All Chapters of Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem): Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
177 Chapters
Chapter 129: Make Your Choice!
Lottie POVAs I materialised in Astaroth's demonic dimension, a chill crept through my veins, sending shivers cascading down my spine. The very essence of the realm seemed to writhe and twist, morphing and contorting in a grotesque dance around me. Panic clawed at my chest, threatening to consume me whole, as I frantically searched for any semblance of escape."Charlotte!" "Kitty!" Amidst the chaos and the cacophony of unearthly sounds, two familiar voices pierced through the darkness, a beacon of hope amongst the despair. Their voices were quickly joined by the Sparrow Brother's panicked cries."Save her!" I heard Chase scream, my heart pounding in my chest, a wild rhythm matching the chaos around me. My breaths came in ragged gasps as I spun around toward the cries to face the portal, the swirling vortex that seemed to pulse with malevolent energy. It mesmerised me with a force I couldn't resist, pulling at the very core of my being."Sage!" I whispered, wanting her to fight for o
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Chapter 130: The Power Of Desperation!
Lottie POV I stood amidst the swirling darkness of the demonic realm, the air thick with the stench of sulphur and despair. Before me loomed Astaroth, his eyes drifting over his land to a gothic cathedral, its red marble structure, a stark contrast against the blackened sky. Lightning crackled ominously, casting eerie shadows that danced across the barren landscape. This was Hell.My heart pounded in my chest as I realised Chase had followed me through the portal. Anger flared within me, mixing with a deep sense of concern for his safety. Why did he have to be so reckless?"What are you doing here?" I snapped, my voice laced with frustration as I turned to face him, my lips pulling tightly together watching him land a few feet in front of me with grace I could only wish for. Chase met my gaze, determination shining in his eyes despite the danger surrounding us. "I couldn't just let you face this alone, Lottie," he declared firmly, his tone unwavering. "You're my family now. I'll do
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Chapter 131: The Empty Space!
Kane POVI stood there, frozen, my eyes fixed on the empty space where the portal had closed just moments ago. My girl had been taken from me, ripped away by some demon with unknown powers."Charlotte!" I whispered, my mind spinning, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Tears streamed down my face unchecked, as I struggled to process the shock and agony coursing through me. Behind me, I could hear my father's voice, thick with concern and confusion as he screamed at Adam and Liam for answers. Answers they were not giving, not until I gave them the say-so. Something I had to respect."Kane, what happened? Where's Charlotte?" His questions washed over me like distant waves, barely registering in my mind. How could I explain something I didn't even understand myself?"I don't know," I managed to choke out, my voice barely above a whisper. "How can you not know? What the hell has been going on in here!" He seethed, and I knew without looking he was referring to Anthony battered a
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Chapter 132: Always A Choice!
Knox POVI stood before my brother, feeling the weight of my guilt crushing me. Every fibre of my being screamed at me to come clean, to spill the truth that had been gnawing at my soul since the demonic freak had appeared today. But fear had been holding me back. Fear of losing Kane, fear of Lottie's rejection, fear of what they might do if they learned the truth.Memories flooded my mind, memories of that catastrophic encounter with the Demon. I remembered the way he toyed with my mind, the way he whispered promises of relief from the misery that consumed me. Misery, I now know he had put me through. I remember the deal he offered, the sinister bargain that hung in the air, like a dark cloud."You don't have to suffer, Knox," Astaroth had whispered, his voice like silk and smoke. "I can make it all go away. But you have to give me something in return." And in that moment, I would have given him anything he wanted to end my suffering and the inner torment that was consuming me from
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Chapter 133: A Deal With Darkness!
Knox POV Before I could defend myself, our father stepped forward, his presence a calming force in the midst of the storm. "Kane, please," he sighed, his voice gentle but firm. "This isn't helping anyone. We need to focus on finding a solution, not assigning blame." "No, pops. He is right!" I admitted, feeling my heart sink. "I chose wrong, this whole cluster fuck of a situation is my fault. If I hadn't let that little cunt get to me." I seethed looking over at Mike as he sat on the ground beside Anthony, looking too smug for my liking. "Havoc wouldn't have felt the need to act like a feral beast and this shit would never have happened." "He would have found a way." Adam piped up from the corner of the room, reminding me he was there. "From what Anthony here has said, he had this shit planned for a while." "And let's not pretend the dickweed doesn't have a beating coming." Liam interjected smirking down at Mike before kicking his foot to get his attention. "The day is still yo
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Chapter 134: The Confrontation.
Kane POV I watched as my father's jaw tightened, his brows furrowing deeper with each passing moment we sat at the table in the dining room waiting for everyone to get here. He had been silent but the mood in the room was anything but calm. Knox sat beside me practically vibrating with nerves. Without a word, I reached out and placed a calming hand on his knee, halting his anxious bouncing. I understood his pain. I could feel him searching the mate bond for our girl, and like me, he found it empty and lonely without her. Although I could sense it hadn't been severed like last time, only muted, it didn't ease the wrenching pain in my gut at the loss of her. I needed this sh*t over with and quickly, so I could get to the matter at hand; hunting the bastard that took her from me and killing him. Slowly! "You're making the table shake!" I whispered to Knox, squeezing his leg as two of the Sparrow Brothers, Adam and Liam, strode in, flanked by Anthony and Mike, bound and silenced. Desp
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Chapter 135: Always A Loophole!
Lottie POV I stood in the heart of the demonic world, surrounded by the eerie beauty of the cathedral. It felt like time itself had paused within its gothic walls. My nerves prickled beneath my skin, but I couldn't deny the strange allure of the place- or the demon who lurked in the realm. Then, I heard his voice behind me, clenching my jaw, I fought the surge of hatred that coursed through me and turned to face him, Astaroth, the demon who had caused so much pain. The memory of leaving Chase behind on that hilltop to heal alone twisted my gut with guilt. "What do you want?" I demanded, my voice tinged with bitterness. I felt my gut twist with anxiety when he didn't respond immediately, instead striding up to the altar with an unsettling grace. He hoisted himself onto it, his gaze fixed on me with an intensity that made my skin crawl. Astaroth's appearance shifted in front of my eyes, from a casual hoodie and jeans to an expensive suit that oozed sophistication. His tie matched the
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Chapter 136: The Better Question.
Knox POV Lifting my eyes to my father, who was pacing back and forth at the head of the table. I sighed, I could feel the weight of Kane's truths weighing heavy on him. Kane had filled everyone in on the fact that Lottie was pregnant, that she had bargained with the moon goddess to save Pa and Sebastian. That I had been infected by the demon and the scum was who was responsible for Lottie's kidnapping. He had left out the part about the hit on Bash, and all the info on Anthony and Mike. Because Kane felt that would overshadow Lottie's rescue. And given my father's rage right now, I would say it was a good call on his behalf. "Pops, it was Lottie's choice." I reassured him the best I could and my heart sank seeing his eyes rimmed with red, his eyes glossed over with the threat of tears. "From what your brother has just said, she chose to save me... and him.." He snapped, looking at Sebastian, who had the decency to look at the tabletop. "Before she knew she was pregnant! Before she
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Chapter 137: The Problem!
Knox POVPanic clawed at my insides, threatening to consume me, sensing the demon's powers invaded my mind once again. It was like being trapped in a nightmare, unable to move or speak, while the world moved around me in slow motion."So this is the A-team that wants to try and knock the crown off my head?" Astaroth laughed, clapping slowly. "A Lycan and his... bitch! A few Alphas and A Luna who frankly I think has bigger balls than most of the men in here and... of course, a couple of traitors!" He asked as he strode into the room, exuding power and dominance, and it wasn't just because of the fancy suit he wore or the air of authority he carried. It was the dark energy pulsating from him, wrapping around me like tendrils of darkness, rendering me immobile."Kane, Pops?" I tried to say, but my lips refused to work, and nothing came out. I could still see them, could still follow Astaroth's movements with my eyes, but everything else was frozen. "They can't answer you, buddy!" He lau
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Chapter 138: Hold It Together!
Kane POV "Are you coming? Or are you leaving your brother to do everything?" The demon mocked as Knox strode through the portal without hesitation. I swallowed hard, my heart thudding in my chest. Narrowing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I followed suit, stepping into the abyss beyond. "I am going to barf!" I heard Knox scream, a small smile toying at the edge of my lips, although I got it; the transition was jarring, to say the least. One moment, you're in the familiar world; the next, you're surrounded by the oppressive aura of hell. "Hold it together!" I uttered, more to myself than my brother, as I landed on unsteady feet and looked up at the cathedral, if one could call it that. "What is this place?" I gasped, seeing death, decay, and flames lick at the walls, casting eerie shadows that danced across the warped architecture. It was a grotesque mockery of the sacred god mortals worshipped. I scanned the desolate interior, a shiver running down my spine, seeing the flames of
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