 A Gift for You
Shawn raised his hand to shield his eyes and slumped down lazily as they spoke of the past."It's all in the past; I don't care anymore. Howard, why do you care so much?" Howard scrutinized him. The lively young man from the past had grown into a mature person. It was rare to catch a glimpse of his former self. Howard sighed. "I regret how it turned out for you. Back then, you were the most daring and promising member of the team. Look at you now. Angus, who came after you, has become a captain. And you—" Shawn was tired of listening to his nagging and stood up. "Enough, Howard. Look at me now. Am I not doing fine? I can eat and drink. I'm not any worse off than before." Howard hesitated, unable to continue. Shawn left the chief's office and walked down the long corridor. He noticed officers returning from duty, their bodies dirty but filled with vigor and vitality. He stood in the corridor and watched them for a while. Howard's words ran through his mind, and his expres
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Chapter 745 Nothing to Do with Jake
"Get in." Xander's voice was heavy. Hazel hesitated for a moment, unsure if he was talking to her. "Mr. Fulton?" "Gracie," Xander ordered. He rarely called her "Gracie" anymore. It seemed that he was genuinely angry. "Do you hear anyone speaking?" Grace asked the driver next to her. The driver was already sweating profusely and couldn't muster a smile. "Ms. Lewis, it's Mr. Fulton." "Then, just pretend you didn't hear him. He always likes to turn a blind eye anyway, so let him have his way." Grace fastened her seatbelt. Xander's gaze was sharp as he stared straight at Grace. "I forgot to tell Chief Donegan that he should just give Ms. Lewis a medal for bravery. She's always so eager to help." His words were laced with sarcasm and mockery. Grace stiffened her neck and replied, "He was injured. I couldn't just stand by and do nothing. I'm not as heartless as some people." "I've never seen anyone die from a cut." Grace mumbled, "You're so petty to get angry over this
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Chapter 746 What Else Do You Want
Grace got out of the car and headed straight to the office. She had received a message while she had been waiting for Xander at the station. It had been from Jake. "I'm waiting for you in your office." Grace hadn't expected him to go to Amirate and wait for her in her office. She stepped out of the elevator in a hurry, only to see Luke anxiously waiting for her. "Ms. Lewis." "Where is he?" "He said he was from the Fulton family. I didn't dare to stop him, so I let him in your office." Grace suddenly became anxious. She couldn't help but scold Luke. "The Fulton family? Remember, besides Xander, no one is allowed to enter!" Luke hurriedly nodded.Grace gripped the office door handle, took a deep breath, and then pushed the door open. Her office's walls were covered with photos and awards she had received since she had taken charge of Amirate. It was densely packed and quite spectacular. At that moment, Jake was standing before the wall, admiring the awards with interes
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Chapter 747 Cracking the IP Address
Grace seemed to realize that she had lost her composure and turned away. Jake furrowed his brow, and he unconsciously tightened his grip on the documents in his hand. He had indeed seen Grace jump from the second-floor window to escape that day. He snapped sharply, "I wonder if you care about Xander or Shawn." She had taken such a big risk just to keep that secret hidden. At that moment, Jake didn't have a good impression of her. In fact, he felt disgusted by her. In the end, she turned out to be no different from the other women he had encountered. "I'll take this. But how can I be sure that you haven't told Xander?" "Then, how can I be sure you won't betray me? You might send the photos to Xander even after gaining this information." The two stared at each other challengingly. "If you don't say anything, I won't send it." Grace smiled and crossed her arms. "Jake, you must take me for a fool. How about this? Give me the backups of the photo, and I'll give you mine
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Chapter 748 Long-Time Friends
The investigation team settled in at Hawkins Group and began the week-long interrogation the previous Monday.All of the company's employees were on standby. Everyone was tense. They were worried that there would be a problem with their work.A week later, the investigation team completed their work. Timothy received the invitation and arrived two hours later. The moment he walked out of the elevator, he could sense the oppressive atmosphere. The employee who came to meet him was someone he had never seen before. "Mr. Hawkins is waiting for you in his office."Timothy looked around. The building, which had always been grand and imposing, now looked as if it were on the brink of destruction. He walked straight to the president's office and knocked on the door."Enter." Benjamin's voice sounded hoarse and exhausted.He was sitting in his chair. There was a shadow of stubble on his chin, and his eyes seemed sunken in. There was a gray pallor to his skin. He had clearly endured se
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Chapter 749 Grace Will Go to Jail
"That's impossible." Timothy looked at the document again. The amount of tax fraud came to a total of ten figures. "There's no reason for Grace to do so! The Lewis family doesn't lack money, and neither does she!""Don't you get it, Timothy? It's not about money. It's about feelings!" Benjamin said heavily. He looked wretched and in pain. "She went through so much with our family. She hates me and Hawkins Group! She probably sowed the seeds for this long ago!" Timothy shook his head in disbelief. "You saw what she was like in business after we got divorced. This kind of thing is right up her alley!" Timothy was still doubtful. Between Benjamin, his friend of many years, and the Grace he knew, he didn't know who to believe. "Can the money be put back?" "Yes." Benjamin tore open a box of cigarettes and stuffed one into his mouth. He lit it. "As long as the money is put back, nothing will happen to Hawkins Group or Grace. However, this isn't the biggest problem for the comp
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Chapter 750 Heidi Melton
The entire office smelled like Marlboro cigarettes.After Timothy left, the door to the lounge opened and revealed Joshua. He crossed his arms. "Can you trust him?""He's the only heir to the Donegan Chamber of Commerce and is one of the vice directors of an investment bank. He's more than capable of dealing with things in yours and Xander's field."Benjamin walked over to the liquor cabinet and took out a bottle of wine and two glasses. "You didn't help him when he was in trouble. How can you guarantee that he will help you?"The dark red wine flowed into the glass. Benjamin was confident about his victory. "I know my friend. He won't just let me die." …The moment Timothy left the Hawkins Tower, a chill ran down his back. While they had been in front of the mirror earlier, Benjamin had approached him and slipped him a pendrive. He had said quietly, "I helped you find it. This is the lost security footage of that staircase at Amirate's annual party. With this, Noelle can
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