All Chapters of You Can't Bid for My Love: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
68 Chapters
Chapter 21 - A strange punishment
Cecilia POVThe sound of shouting reached us before we arrived at the scene and saw a crowd of people gathering around Soraya and Olivia. When the crowd parted for Alessandro, it revealed Soraya and Olivia in a fight. I gasped when Soraya grabbed Olivia’s short dark hair and slammed her face into the stairwell railing. “That’s enough!” Alessandro boomed. Everyone silenced and Soraya let go of Olivia, who dropped to her knees from the blow to her head. “Where have you been?” Soraya asked. “I was looking for you.”“Yeah, kicking the crap out of me seems like an effective way to search for someone,” Olivia muttered and pressed her hand against a bleeding gash on her forehead. “No one asked your opinion, Leech.” Soraya sneered. I rushed up to Olivia to check her over and Soraya’s eyes narrowed when she saw me. “Were you with her?” She asked in disbelief. “You snuck out of the room to go fuck your slave?”Olivia looked at me, her face practically screaming “You said you weren’t sle
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Chapter 22 - A dagger with you name
Cecilia POVI became nervous when Alessandro turned his gaze to me and I suddenly remembered that earlier that night, I had his dick in my mouth. Blush crept up on my cheeks again and I looked down on the floor in an attempt to hide it. I still remembered the taste, and I thought that I would be grossed out about it. But instead, I felt more excited. I wanted to run my tongue over his entire body. When Alessandro had told me not to hide my moans, I didn’t understand why. But it was crystal clear for me after getting a taste of that myself. It was an amazing feeling, having the power to give pleasure to someone else like that.I saw Alessandro’s shoes come into view, interrupting my thoughts. I realized that he was standing right in front of me. I looked up and tilted my head back to look at his face. His tall figure towered over me and made me feel small. “We should probably try to get some sleep.” He whispered and I nodded. He took my hand and led me back to the Omega quart
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Chapter 23 - Preparations
Alessandro POVI woke up in Cecilia’s bed in the Omega quarters. Cecilia was lying on top of me with her head on my chest. I could hear her snore softly, so she was still asleep.It gave me a perfect opportunity to think things through, and I started to wonder if I had been drugged or something.How could it be that an Alpha like me, the leader of a criminal empire and son of Italy’s greatest mafia boss, ended up running out of his own room in the middle of the night to sleep with an Omega?And not sleep like I was fucking her.No.I literally slept with her.There must have been something seriously wrong with me for that to happen.And yet, it felt so right.Even though I felt like I had come to my senses, I stayed in bed watching her sleep. Harley opened up the mindlink. “Where are you?” He asked. I stiffened. “I just woke up.” I replied. “What’s up?”“Viper reached out.” Harley replied. “He wants to talk.”I groaned audibly and Cecilia stirred. She looked up at me with sleepy e
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Chapter 24 - Cemetery meeting
Cecilia POVThere was one car in front of us and one behind as we cruised along the streets of Malmö. I didn’t know where we were going, but I balled my fists in my lap to keep them from trembling. Alessandro and Soraya were chatting quietly in the back seat, but I was too nervous to hear anything they were saying. “Alright, we’re stopping here.”Alessandro said. Harley pulled over at the side of the road and they started getting out of the car. I pushed the car door open and climbed out stiffly, every move felt like I was under water. Was this it? Was Alessandro really going to sell me to get those weapons back?Based on his earlier comment, it seemed that way. I felt a hand on my arm and I stared blankly up at Alessandro’s frowning face. Realizing what I was doing, I looked down quickly. “Sorry, Master.” I whispered. Alessandro gripped my chin and forced me to look at him.“You are pale as a ghost.” He said. “Are you alright?”I couldn’t help it, but a tear slipped down my
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Chapter 25 - Cemetery war
Alessandro POVAll around me were fully shifted wolves fighting for their lives. I had to give it to Viper, he was definitely good at training his warriors. Harley was tackled by a wolf beside me and he landed on the ground with the wolf on top of him. I got free of the moron I was fighting by quickly sinking my teeth into his neck and jerking my head to the side, ripping his windpipe out. I lunged forward and pushed the wolf off of Harley, pinning him to the ground. After biting and scratching every surface I could get, the wolf underneath me stopped moving. “Alpha, look out!”Harley’s mindlink made me snap my head to the movement in the corner of my eye, just as Viper’s wolf collided with me.I struggled, but quickly realized why they called him ‘Viper’. He sure was a snake in a fight. By taking me by surprise, Viper got a huge advantage and pinned me down on the ground. His claws sunk into my ribcage and I thrashed to get out from underneath him. My hind legs managed to g
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Chapter 26 - Accepting or rejecting?
We helped Alessandro get in the car and started heading back to the mansion. I was sitting in the backseat with Alessandro’s head in my lap, only dressed in a large t-shirt that I found in the trunk. Even though the wound was healed and Alessandro insisted that he was fine, the rest of us argued that he should be careful. I still had no idea what I did, so I couldn’t guarantee that everything was fully healed just because the open wound magically turned into a scar. I tried to process the night’s events during the car ride back. The silver collar had fallen off on the street outside of the old cemetery, and I had no idea how. Maybe I should have taken a closer look at the collar to see if it malfunctioned somehow. But it still didn’t explain the bright light that I saw. A million questions swirled in my head and I was nowhere to get an answer. Before I knew it, we reached the mansion and we got out of the cars. Harley offered Alessandro a hand, but he didn’t take it. “I’m fin
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Chapter 27 - Using plan B
Cecilia POVI woke up with Alessandro’s body pushed up against my back, his body making me warm. The previous night’s events replayed in my mind, making me smile. For a second, I thought he just took me to his room to reject me, considering that Soraya was so convinced that he would. But it seemed to be another one of her schemes, just like when she made me believe that Alessandro was going to sell me to Viper. I had overheard Alessandro saying to Soraya that he didn’t want a mate, but the way he made love to me last night, I started to think that he only said it so that she wouldn’t get her hopes up. But there was still one thing that bothered me. Why didn’t he mark me if he was claiming me as his?Maybe he wanted to wait?Or was he bothered by Alpha Harald’s mark?I didn’t know how all of that worked actually, so I felt a little confused. If I was marked by Alpha Harald, how could I sense my mate?There were so many things that didn’t add up.Alessandro stirred and pulled me
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Chapter 28 - Caught in the act
Alessandro POVI felt bad. Really bad. As if I was going to be sick. My head and my heart were colliding so hard that I didn’t know what to do.I had already made up my mind years ago. I didn’t want a mate. I had a duty to get back to Italy and save my sister. The thought of Miabella made me feel even more guilty.Because when I finally met my mate, I didn’t want to reject her. Every fiber in my being was begging me to accept her, but I couldn’t.Still deep in thought, I took a shower and studied the scar from the night before in the mirror while I dried myself off. How did she do that?Based on her shocked expression, I didn’t think that she knew what happened either. After I got dressed, I groaned in frustration and rubbed my forehead. I had to go find Cecilia and finish the rejection. Walking out into the hallway, I started going down to the kitchen to see where Cecilia would have been stationed today. I ran into Judith in the dining room and she bowed to me. “What can I
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Chapter 29 - Shattered heart
Cecilia POVI was an idiot. Olivia had told Alessandro off outside of her bedroom door, and I had heard all of it. Alessandro had agreed not to reject me today, and to give me some time to come to terms with it. Olivia told me that she didn’t think that Alessandro actually wanted to reject me. He seemed to care about me and I shouldn’t take the rejection personally. There was something else going on.Since he had agreed not to reject me today, I figured that I should go talk to him and ask him about his reasons. If he rejected me anyway, I would just leave with Olivia the same night.The truth was that I desperately wanted to see him. My whole body wanted to be in his presence. So I left Olivia’s room and went to ask him about his reasons for wanting to reject me. I went to his office and knocked on the door, but my blood went cold when I heard Soraya’s voice inside. “Come in.”I opened the door with trembling hands and stopped right inside the door.Alessandro was sitting behi
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Chapter 30 - Escape
Cecilia POV“Are you sure about this?” Olivia asked me. I wiped my tears and straightened my back.Looking at Olivia, I mustered up all the determination that I had. “I’m sure.” I said. “I want to give him another chance. But I can’t do that right now. We should go and try to find out what I am, and when I know, I can come back to him. I’ll probably need his help anyway if I’m ever going to be able to take back my pack.”“Then let’s go.” As soon as the sun went down, we started our little mission. There weren’t any Omega’s out, and Olivia said that she never really encountered anyone other than a few guards while working at night, so we could move around quite freely without having to sneak around too much.First thing’s first, we needed some way to defend ourselves. I could still get recognized and we were going to dangerous places, so we wanted to be prepared. So we snuck into Alessandro’s armory and stole a gun each. “How did you even know how to get in here?” I hissed as we
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