All Chapters of Alpha Brocks Mate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
168 Chapters
Chapter One-Hundred Twenty-Nine: Stephanie's Mind-Reading Gift: A Curse in Disguise
Melania's Perspective:My glare burned into Brock, his surprise announcement pinning me to the spot. If only he'd had the decency to warn me, I would have spared myself the awkwardness and switched classes. Surely, our tangled bond screamed conflict of interest.At my side, Charmayne leaned in, her voice a strident whisper. "How on earth did you land such a burning hot husband?" Her elbow gently nudged my side, but it might as well have been a dagger.A small, defiant growl rumbled from deep within, my inner wolf, Aurina, bristling at the comment. She was fiercely protective of what was ours, and I had to admit, her feelings mirrored my own. It was hardly flattering to have others eyeing our mate.The question from another friend sliced through the tension. "Stephanie, you kept it such a secret. How come you never spilled that your husband would be Instructing the class?"Facing Brock, I let the words drip with ice. "Because I didn't know—and
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Chapter One-Hundred Thirty: Escorting Ivy and Rowan: A Journey to Alpha Simmons' Territory
Stephanie’s Perspective: As the final minutes of class ticked away, Brock's voice cut through the air, summoning the two wolves whose whispers had captured my attention earlier. The door swung open, proclaiming the arrival of the Gamma flanked by a duo of stern guards tasked with holding their post at the entrance. The trepidation in the wolves' eyes was unmistakable. “Alpha?” the male ventured, a tremor of uncertainty in his tone, “Have we disobeyed some law?” Brock responded with a gentle shake of his head. “No. You're aware of who I am—Alpha Brock Simmons, right? Besides me is my mate, endowed with an extraordinary ability that she cannot always suppress: the power to sift through the minds of individuals from any pack. Tell us, what are your names, and from which pack do you come from?” The female stepped forward. Her voice, a soft murmur, scarcely rose above a whisper. “I'm Ivy, and this is Rowan. We're from the Timberlake Pack.” I was immediately curious. The Timberlake Pack
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Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-One: Alpha Silverton-Simmons' Command: Respect and Authority
Stephanie’s Perspective:As I strode into the conference room, anticipation curled in my stomach—a crucial debrief loomed about the teenagers' knowledge of Yadiel, whose death had cast a shadow over us all. Our pressing concern, however, was uncovering their insights into the girl now commanding Yadiel's pack.Contrary to expectations, the conference room lay barren, the silence humid. My next destination was clear: Brock's office. Upon arrival, a charged scene unfolded before me. The teenagers sat rigid on chairs before Brock's desk, and the air was thick with tension as the male teen and Brock exchanged potent glares."Brock! Explain yourself!" I demanded.He jerked upward, surprise etching his features. In a bewildered gesture, he jabbed a finger toward the defiant boy. "He had the nerve to call me a 'stupid ass'!"Rowen, simmering with anger, shot back in defense, "And he's no better—labeling me an idiot for not awaiting the m
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Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Two: The Fate of Beta Johnson: Alpha Morrison's Justice
Staphanie’s perspective: The Fate of Beta Johnson: Alpha Morrison's Justice I insisted on respect; without establishing firm boundaries from the outset, it would forever remain tenuous. So, right from the start of our dialogues, I laid down the law.   "Alpha Silverton-Simmons," he began, a note of unprecedented respect coloring his tone, "I must confess, I've yet to encounter a wolf possessing strength comparable to that of yours. I propose that one of my men partake in interrogating them."   I contemplated his suggestion before replying, "The issue at hand, you see, is the intense anxiety your men harbor towards you as their Alpha. This fear could shroud the truth, leaving us only with half-truths or worse, silence. I believe our Gamma is better suited for this delicacy—the questioning of the young wolves. Under his charge, not only can you and your mates supervise to prevent any misconduct, but we're also more likely to eli
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Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Three: A Chilling Sign of Power: Crystal's Message for Brock
Alpha Morrison’s Perspective:I am not sure if I have run out of Alpha Brock’s territory or not. My Wolf and I needed reprieve from all the drama of losing my best friend, and disappointment in myself for not knowing that he was abusing his mate and pup. “How could I not have seen this; how could I have been so blind? How has he been treating my pack?” At this point, I felt like the worst Alpha to walk on this planet.I wasn’t certain how I could react to his pup and mate. I just executed their mate, and father. Then out-of-the-blue Adrian popped out. I knew him from the times he visited my beta. The beta constantly asked me to accept him into my pack, but there is already wanted posters of him being a beta to Alpha Yadiel. How Crystal Silverton got tied up with Adrian is beyond me, but that boy is trouble. In a pained corner of my heart, I harbored a shred of sympathy for Adrian. Years ago, Alpha
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Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Four: Racing Against Time: Preparing for the Impending War
From Stephanie's Perspective: Under the shroud of nightfall, Alpha Morrison charged onto our pack's territory, breaching the darkness with his frantic pace. The urgent summons came almost instantly; Brock and I were to confront the intruder, escorted by our pack's watchful guards. A flicker of recognition gnawed at me—I sensed Alpha Morrison's distinct presence. Yet the unpredictability of Adrian, shrouded in his rogue Alpha aura, left a sliver of doubt. Caution was our unwavering ally in these treacherous times. Silently, we padded back to the packhouse, our paws whispering secrets to the forest floor. Alpha Morrison trailed alongside us, his dominant stride marred by a telltale limp. The walls of Brock's office would soon repeat with his account, unraveling the mystery of his stormy run. I had called my father, as he needed to know we had captured some Yadiel Sympathizers, and one had been executed. My father and my brother of course where on their way over
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Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Five: Stephanie's Promise: Bringing Her Sister Home, Alive
Stephanie’s Perspective:I pursued my mother with frantic swiftness, only to witness her collapse on the bed, consumed by sobs. Clumsily, with the oversize belly of my pregnancy obstructing me, I nestled beside her. My arms, awkwardly encircling her, offered a solace that was as much for me as it was for her. In that embrace, my own heart shattered, echoing her grief. A tormenting thought plagued me: what if Crystal hadn’t been swayed by dark influences? Could we truly contribute to the war effort when our own emotions were a battlefield? The uncertainty gnawed at me, yet a perilous resolve took root – to seek out Crystal myself. But Brock, with his hawk-like vigilance, would never grant his consent. I would have to engineer my own escape, shrouded in secrecy. The ruse would require a diversion. I'd enlist Agatha – her allegiance was an unpredictable thing, loyal only to her mother. II could rest easy, knowing
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Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Six: The Magical Veil: Daphne's Shadowy Journey
Stephanie’s Perspective: Agatha must have sensed the surge of anticipation through her witchy ways, because she arrived soon after, flitting through the open window like a wisp of midnight mist. Her presence enveloped the room with a frosty hush, the air suddenly dense with secrets and silent promises of aid.   "Agatha," I began, my voice steady despite the flutter in my chest, "we need your help, and we need your discretion." Her sharp eyes, gleaming with the eerie light of her witchcraft, settled on me, keen and calculating. "Stephanie," she breathed, the corners of her lips curling into a knowing smirk, "when have I ever been indiscreet? What mischief brews in your minds this evening?"   "We're hatching a plan to bring Crystal back. She's lost to us, and I fear that without our intervention, she'll drift beyond our reach forever." I paused, steeling myself for what came next. "We want you to cloak Daphne in your shrouds of
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Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Seven: Trust and Betrayal: A Mate's Deception
Stephanie's Perspective:I was certain that by the time the ambulance charged through from the pack hospital, with the doctor barking out orders to the EMTs, she would've spilled everything to Brock.Crossing the threshold, the rich aroma of bacon entwined with the earthy notes of the forest assaulted my senses. Being pregnant meant such smells were both a curse and a lure, drawing me inevitably toward the kitchen to satiate my relentless craving for bacon.Trailing Brock's distinct scent, with my mother in tow, I made my way to his office. I steeled myself for the confrontation; Brock's temper was as fierce as my current emotional turbulence, exacerbated by the pregnancy that seemed to leave me weeping at the drop of a hat.Brock’s Perspective:Alpha Brock, every muscle tense, paces the length of his office with a furrowed brow. His eyes ablaze with a swirling mix of anger and worry, the arrival of his mate Stephanie and her mother Luna Silv
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Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Eight: Leadership Challenges: Brock's Introspection Under the Moon
Brock’s Perspective:The forest is alive with the whispers of the night, soothing Jasper's distressed mind with every bound we take. Branches lash against my fur like whips, but the physical sting is trivial compared to the emotional turmoil coursing through our shared heart. Jasper's mood swings between anger, confusion, and a poignant grief that threatens to consume us both. Sprinting across the dew-laden underbrush, we came to a clearing bathed in the silver glow of the moon. The majestic orb in the sky pulls at us, a silent beckon for reflection, magnifying our inner discord. As the Alpha, I am meant to lead with clarity and purpose, yet the bond with Stephanie, my mate, has been tainted by doubt, an unfamiliar darkness that Jasper and I are unprepared for.Under the moon's watchful eye, I force the shift back to my human form, a process that normally comes with ease but now feels laborious, a testament to my internal struggle. Naked and
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