All Chapters of Bullied by Navy Triplet Stepbrothers: Chapter 201 - Chapter 207
207 Chapters
QuinnI thought I had seen the last of Susan by telling her how I didn't miss her but I was wrong. She was more determined to have me in her space and because I mentioned my brothers the other time, she extended a bit of the gesture to them though it was all too obvious that what she was doing to them was fake and all she was concerned about was truly me.I sighed. I hated unnecessary attention of any kind and I had tried my best to avoid it by staying on my own in the barracks but now she was bringing me out in the open against my wish.I didn't like this and I was going to have to talk to her. What did she think that she was doing? That I was going to like it? She was being ridiculous if she didn't know it and she had to be dreaming if she thought that I was going to like her gesture.I remembered that I wanted to tell my brothers something and was about to speak up but the bell beat me to it."Oh! That is the bell for dinner. Shall we?" Jack said."No problem." John replied.We had
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MiaI flicked off the paper in front of me, tired of staring through fonts and ink. I had been busy. No, I had been trying to keep myself busy. Those were what I had been trying to do all day, all week since the boys had left.I missed them. I missed them with an ache that had my heart rolling and I couldn't imagine how they would feel as well since we were all mates and were apart. I was sure that it would be hard on them the same way it was hard on them. I wondered how they felt. We had calls everyday and almost every minute but that couldn't suffice for being together.I couldn't tell if they were in pain from our phone conversation as they were trying hard to hide it from me which was also what I was trying to do. I was also hiding it from them how much I missed them so they wouldn't be distracted and be able to concentrate where they were.I sighed. As if we could hide how we felt. Even if we didn't talk about it, we all knew that we were missing one another greatly. It was the m
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Quinn"Mia! Wait! Stop!" I shouted at her to stop but she wouldn't. She kept on running, heading outside and I knew that I was messed up if she could get out of the gate. She would misunderstand the whole scenario and harden her heart before I could find my brothers, and go home to beg her.What was she doing here? Scratch that. That wasn't the right question to ask. She could be here for reasons of her own that she knew. The right question to ask was why she would think that I was cheating on her. I understood that the situation wasn't a nice one and it was possible that jealousy suddenly crept up on her but she should have held on to her logic. I was a wolf and never would I cheat on my mate. She was far from thinking right and that was what I had to help her do which was why I had to run to her before she could escape.I ran after her, watching as she took a bend. I sighed. If she could get out of that turn, she would be at the gate and that would be the end of my immediate apolog
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MiaIt was revelation day. It was a hassle trying to calm mum down after witnessing me and Quinn kissing. She had glared at us with her eyes widespread and in disbelief."Can someone tell me what is going on here?" She yelled."Please calm down, mum." I pleaded with my face blushing red. I was embarrassed. I shouldn't have let this happen like this. I felt like she was disappointed in me and I hated myself. I wanted my mum to know about my relationship with the boys but it was not like this. I felt bad with the way she was looking at me and I wished that the ground would open up and swallow me whole."Calm down?" She squealed. "I just saw you kissing your brother while the others are looking at you. That was a passionate kiss for it to be seen as brotherly. You were sucking on each other's tongues and Jack was looking at you as if he couldn't wait to undress you. How can you tell me to calm down?"I sighed. I shouldn't have said that. "I'm sorry, mum. I will tell you everything that
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VanessaI couldn't believe it. I still found it hard to believe that my own daughter could keep that much secret from me. I thought that we were close. I thought that we were as close as thieves. I thought that we didn't share any secrets. I thought that... Oh no, o stopped thinking as I didn't know what to think of anymore.She had to be kidding me. I felt like a fool, living in a house full of secrets and I was the only one who knew nothing about it. Asides the revelation that had happened in Mia's room after I found her kissing her brother, I had gotten more from her and I couldn't believe it.I still couldn't get the image of her kissing Quinn out of my head. I wondered what I would have done if I had found them in bed. Oh no! I couldn't bear to think of that. If she was dating the three of them, that meant that she was sleeping with the three of them.Oh my! How did that even work? I couldn't think of my daughter whoring herself out but with the way that they had explained it, th
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MiaI had thought that mum would never want to see us again after last night's fiasco. I couldn't blame her. We hurt her and she had a right to her anger. I would have been mad as well if I was in her shoes. I was surprised when she came out and joined us for breakfast. That was good. That meant she was slowly letting go of her anger and would soon warm up to us. Maybe she would be forgiving us anytime soon. I had thought I shouldn't hold my breath on waiting for my mum to forgive us but now, it seemed possible.I was glad that I had told Albert to let us call her to join us for breakfast when he was about to ask the maid to send her food to the guest room that she had slept in. I knew Albert was affected that she had slept in another room. He looked worse, much worse than I had ever seen him. He seemed like he hadn't slept a wink last night with the absence of his wife in their shared bedroom. I didn't think I had ever seen them apart when they were in the same vicinity. He missed mu
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MiaFinally. It was done. I was mated to the boys. The mating ceremony was over. Some of the new wolves who didn't know were shocked that I was getting mated to the boys as they had assumed that I was getting mated to Quinn only but they had also moved on quickly and were happy that we were officially mated.Not all the wolves were around for my Luna ceremony and ritual or they would have found out about the intimacy between me and the boys.I was proud that mum was there to see mating ceremony and that there wasn't any knife cutting in this own. I didn't think mum was going to stand still if she saw that bloody crooked traditional knife cutting into my skin. I hoped that she wouldn't ever see the scars on my back. She had asked if I was keeping any more secrets from me but I didn't think I was going to tell her about the scars on my back. She was going to freak out if she saw them.She was just getting warmed up into the world of the werewolves and I couldn't show her the scars and r
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