All Chapters of Another Chance: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
172 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-one
Emily’s POVThe guard threw me into the dungeon and I heard the door slam shut with a bang as the heavy steel bar slammed into place behind my back. I was alone in the darkness for the first time in days. It was an unappealing, dank room that smelled like urine and sweat and fear.Everything was pitch black.“Please let me out of here” I turned immediately banging at the door . The bars were thick metal bolted together, but it was no use - they wouldn’t budge. They couldn’t be more secure anywhere else. “Let me go! Let me go… please!”My voice grew louder and my heart pounded in my chest as I banged frantically against my cage. It echoed around in my head making my headache worse. “Why… why are you doing this to me?” I felt tears prickling at the corners of my eyes. My throat tightened and my breath became shaky. I tried not to cry. But I couldn’t help myself. “Let me out…” I whimpered and sobbed quietly. Nothing, the only thing I got in return was the echo of my voice running t
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Chapter Twenty Two
Luka’s POV“Alfred, tell Claire to get the girl ready for tonight “ I ordered but Alfred looked at me as if I had grown a pair of horns without moving from where I was sitting on my bed “What girl? What are you talking about?” he asked while crossing his arms over his chest and almost looking sternly at me. I frowned at him for a moment wondering if he was fooling around.“Emily”He still didn’t move, he stared at me silently as if he was debating with himself what he should do or say next, but then finally sighed and shrugged.“She is still in the dark dungeon”“What do you mean by that?”“She is a prisoner. You sent her there, remember?”It dawned on me. How could I forget? How many days has it been? I was too busy with the endless meetings I had been having with the council.It's been five days!“Let's go,” I told him leading the way, I was certain that she must have learned enough lessons.My wolf growled angrily at me. It had been happy since I made that decision but I didn't pa
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Chapter Twenty Three
Luka’s POVThe pack doctor came out of her room looking so sad and it made me wonder if something bad had happened to Emily. Something worse than what I had done to her. Was she dead? No, she was still alive and breathing which meant whatever had happened hadn’t been that fatal…Right? “How is she?” I asked him immediately - I commanded him. He knew how serious my question was. “She looks awful… not awake yet but she will be fine,” he said sympathetically and his expression reminded me of weakness and it made sense now why I hated some of them sometimes because their faces were so expressive they looked like they had hearts. I didn't have a heart, it died a long time ago.It died when she died. I wasn't supposed to think about her I quickly reminded myself and pushed the thought far.I was about to leave him and return to her room, knowing fully well that Alfred will take care of the rest.“Your majesty?” the doctor called out suddenly.I turned around. The doctor was frowning at
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Chapter Twenty Four
Luka’s POVThe more she was chanting, the more Emily’s once-resting face contoured in pain . Every once in a while, tears fell from her eyes and the lines on her face were becoming visible under the thin layer of sweat.The healer didn’t seem to notice, however. Her attention was focused entirely upon the world beyond here, beyond us. I had no idea what she was saying or how long it lasted but Emily looked like she hadn’t moved a single inch. Even though I could hear and smell the faint traces of her pain and agony.As the last words faded away, the healer closed her eyes and her lips moved silently for the longest time. Finally, the healer smiled as she stood up and moved with the bowl to Emily’s bed and began to smear whatever she had mixed in that bowl on Emily’s body .She spread the mixture over every single part of Emily’s body.Emily’s eyelids fluttered slightly.The healer continued to work on her, applying the paste in various places of the body, moving her arms and legs.
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Chapter Twenty Five
Emily's POVThe light seemed too bright and my eyes were almost tearing up. My head felt like I had been run over by a truck and it hurt as though I was being hit in the back of the head with a brick. The air stung at my lungs when I tried to inhale. I tried to breathe deep but the only thing that came out was an agonized gasp, followed by more coughing which made my throat burn and ache even more painfully.I gasped again and then I finally managed to clear my throat so that the coughs didn’t sound quite as painful or like they were trying to strangle me anymore. I looked up into the sun above me and squinted because I couldn’t really see anything.When my eyes finally adjusted, I realized I was in a familiar room.“Are you alright my dear?” A man was beside me, he looked and sounded so familiar and yet I couldn't place where I saw or knew him from.I nodded and as I struggled to sit up, he helped me, putting a pillow behind me so I could be comfortable.I looked around again wonde
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Chapter Twenty-six
Emily’s POVAfter my teary session, I calmed down and laid awake on the bed, tirely contemplating everything that has happened today. The fact that I have been crying made it seem even more surreal. The last few days were too weird for me to think about and now that I have, it is hard to process. Everything was too fast, so I had no time to adjust to what had just occurred.Clare came into my room holding a tray, her eyes warmed up when they saw me awake and she smiled as she placed the tray on my bed. A cup of tea. How thoughtful of her to take care of me. “I thought I'd never see you again. How are you feeling, dear?” she asked as she sat down on the side of my bed. I couldn't tell if I had imagined it but I could swear I had seen tears in her eyes.“I'm okay, thank you for caring for me. It really means a lot to me. But I can assure you that I am fine. And why were you crying?” I dared to ask.Her lips pursed, looking uncomfortable. She bit them before saying with a shaky voice,
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Chapter Twenty Seven
Emily’s POVThe next day, it was as if nothing ever happened, like he didn't come to my room and I didn't see that tiny crack. He was nervous, he didn't seem to have it together like I had imagined or maybe it was just all in my head.He was back to being cold and when he came to my room, he stood at the farthest end as if I repulsed him with the mere sight of me. I wondered how much longer this would last before he left again. Would things ever get better? I didn't know why it bothered me. Maybe it was because my wolf wanted to get lost in his scent, I couldn't really tell.It was a foreign feeling. A weird, uncomfortable one that didn’t make any sense. I didn't understand why I felt so conflicted about him. There were many reasons but none of them felt right. It made me uneasy to think about it more. I decided not to dwell on it too much for now. I wasn't going to let my wolf win even though she had always been there for me and I knew she wouldn't leave now, not until we got everyth
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Chapter Twenty- Eight
Luka’s POV“Alfred?” I called out randomly from nowhere, it has been days since I left Emily’s room. I hadn't gone back there, I didn't exactly want to be around her, only my wolf wanted that and I deprived him of it.“Yes your Majesty” When I turned to look at him, he wasn't the same man I had known for almost thirty years now. How did old age catch up with him so fast? He was more grizzled and grey than I remembered, yet when I looked up into his eyes they were still as sparkling blue as they ever were. The only difference now was that they held a certain sparkle in them and not the old, sad eyes he used to carry whenever we failed our mate mission. it seemed he was satisfied with whatever out I had to deal with, he was satisfied with Emily.And just to prove my point, he had bugged me so much that I gave in to his request to apologize to the girl. I don't know how he did it and I wasn't usually that gullible, but there he stood with the biggest smile on his face. He actually looked
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Chapter Twenty-Nine
Emily’s POVI was tired, exhausted, drained, depressed . The air felt so dry that the sun’s glare almost hurt my eyes and I wanted to sink back into the plush carpeting of my bed for a nap. I had forgotten what the air outside felt like, I was stuck in my room, locked up like a prisoner, I was a prisoner.I didn’t want to be locked up in my room. No matter how many times I begged, it never changed, “I will talk to the king on your behalf.” That was the same bullshit Claire had been saying for almost a week now or more, I had lost count but there was still no positive change.Maybe she was just as tired and defeated as I was, maybe she knew that the King would never let me out.“Claire please, just please let me out. I promise I won't try to run away again, I will obey all of your rules, all of his majesty's rules but please just let me out I beg you”, tears were welling up in my eyes, pleading with her, I couldn’t hold back any longer, I couldn’t take much more, “Please, please, I am
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Chapter Thirty
Emily’s POVOne of the guards led me outside, it felt like the first time in years that I’d been outside, I never took the time to get out of there, but here I was, fresh and alive, and for once I hadn't thought about being a prisoner for a second. I was free. And it didn't feel like I'd ever had anything to fear from them.When we were outside, he was fully dressed standing in his full glory beside two horses . They looked bigger than they should have, considering how short I am, and my eyes widened as I took in their massive size, the pure size of them. The one on the left was white with brown patches and was a little bit taller than the other, and had an aura about her that made her seem very majestic. She was beautiful, her mane was shining silver, she had the most magnificent eyes I've ever seen, and when she raised her head at me, I could tell that she was looking straight into my soul, I felt like she saw through me and knew everything. As much as I wanted to go up and stroke
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