All Chapters of Forbidden Temptations (A Collection of Steamy Tales): Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
147 Chapters
Jason turned out to be a very interesting person. He stayed over, keeping me company till Mom, Dad and Evy returned from the party. They were happy to see that I had company and not all alone. They didn’t fail to tease me though. No matter how much I protested and tried to convince them that I didn’t stay back from the party because of Jason, they didn’t believe me. They said it was fine and I didn’t have to pretend. I gave up trying to convince them and went along with the flow.It was 6:05am and I was on my way to school. I felt much better when I woke up this morning and I knew it was thanks to Jason. I could only hope that he was being genuine. At times like this, I wouldn’t deny that I really needed a friend. Someone I could talk to. Even if it is not about my present predicament, it would still go a long way to help me.A smile was plastered on my face as I walked down. I was lost with a certain feeling of content. I didn’t know when a car pulled up beside me and was following m
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I want you
I’ve never walked through this school’s hallway this confidently. Jason and I were conversing on our way to Mathematics class. We were talking about random stuff about ourselves. People were still staring at us, but we ignored them. I was not in a hurry to get to Mathematics class. Thankfully, Jason wasn’t either, so we took our time.“What?! Is barely a week since you came and you are already in the football club?”“Yup. I guess I created an impression the first two times I played. You should watch me play sometime.”I just found out that Jason is good at football and he has already joined the club. He didn’t even get to do trials. No wonder he was getting the attention he was getting.He is not necessarily an ‘A’ student, but he was intelligent. I liked him already.We walked into Mathematics class with Jason still holding my hand. Mr. Brett was already there. He looked deadly sexy and it took all the willpower in me not to stare at him. He has always looked sexy effortlessly, but t
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Come to me
One human can’t be this perfect. I stared at his packs for about a minute before I used my fingers to begin tracing them. I used my palm to feel his body, then bent to kiss his chest. He exhaled softly and placed his hand on top of mine.“Misha, it’s a small gesture, but you don’t know what it’s doing to me.” He sighed and brought down my hands. “If you are going to walk out on me, then please stop.” I removed my gaze from his chest to look at him. “I don’t know what to do,” I said again. He turned me around to back him, then drew me closer to him. So close, I could feel my butt on his dick. I rested the back of my head on his left shoulder and closed my eyes.“Just don’t walk away,” he whispered into my ear.“I won’t.”The next thing I felt was his lips crashing on mine. I pressed against him as he deepened the kiss. He groaned softly. His hands dropped around my waist and he pressed me again to him. I felt his erection and became wet right away. I placed my hand on his cheek and
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Teaching her
I had a Chemistry test today and I hadn’t even bothered to open my book to read. I spent practically the whole of my night speaking with Mr. Brett over the phone. It was unlike me to go for a test unprepared. The only chance I have left to study is early this morning, in the basement. If I was going to do that, I needed to find a way to dodge Jason.Unfortunately, luck was not on my side. I had just finished breakfast and ran up to my room to grab my stuff. I came back downstairs to meet Jason already there waiting for me. “Hey Mom, hey Jason.”“Hey,” the two responded at the same time.“Ready?” Jason asked “Yeah, I am, but are you turning into a nerd or something?”Jason laughed out and opened the front door for me. “Why?”“How could you be ready to leave for school already? I just gave it yesterday and was certain you’ll drop it.”“Well, here I am,” he said, closing the door after I had shouted goodbye to my mom.“You know you don’t have to do this Jason. I can handle myself in t
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Being Jason’s friend meant being less of a nerd. I haven’t been myself for almost two weeks straight. First of all, my escapades with Mr. Brett, then Jason came along and gradually started plucking off my nerdish proclivities. I was presently seated on my bed, watching Jason struggle with my dresses as he tried to find one suitable for a party. I had protested enough about not wanting to go to any party and finally gave up. Jason was not having any of it. He was in fact going to drag me to the party if I posed any resistance. I could as well just comply.I smiled at Jason’s frustration. If I’m fortunate enough, then he will give up and change his mind about taking me to whatever party he was planning to take me to. It looked like my dresses were giving him second thoughts. His exertions were giving me a little idea of what it will be like having a close female friend.“Jesus Christ Misha,” he groaned and slumped down on my bed. I grinned from ear to ear. I had put him up to this chal
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Inside you
“Misha! Misha!”Someone kept calling my name and it was getting very irritating. Can’t I have a good night's sleep?“Misha! Wake up!”I grumbled and slowly opened my eyes. I rubbed them with my fingers, ready to shoot the person a death glare.“What?!” I groaned and looked at the person. It was Mr. Brett. Mr. Brett was in my room? How? Why? When?I sat up immediately. “Mr. Brett?”“What are you…” I paused and took in my surroundings. I wasn’t in my room. I was in the middle of a road! My eyes widened and I returned my gaze to Mr. Brett. I needed an explanation, but he was silent. He carried me up bridal style and took me over to his car which was parked at the side of the road. He sat me down on the burnet of his car and told me to hang on. He went over and opened the front seat, then came back and picked me up. He was carrying me like I was a feather and I was embarrassed. Was I that weightless or was he that strong? After I had settled in well, he went round to the other side o
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Follow me
I woke up with the most excruciating headache I’ve ever had in my history of headaches. The instant I opened my eyes, it felt like someone mercilessly banged a pan on my head.I groaned and shot my eyes back. I thought I had escaped hangover when Mr. Brett woke me up and I didn’t feel anything. Turns out that that is not how it works. I had drunk to stupor, showing no consideration for my system. Now it was payback time.I would rather go to school late than make an attempt to get up from my bed when my head feels like it was stabbed with a million knives. I was going to wait it out.It was almost ten minutes since I woke up and the pain wasn’t subsiding even a little bit. Who was I kidding? It wasn’t going to stop anytime soon if I didn’t take drugs.The problem was how to get the drug. If I stand up from this bed, I will definitely faint. I couldn’t shout or call for someone to get me drugs either. At the same time, I couldn’t just stay here and suffer in pain. I had to do one, the
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Mr. Brett was outside waiting for me. I was back in the restroom getting properly dressed. I was finding it very hard to suppress my subconscious which was trying to voice its disapproval. ‘I am ready,’ I kept chanting to myself. I didn’t want anything to make me think otherwise. I made my way out of the restroom and hurried out of the school building. Apart from the fact that I didn’t want to give myself time to change my mind, I didn’t want to meet Jason. I didn’t have an excuse for wanting to leave without him.Mr. Brett was waiting for me a few blocks away from the school. I was supposed to meet him at the parking lot, but that would be too suspicious. I can only imagine what people would think when they see me entering his car.I walked down, heading for his car. As I got closer, my heart pounded more in my chest. This was my last chance to back out. Once I got into his car, there would be no going back.I wanted him, but deep down I knew just how wrong this was. But there was
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I slowly opened my eyes to meet total darkness. I sat up on the bed and stretched. My back and pussy were aching. It wasn’t the painful kind of arching. It felt more like a sweet pain. I stretched again to relieve the strain in my muscle and lower back. My eyes gradually started adjusting to the darkness.My face flushed as the memory of my afternoon with Mr. Brett flooded in. I smiled and covered my face with my palms. I would be so embarrassed to look him in the eyes again.I couldn’t see but I could tell I was the only one in the room. I stretched my hand to my side, to confirm. Mr. Brett wasn’t there. I could see rays of light seeping in through little openings of the door. That meant that Mr. Brett was around. My heart skipped a bit with the thought of having to go out to meet him. It was inevitable, so there was no point in delaying. I stretched my legs out of the bed and stood up. I still felt too weak to carry my own weight. How long did I sleep? And wasn’t it enough to reg
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A big fool
My shoulders sagged for the umpteenth time as I let out a sigh of frustration. For the first time I was paying attention to my appearance and it really wasn’t going well. I was in front of my mirror, staring at the mess I’ve made of my face in an attempt to put on some makeup. How the fuck is this done?!I groaned and went back to my bathroom to wash off my face again. My face was already burning due to the frequent scrubbing. This was not fun at all! Giving shit about how you look and trying to keep up with appearance is total slavery! It was at this moment, I really started pitying the likes of Evelyn. And to say they do this every damn day!Why am I feeling a little desperate to look good today? I’ve never put on makeup before, so what the hell made me feel that I would know how to? I didn’t even own a makeup kit! This is Evelyn’s.When I was done washing off my face, I stared at my bathroom mirror. I didn’t like the face that stared back at me and that only built my frustration.
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