All Chapters of Possessive CEO: Chasing Me Back: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
99 Chapters
CH 81: Beautiful Day
Hannah’s POV“D-dad. Please don’t be angry. Did you make Lizzy leave Jason and Anya?”Dad was silent for a moment, his blue eyes similar to Jason’s, looked at me, and then suddenly he laughed. Luckily, it was quiet, so his laughter didn’t disturb the others.My heart beat quite fast, waiting for the answer that came out of his mouth. I still hoped he did nothing bad to Lizzy, but seeing the look on his face, his behavior, and his non-stop, loud laughter seemed to convince me he was the mastermind of everything.“Dad, please.”His laughter stopped instantly. “What kind of answer do you want to hear from me?”“The truth.”Dad let out a long breath. “Okay. Yes, I was the one who asked her to leave Jason’s side for good. I’d been asking her to leave since the beginning, but the opportunity came when Jason’s company was having difficulties. I offered her help to save the company, the employees, Jason’s treatment, and Anya and Harry’s future.”I stared at my dad with an incredulous look. Wh
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CH 82: A Bar
Lizzy’s POV“Hmm, I guess I can’t join you guys because I miss my son and also I feel sorry for my mom, who has been taking care of him all day. Maybe next time, sorry.”“Hey, it’s not too late. Just take a minute. I promise I won’t be long,” Steven replied. To be honest, his invitation was quite tempting. Since moving here I haven’t made a single friend. Maybe this was a wonderful opportunity for me to make friends.“I’m in. Lizzy, come with us. Just for a minute,” Jenna invited.“Umm okay.”“Wait here. I’ll get my car over here,” Steven said. Then, he sprinted to the car park near to the restaurant. A few of us had left first after saying goodbye and knowing that Jenna and I would go to the bar with Steven.“Lizzy, what do you think of Steven? Is he handsome?” Jenna asked suddenly.I turned my head and looked at Jenna’s face, who was staring straight at Steven, who was busy tidying up the things in his car. It seemed like Jenna admired Steven.Interesting.“Umm, yes, he is quite han
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CH 83: Where Are You?
Lizzy's POVIn a semi-conscious state, I felt my body being laid on the bed. Then, Mom took off my shoes and put my bag on the table.I heard Steven excuse himself and walk out of the room. Even though I was in a semi-conscious and helpless state, he didn't take advantage of the opportunity to molest me. He was a kind and polite man. Maybe if I were a single woman, I might fall for him. There aren't many polite and kind men like him these days."I'm sorry I got her drunk. There doesn't seem to be anything else I can do. I'd better go home now. Good night," Steven said."Don't feel guilty. At least you did her a favor by getting her here in good condition. Drive carefully. Good night," mom replied.I heard the front door close, then Mom came back into my room carrying a container of warm water. She undressed me and wiped my face and body with a towel soaked in warm water.Thank you, mom. I'm really lucky to have you in my life, even though I'm not your biological daughter.I knew this
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CH 84: A Needle in A Haystack
Hannah’s POV“Robert, is the place we’re going still far away?” I asked. All I saw along the way were houses and apartments lined up neatly on the left and right sides of the road. My informant said Lizzy lived in an apartment near to the town square. He said that the entire apartment building had been bought by Jason a few years ago.I hope Lizzy lived in that apartment. All I wanted was to see her and Harry as soon as possible. God please, help me.“We should be there in a few minutes. Are you hungry, Miss?” Robert asked.“Umm no. I just want a drink. If you see a supermarket, stop for a while.”“Ok, Miss.”Just as I asked Robert to look for a supermarket, I saw a convenience store a few meters away from us. The place wasn’t big, but it seemed to have quite a lot of items for sale.Robert and I rushed down and bought some bread, snacks, and drinks. After paying, we got back into the car, ate the bread, and drank a can of coffee. It was refreshing.After that, we continued our journe
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CH 85: Wonderful Day
Hannah’s POVRobert and I went straight to the hospital after returning from Everbury. We rushed to the operating room on the third floor. After walking down two long hallways, I finally saw my dad sitting alone in front of the operating room.Suddenly my heart felt sad to see his figure getting older. Although his body was still strong enough to do various activities, he looked tired and sad. It’s just that I still couldn’t forgive his actions and asked Lizzy to leave Jason’s life. For me, Dad is still selfish. Whatever the reason, he shouldn’t have done that.“Miss, I’ll buy coffee for you and Sir Vladimir,” Robert said.“Ok. Thank you, Robert.”Robert went to the other way, while I walked toward Dad.“Dad.”Dad turned around and his lips smiled, even though his face looked tired and dull.“Has Jason been inside?” I asked.“Yes, since thirty minutes ago. How are the results?” I asked.“What results?” I asked in surprise.“Everbury. Robert told me about it,” he replied.“Oh. Yeah, I
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CH 86: Another Side of Steven
Lizzy’s POVWe were going to Mason Beach by bus. The owner of the restaurant provided two buses for all the employees and their families. I sat right in the seat behind the driver while holding Harry, while Mom sat on the seat behind me with Harry’s bag of food and supplies.The sunlight that morning wasn’t too bright, the sky was a little dark, and the rain would fall soon. I didn’t know if the decision to go to the villa by the beach was the right decision or not. However, one thing for sure was that we still couldn’t enjoy the beauty of the beach in the pouring rain.Harry and I sat staring out the window. One by one, the vacationers boarded the bus after putting their bags into the trunk. While engrossed in this, Steven’s voice startled me.“Lizzy, can I sit next to you?” he asked.That morning, his appearance was quite impressive. He was wearing a light blue V-collared T-shirt and light brown knee-length pants. Her sweatshirt matched the color of his eyes. When my eyes met his ey
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CH 87: Passionate Sex
Lizzy's POV"Sorry about that," I said as I touched the back of his hand. He responded by placing his right hand on top of mine. His blue eyes looked at me and his pink lips tried to smile, even though I knew it was a forced smile. While his other hand wiped his wet eyes."Sorry, I became melancholy when we were having fun. Isn't that sad?" he asked.I wanted to tell him that my life was no less miserable than his. I knew nothing about my parents and my marriage, which I thought would be happy ever after had gotten into trouble a few times.They weren't minor problems that would pass quickly, but all the problems that came my way were severe problems that drained my energy, mind, and time.If I only thought about myself, I'd want to run away from reality and cry as hard as I could. But, I couldn't do that. I had two young children and an ailing husband.They only had me to lean on. Therefore, I had to be strong for their sake, even if I had to fight alone. However, all those tearful s
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CH 88: Passionate Lovemaking
Lizzy’s POVThe loneliness and thirst for touch made me lose my mind. I instinctively savored the sound of their moans and lovemaking. Spontaneously, my hand squeezed one of my breasts and played with the nipples. While my other hand covered my mouth so they wouldn’t know where I was.The feeling was incredible. It was so good. Until finally, I felt the inside of my pussy throbbing and my panties got wet. In addition, I felt a sensation that I hadn’t felt in a long time. It felt like there was a bunch of butterflies inside me that took me flying high.Ah!For a moment, I closed my eyes and imagined Jason in front of me. He was kneeling between my spread legs as he dragged down my wet panties.He stuffed the panties into his pocket, and then his tongue landed smoothly on my inner thigh and traveled down to my groin. His naughty fingers stroked and pressed on my clit roughly. Instead of feeling pain, I moaned and asked him to keep doing that. I didn’t allow him to stop.I love it, and i
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CH 89: Bonfire
Lizzy’s POV“Lizzy, are you okay?” Mom yelled from behind the door. That’s when I woke up from my daydream and realized that I was in a bathtub full of water with the tap water still running, so the bathroom floor was wet.What had I been thinking? Wasn’t I standing under the shower earlier?“Lizzy, answer me! What are you doing in there? Are you okay?” Mom yelled for the second time.“Y-yes. I am okay. I’ll be out in a few minutes,” I replied as I turned off the water faucet, then grabbed the towel hanging behind the door and wiped up the puddle of water on the bathroom floor.“You scared me. I heard the water faucet turning on and not stopping. You’re not your usual self. If you have any problems, you can talk to me anytime,” Mom said.“Yes, mom. Thank you. I will always rely on you,” I replied.I rushed out of the bathroom and grabbed the clothes that were still in the suitcase. Mom sat by the bedside holding Harry.“He’s awake. Since when?” I asked while wearing sweatpants and a b
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CH 90: The City Light
Lizzy’s POVLuckily I grabbed Steven’s hand in time because after that my foot slipped and I almost fell down the left side of the hill that was full of rocks. I didn’t know that the path we were on was slippery because besides being wet; it was also overgrown with moss.“Oh no! You almost fell. Luckily, you grabbed my hand in time. Hold my hand tighter,” Steven said.As we walked up the hill, the air became colder. Much colder than the beach. That night I deliberately wore a long-sleeved t-shirt, sweatpants, a thick jacket, and sneakers so that my body felt much warmer. The same goes for Mom and Harry. I can’t imagine if we weren’t wearing thick clothes and jackets.“Thank you, Steven. I don’t know how I would have fared if you hadn’t saved me earlier.”“Then I’m your angel, right?” he asked with a laugh.“I’ll take that.”I thought the path to the top of the hill wasn’t that high, but it was. My breath caught and my legs ached.“Is the place we’re going still far away?”“It’ll be aw
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