All Chapters of Divine Temptations: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
34 Chapters
10: Losing hope
After a week of being confined to the hospital ward, Khana was finally discharged. Richard was there, waiting anxiously outside her room, his heart pounding with hope and fear. The lady's groom-to-be was determined to win her back, to convince her that their love was real, even if she couldn't remember it.Richard's heart skipped a beat when he noticed Khana emerged from the ward, supported by a nurse. It is no surprise she looked fragile and lost, her eyes clouded with confusion, yet he refused to let doubt creep in. He stepped forward, offering her a reassuring smile as he reached out to take her hand. Then, Richard kissed the back of her hand, even though he felt her wanting to pull her hand back."Khana," he said softly, his voice trembling with emotion. "I'm so glad you're okay."Khana nodded weakly, her gaze drifting away as if she couldn't bear to meet his eyes. Richard's heart sank at the sight, but he pushed aside his own pain and tried once more to get her attention."Khana
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11: A twinge of nervousness
Richard stirred in the kitchen, the aroma of freshly cooked pancakes and brewed coffee wafting through the air. It was a special morning for him, as he was preparing breakfast in bed for Khana, his fiancée. He meticulously arranged the tray with her favorite foods, hoping to bring a smile to her face and perhaps rekindle some memories of their happier times together. As he carefully carried the tray to their bedroom, he couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty gnawing at him. He set the tray down on the bedside table, the anticipation building within him. Would this gesture be enough to bridge the growing gap between them? He couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. Would Khana like it? Would it bring back fond memories for her? He pushed the doubts aside, focusing instead on his love for her and his hope that today would be a turning point for their relationship.Khana stirred from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open to see Richard standing by the bed with a hopeful
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12: Back off! She's mine
Khana's gaze flickered for a moment before she responded, her tone tinged with sadness. "The church where it all began," she said softly.Richard's heart sank as he realized the significance of her words. Memories flooded his mind, both sweet and bitter, of their journey together. But overshadowing it all was the image of the sinister priest, Henry, whom he suspected Khana had grown too fond of. Despite his mounting fears, Richard forced himself to remain calm. He knew he had to confront his suspicions head-on, but the thought filled him with dread."I'm just telling you. I don't need your help. I want to go there on my own feet."Richard was torn between forbidding her to go there or letting her go, but dragging himself to where she wanted to go. He sighed and replied, "I'll go with you. No more buts. I need to look after you."'I need to look after both of you and tear you apart, slowly yet surely,' he mumbled to himself."Wait here. I'll go ahead and wear appropriate clothes before
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13: Sinister
Henry, the priest, stood near the altar. As his gaze swept over the shadowy landscape, he caught sight of a figure approaching. He noticed a silhouette of a lady entering the dimly lit church. A lady was wearing a flowy red maxi dress paired with white flat sandals; such a silhouette was quite familiar to him. He squinted to confirm the identity of the lady, which turned out to be Khana, the woman whose unexpected presence both bewildered and alarmed him. With each step she took towards him, his confusion deepened, mingling with a sense of foreboding.His heart was heavy with concern and apprehension. The night air was thick with an uneasy stillness, broken only by the distant hoot of an owl. He thought the guy who warned him in the confession room would have followed the lady. His thoughts were consumed by the anxiety of Richard's imminent arrival, and the havoc it could wreak upon the tranquility of the night. The priest knew trouble may come whenever the lady came near the church
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14: Her eyes...
Khana led him to the long wood bench on the first row, left corner, next to the aisle. The priest was seated on the bench as the lady pushed him without breaking the kiss. Even if he closed his eyes, her captivating eyes and soft lips still flashed in his mind as he stuck his tongue in her ips.His whole body is burning... It felt like electricity entered their whole body and ran wild to ignite. Suddenly, a loud knock on the door awakened Henry. When he opened his eyes, he was sweating, and his heart was beating crazy. Then, he breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing, what had happened was just part of the sinful dream. He stood and grabbed the doorknob to see who was on the other side of the door. "Good morning, Trevor," says Fr. Henry."Good morning, Father. Sorry for interrupting your peaceful sleep. I only want to remind you of your schedule today," says Trevor, a novice priest.Fr. Henry nodded and smiled."The school of Saint Belminde had requested a mass to welcome the exch
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15: Dying of Jealousy
Khana is one of the sponsors of the scholarship launched for Senior high school courses at Saint Bemilde. Thus, it is no surprise the lady had been invited to the mass offered for the opening of the school calendar. She wore a dreamy oceanic like dress, paired with a white stiletto."It must be fate doing it again. Who would have thought that he'll be there," Khana murmured while looking at the guy ascending the stairs to the mini stage.Khana can't help falling in love deeply into the beauty at the stage who is currently the center of attention of the masses. On the other hand, she also falls into despair as soon as the feeling of guilt of having romantic feelings for a man who dedicates his life to serve the church had knocked her head. She knew that Henry would not give in to her, he simply cannot be hers. Khana smiled sweetly at the priest when their eyes locked but they looked away. Seeing how he ignored breaks her heart. The lady asked herself how can he be so merciless? She r
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16: Closure
Richard's heart raced with anticipation as Khana agreed to go on a date with him. He had invested so much effort into arranging this before his urgent trip to China that he had no choice but to return to his hometown to fix the deficit project their company was facing, and now, finally, they were spending time together. As Richard and Khana sat across from each other at a quaint cafe, the atmosphere was warm, but Khana's mind was far from the pleasant surroundings. He couldn't help but steal glances at Khana, trying to decipher her mood. He kept looking at her, trying to read her mood. Richard hesitated to ask the lady to leave the country and be wherever he was. He's too afraid to trigger her irritation because she might walk away and refuse to open her heart. The gentleman wants to open her heart slowly but surely. He will never give up until she falls for him.Khana, on the other hand, viewed this outing purely as a friendly hangout. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, unable to
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17: Who could it be?
Henry sat in the silence that followed the lady's departure, the creak of the door echoing in his mind like a portentous bell tolling. He massaged his temples, feeling the weight of his emotions pressing against his head."What have I gotten myself into?" His voice was a mere murmur, barely audible in the heavy stillness of the room.A knock startled him from his thoughts, and he looked up to see Sister Anissa entering, her face etched with concern."Father, the lady has left," she said softly.Henry straightened, attempting to regain his composure. "Ah, yes. I was... in prayer," he replied, his words stumbling slightly."I apologize for interrupting, Father," Anissa said, bowing her head."No trouble at all, Sister. Please, attend the church while I'm away," Henry instructed, gesturing towards her duties."Where are you headed, Father?" Anissa asked, curiosity coloring her voice."Just for a brief stroll," Henry answered vaguely, offering no further explanation."Very well. Take care
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18: The betrayal
"I even packed my things that day to run away with you! But you ghosted me. I should not have this lingering feeling for you because you vanish and show up as someone far from my league," Khana cried in frustration."It was you who did not show up that time. I was there the whole day, but you never came," Henry responded with a calm voice since he would never yell at her. Khana and Henry stood facing each other, their expressions a mixture of confusion, hurt, and a growing realization that something sinister had interfered with their past."What do you mean? I was drenched in rain waiting for you the whole day at our meeting place!" Khana yelled, her voice laced with frustration."Rain? How come you were drenched when the sky had not cried for the whole day?" the confused priest, Henry, replied, trying to make sense of the conflicting memories."Are you telling me I'm lying?! I waited for you from three in the midnight until eight in the evening, but neither your shadow appeared!" Kh
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19: The sin we committed
Henry looked away first and gazed upon the wall next to him. He uttered, "All this time, I thought you had a change of heart. Even though we shared a night, I was unsure what you felt about me. And I have never properly expressed that you are what my heart desires." Henry cleared his throat, breaking the tense silence. "However, that's all in the past. There's no point dwelling on it now, except for the sake of clarity. I hope this meeting can bring closure and allow you to move forward with your life.""Khana, there's no point lingering in the love we couldn't have. I truly loved you, but that was all part of history," he added.Khana rose from her seat, stepping closer until she had Henry pinned against the sofa. She fixed him with a piercing stare, freezing him in place with the intensity of her gaze. She had a way of captivating his senses."Show me that your feelings for me are truly in the past," Khana demanded, her fingers tracing the contours of Henry's face. "I'll kiss you.
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