All Chapters of The Lycan Luna: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
80 Chapters
Flashback8 months pregnant"What's wrong?" I shook my head at Kenny as I let out another sniffle and started cutting up the rest of the vegetables for dinner."Baby look at me." Once again I shook my head and this time Kenny let out a sigh before he came around the kitchen island. Moments later I felt his hands hands snake around my waist and he turned me around to face him."What's the matter?" Once again when I didn't answer he gave me one of his 'looks' and I knew I couldn't keep it from him any longer."Dean." He seemed confused by what I said and then a frown formed on his face as his eyes darkened."What about him?""I had a dream about him, just now when I had a nap. It just reminded me of everything he did to you." When he realised it was just something in my head and that nothing new had happened, he visibly relaxed."You don't have to worry about him Emma, I told you that when I got out of prison." I nodded my head as I remembered when Kenny had told me Angelo 't
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He shifted his body so that he was leaning over her. “ I'm so sorry for getting angry with you. I'm just tired and a little stressed out. I want you to know that I do have deep passions for you and I'll noway hurt you. ” She reached her hands up to run her fritters through his hair. “ I know you do and I ’m sorry for freaking out on you. I should noway have pushed you. Kiss me. ” He smiled, he was so relieved that their fight was over. “ It'll be my pleasure, ” he said, lowering his mouth onto hers. What was supposed to be a sweet kiss turned into commodity much more. Before they knew it they were engaged in a sweet and passionate lovemaking session. The coming morning over breakfast he kept gaping at her and she noticed. “ Why are you gaping at me? ” “ I was just allowing about commodity. ” “ And what would that be? ” she asked, hoping he was n’t still frenetic at her for last night. “ How would you like to spend a couple of weeks in Scotland? ” “ Scotland, are you ki
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He was okay with that, if they were going to go for a long walk he'd have had to have put out the fire before leaving. As it was he did n’t indeed want to walk around the cabin but when she gave him those puppy dog eyes he could n’t refuse her. The coming morning when he woke up he did n’t find her in bed with him but he could smell the aroma of bacon cuisine. Tossing the covers off him he pulled on a brace of pants and went to the kitchen. He watched as she swayed her hips to the beat of the music as she was frying some eggs. He got turned on watching her burro moving so provocatively. How could he not? She had one of the most beautiful mokes he'd ever seen on any mortal being. “ Keep wriggling your burro like that and I ’m going to have to bend you over and have my way with you. ” She looked over her shoulder and chortled. “ That could prove to be delicate in my condition, but keep that in mind for when after the baby is born. ” “ Damn woman, you're turning out to be one sexy an
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He laughed and leaning over gave her a kiss on the impertinence. “ I know what you ’re trying to do and shame on you. Using our future child to get what you want. If you keep it up I may stay until the following day to give you your surprise. Is that what you want? ” She crossed her arms over her casket and pouted. “ No, I do n’t want to stay another day. ” When they eventually arrived home she started up the stairs but he took a hold of her hand. “ Let’s go into the family room and have some refreshments before you go upstairs. Soon you'll get your surprise. ” He walked with her into the room and he could n’t stay to see the look on her face when her surprise arrived. He told his Butler to have some potables brought into the room, giving the man a wink. “ I ’m a little tired, ca n’t we just have it brought up to our room? ” “ Come, sit down, ” he said, not answering her question. “ Then it comes, ” he said when someone entered the room pushing a trolley with a pot of tea an
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The door on her side opened and an officer poked his head in. “ Hang in there joe, help is on the way. ” “ You have to help her, she’s pregnant and I ca n’t get her to wake up, ” he said, his voice cracking with emotion. “ The paramedics are then now, try not to move until we get you both out of then. ” He kept his arm around her, stroking her impertinence and telling her to wake up. She looked so breathless, and he'd to hold back his gashes as he supplicated to God to save her and the baby. “ It’s going to be alright squeeze , be strong and stay with me. I ’m then and I ’m noway going to leave your side. Please wake up squeeze please. ” But no matter how important he contended she noway opened her eyes or made a sound. When they were inside the ambulance he sat holding her hand. “ You got to help her, you ’ve got to save the baby, ” he said, looking over at the one paramedic. “ How far on is she joe? ” “ Close to eight months. Why is there so important blood, is she losin
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After the men took off he went to find out what room she was in. He walked by and was glad to find out she was breathing on her own and did n’t need a ventilator. Pulling up a president he sat down, taking a hold of her hand. “ Hey, baby. I wish you would wake up so that you can see our son. He’s so amazing, bitsy but has a great set of lungs on him. stay until you see what I ’m wearing, they gave me some diminutives to wear. perhaps I ’ll keep them and eventually we ’ll play croaker , ” he said, hoping she'd hear him and wake up. He sat there with his head on the bed and closed his eyes. He must have been sleeping for hours when he was awakened by a hand on his shoulder. Looking up he saw Dennis standing there holding a coffee and a small bag. “ You should n’t sneak up on me, I could have shot you. ” “ Well, you did n’t. Then, I allowed you could use a coffee and a sandwich. How is Miss Burke doing? ” “ She still has n’t woken up yet, but I know she will. ” “ Boss, she’s a re
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“ I know you said if we had a son you wanted him to have a Russian name. I do like the name Alek, but I would like him to have an American name. I really like the name, David. ” When she saw him scrupling she added. “ How about David, Alek, Jason ” He allowed about it for a nanosecond. “ I like it, yes we shall name him David. I need to let them know that you're awake, I ’m sure they ’re going to want to take you for some tests and examine you. ” She jounced her head in agreement. When the croaker came by and he checked her out he said he wanted to run a couple further tests so they took her into another room. Jason awaited with David until she returned. When they came back an hour latterly he could see from the look on the croaker ’s face that commodity was wrong. We went and sat beside her. “ Is commodity wrong? ” “ I was telling Miss Burke that she has developed an infection in her uterus so I'm going to keep her in for a many further days so that we can clear it up. But
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He walked sluggishly towards her, removing his belt. “ Well, Tabitha is watching David and as long as you do n’t try to push me into putting my armament inside your sweet spot also why not? ” He picked her up and carried her over to the bed where he dropped her and removed her clothes after he was out of his. Laying over her he kissed her. “ I ’ve missed this and I love you so much. ” For over two hours they kissed passionately, feeling each other and he'd to use all of his restraint not to enter her. She was true to her words, she gave him the release he so desperately demanded, and this time she did n’t monkeyshine. Yes, formerly he didn't believe in love or marriage but being with Amy he was now a religionist. Tony Marshall was right, when you love a woman further than life itself you ’ll do anything to cover her, to make her happy. Two months latterly he'd to leave home for a many hours, he did n’t want to go but it was important. He'd placed an order for further men to watch
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On the thoroughfares of Chicago, you could buy any type of munitions, which with the addict she was staying with was suitable to buy a gun and a cutter. She had been planning her vengeance for months, indeed while she was on the thoroughfares of Russia, being abused by her pander that was making her work off what she had stolen from him. But once it was paid off she knew he was going to kill her. The problem was she was n’t bringing him important plutocrat and knew her time on earth was coming to an end soon so she had to escape. She was road smart and knew numerous people from the underground and was suitable to get help from one man in exchange for coitus. With a pack full of snacks, he smuggled her onto a boat heading to America where she remained retired for over a month. It was hard and when she ran out of food she had to sneak around and look for scraps of food in the trash when the crew was either above sundeck or asleep. Arriving in America she made her way to Chicago until
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Jason and Dennis were on their way back home, both anxious to get back. He looked over at his man and scowled. “ I guess effects are hotting up between you and Tabitha. ” He took his eyes off the road for a moment to regard over at his master. “ You know about us? ” “ Everyone knows, it’s not like we ca n’t see the way you look at each other. We ’ve known for a long time now. You do n’t have to keep it a secret, especially from me. As long as you do n’t let it affect your job I wo n’t have a problem with it. ” “ I give you my word it wo n’t, ” he replied, feeling greatly relieved that his master knew and was OK with it. He was sure that Amy had a hand in getting Jason to go on with it. He was also thankful to her for talking Tabitha into asking him out. He wanted to ask her himself but when it came to the contrary coitus he was always shy around them. Pulling into the driveway and through the gate, they saw the electricians truck situated outdoors. They both got out of the veh
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