All Chapters of Honey, You're a Billionaire?: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
362 Chapters
Chapter 251 As if He Is a Fool
Kelly wore the white dress she selected, which was studded with diamonds. It was sparkling and eye-catching. Surrounded by countless people, she was undoubtedly the shining star.Anastasia looked at Kelly with disdain. She walked forward with a wine glass."Kelly, congratulations. You're beautiful. It's a pity that Miles can't see you today."She hinted that Miles was absent. Kelly glanced around but didn't see him. Since he left Young Estate last night, he had never appeared again.She didn't pay much attention to him. But she knew what Anastasia meant. Anastasia was telling her that Rose was more important than her in his heart."Where did he go?" She pretended to be confused. Anastasia pursed her lips."I didn't know either. He didn't answer my call. He must have something important to do. He left after answering the phone last night. I heard him mention Rose ..."She sighed deliberately. "Apart from Harriette, he is only special to Rosie. Maybe she held him back from att
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Chapter 252 He Is So Lucky
Jonathan and Miles chased after them but couldn't match the car's speed. In a moment, the car was no longer visible."Damn it!" Jonathan cursed through gritted teeth.Clover must have done it on purpose. Suddenly, there was the sound of the car engine. Clover drove the car back and whizzed past them.He saw Clover's proud smile, but he also saw the woman in the passenger seat more clearly. That was Rose! Jonathan and Miles looked at each other and drove their cars to chase Clover.Meanwhile, Clover whistled excitedly. Rose looked at the two cars catching up in the rearview mirror. She fell in thought.Although it was just a glance, she could see their faces. A familiar feeling emerged spontaneously. Two hours later, the car stopped.Clover led her to a secretive private club in Aquastead. Before she could see what the club looked like, he pushed her into a room.He glanced at her mysteriously and told Emily, "Make her up beautifully!"He winked at Rose naughtily, stroked her he
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Chapter 253 He Finds Her
"Come here ..." Clover looked at Rose fondly. He couldn't wait to hold her and show off to Jonathan and Miles. He was handsome, while she was beautiful. They looked like a perfect match.Just when he thought she would hold his hand, she took a few steps back and hugged Emily's wrist. For a moment, the atmosphere froze. They watched him be stunned, and his hand froze in embarrassment.Emily finally couldn't help laughing."Stop laughing." He glared at her, then looked at Rose with complaint.She comfortingly held Rose's hand and joked, "You're so bold. If someone else treated him like this, that person would be doomed. But he won't be angry with you."Indeed, he wasn't angry at all. After hearing that, he no longer had a reason to complain. Rose leaned toward her and looked at him innocently."Where are we going?"It was as if nothing happened just now. He snorted and walked out arrogantly. She glanced at Emily and followed him obediently. Outside, his awkward voice came from
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Chapter 254 Your Body Has Not Forgotten Me
Patrick noticed her displeasure and immediately explained, "Ms. Kelly, don't get him wrong. Mr. Young Senior has been relapsing during this period. His mind has become more confused. He always forgets that Ms. Rose has left home."She realized she had revealed her emotions. She instantly returned to her usual innocent and harmless smile."I know it's natural for Grandpa to miss Rose. I also hope she can come back to see him. But ..."She sighed. To others, they would just think Rose was thoughtless. Patrick also sighed and looked at Oliver helplessly. He was still thinking about Rose. Suddenly, he remembered something and asked Patrick, "Where is Miles? Ask him to tell Rosie that we have made her favorite food. Ask her to come home. Tell Rosie that I miss her. Let her come to see me.""Sir ..."Patrick thought about his repeated behavior in the past few days. He had asked Patrick to find Rose countless times. But when he remembered her leaving home, he would blame her again fo
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Chapter 255 How Do They Know Each Other?
Her body hadn't forgotten him. They sat so close. Rose couldn't help but think of something intimate.She felt hot. She subconsciously wanted to distance herself from Jonathan, but he held the back of her head. When she raised her head, her forehead accidentally hit his lips.For a moment, they were stunned. Rose felt herself getting hotter. She lowered her forehead and leaned on his chest again. She felt that they were ambiguous.She tried her best to divert her attention.Suddenly, she thought of something and asked, "How did we know each other?"Jonathan's temperament was no less than Clover's. His identity might also be unusual. But from what she knew about herself, there should be very few connections between them.Even their encounter might be accidental. As soon as she asked, his expression changed. He looked at her meaningfully.After pondering for a long time, he said lowly, "Are you sure you want to know?""Can't I know?" She became more curious. She raised her head
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Chapter 256 Do Something Else
That night, Rose returned to Zenwood Gardens. The familiarity of the room made her relax. She fell asleep quickly. But at midnight, she was woken up by the heat.As soon as her consciousness returned, she felt someone hug her waist. Almost subconsciously, she sat up in shock.When she turned on the bedside lamp, she saw Jonathan sleeping beside her. She wanted to kick him out of bed. But just as she lifted her leg, he opened his eyes in confusion.Seeing her shocked expression, he hugged her waist again and patted her belly. "Why did you wake up? Did you have a nightmare?"This guess made him sober up.He was about to comfort her helplessness and fear, but he heard her ask, "Why are you sleeping here?"He woke up completely and realized that he had come here secretly. He showed a hint of guilt. Yet, they were a couple."We're husband and wife. Of course, I'll sleep wherever you sleep," he asked her to lie down again.He held her tightly in his arms. He had been sleeping in th
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Chapter 257 Join Young's House of Jewels
Anastasia was cleverer and more cunning than Kelly. Kelly's reaction already told her there must be a connection between the two car accidents.She didn't expect to get the truth from Kelly. She could ask someone to check it out. Now, Rose was their common enemy. She had to deal with Rose. As the only grandchild of the Young family, Kelly was a good weapon.After a moment of confrontation and testing, she immediately softened her manner. "I didn't know it either. Shouldn't we concern her?""Of course, we should." Kelly felt a little guilty. She was afraid that Anastasia would investigate the car accident. Even though Anastasia explored the truth, she had already prepared an excuse. But it was better to avoid this situation. But then, she heard Anastasia sigh. "I'll leave it to you. I've been busy recently. Please transfer my concern to her."She smiled at Kelly, then glanced at her watch as if she had something urgent to do. After saying goodbye to Kelly, she left Young E
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Chapter 258 A Woman With Bad Intentions
Rose had been wandering in front of the building for a long time. She hesitated whether to go up."Rosie?"Suddenly, a voice sounded. She turned around and met a "friendly" gaze. Anastasia never expected that she would come here again.She had not come since she declared that she severed ties with the Young family. What was she going to do today?Anastasia greeted her curiously, "Rosie, what are you doing here?"Although she couldn't remember Anastasia, it seemed like they knew each other. She wondered what their relationship was.She smiled and nodded to Anastasia as a greeting but didn't answer the question. She didn't know what she was doing here either. Anastasia was stunned for a moment by her reaction."It seemed like I asked nonsense. Come on. Let's go up together." Anastasia held her hand affectionately. She was hesitant to go up in the first place. But in the end, she couldn't resist her curiosity about her memory. So, she followed Anastasia into the elevator.In the
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Chapter 259 Her Resistance
Rose wanted to correct the facts. But before she could finish her words, Serena interrupted her."Ms. Shaffer, are you trying to accuse me of hurting your hand?"She couldn't help but sneer. "Isn't it the truth?""Of course not! Everyone happens to be here. Let's explain this matter clearly."Serena pretended to be innocent and explained, "I took the water and came out of the pantry. When I saw you, I wanted to apologize for bad-mouthing you last time. But even if you don't accept my apology, you can't bump into me on purpose! You pushed me to the ground. That's why the water splashed on your hand!"She implied that it was Rose's fault for hurting her hand. Rose felt speechless to her slander.For a moment, everyone looked at Rose strangely. They seemed to believe Serena and regarded her as a sinister villain who took revenge. They thought it was all her fault.Sinister villain? She thought it was time to teach Serena a lesson."Is there surveillance in this office?" she calm
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Chapter 260 Offends the Wrong Person
Rose thought there was going to be a fight. But as soon as the security was about to approach her, a voice came. "Stop!"She looked over and recognized it was the woman who had brought her upstairs. The person who came to take Anastasia away earlier called her Ms. Young.Anastasia glanced at the security unpleasantly. They immediately took a few steps back in fear. But Serena became more confident when seeing Anastasia. "Ms. Young! Rose Shaffer hit me! I can't stand up! I ...""If you can't stand up, you can lie down," Anastasia interrupted.She was stunned. She thought she might not have expressed it clearly and continued, "Ms. Young, she is deliberately making trouble ...""Shut up!" Anastasia shouted.This time, she glared at Serena coldly. Serena finally calmed down. But in Serena's view, Anastasia was coming to trouble Rose. It would be a good show.Unexpectedly, when she looked at Rose, she turned her seriousness into a smile. "Rosie, it's better not to trouble the
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