All Chapters of In search of true heart : Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
338 Chapters
Rudra's cunning.
Guhya was pacing in his office, his mind a whirlwind of strategies and counter-strategies. The frustration of not finding Rajeev and Gowthami in Srinagar was gnawing at him, and the recent attack on his den by Rudra had left him even more agitated. His phone rang, breaking the tense silence. He answered it with a sharp, "Yes?" The voice on the other end was hesitant, as if unsure whether the information they held would be significant. "Sir, I don't know if this is important or not, but I thought you should know. I noticed Abhi—Rajeev's elder brother—and his wife, Sashi, booked a flight to Manali the same night Rajeev and Gowthami left for their honeymoon." Guhya stopped pacing, his eyes narrowing as he processed the information. "Manali, you say?" he repeated slowly, the wheels in his mind turning. "Yes, sir. They were on the same flight as Rajeev and Gowthami, but their destination was Manali." A sinister smile crept across
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I love you, Sashi
In the other room, Sashi stepped out of the steamy bathroom, a fresh wave of relaxation washing over her after a soothing bath. The scent of lavender lingered in the air, clinging to her damp skin. She wrapped herself in a plush white robe, her hair still wet and cascading in dark waves down her back. Her skin glowed with a warm radiance, her eyes bright and serene. As she walked into the bedroom, she found Abhi lying on the bed, his laptop propped open as he scrolled through his office mails. When he looked up and saw her, his eyes lit up with admiration. Sashi’s beauty always captivated him, but in moments like this, fresh and unadorned, she seemed even more enchanting. Her eyes, deep and expressive, caught the soft light from the bedside lamp, giving them a mesmerizing sparkle. Her features were delicate yet strong, with a natural grace that always left Abhi in awe. The robe she wore accentuated her slender figure, the white fabric contrasting beau
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it's your turn to quench my thirst
In the middle of the night, Gowthami stirred from her sleep, feeling a thirst that pulled her from her dreams. She gently untangled herself from the sheets and sat up, reaching for the glass of water on the bedside table. As she glanced over, she noticed Rajeev, his eyes open and watching her with a tender gaze instead of sleeping. "Why are you still awake?" she asked softly, her voice hushed in the quiet of the night. Rajeev's lips curved into a gentle smile. "I'm enjoying the view of my beautiful wife while she sleeps," he replied, his voice filled with warmth and affection. Gowthami felt a blush creep up her cheeks at his words. Even in the dim light, she could feel his adoration wrapping around her like a warm blanket. She looked down shyly, her heart fluttering. Rajeev sat up and reached for the glass of water, his hand brushing hers in a tender gesture. "Are you thirsty?" he asked, his eyes never leaving her face.
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Please, stay with me
The night in Manali was serene, the cold mountain air whispering softly against the windows of the luxurious honeymoon suite. Inside, the warmth of love and passion filled the room as Rajeev and Gowthami made love, their connection deepening with every tender touch and whispered word. Exhaustion finally overtook them in the early hours, and they fell asleep in each other’s arms, their bodies entwined in a peaceful slumber. The room was silent, save for the gentle sounds of their breathing and the distant hum of the night. The soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains cast a delicate silver light over their resting forms. Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered. A figure, shrouded in darkness and wearing a menacing mask, slipped silently into the room. His movements were calculated, driven by a storm of emotions. As his eyes fell upon Rajeev and Gowthami, asleep and vulnerable, a wave of fury washed over him. The sight of their in
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terrifying dream
Gowthami woke up suddenly, her heart racing and her body covered in a sheen of sweat. Her breath came in quick, shallow gasps as the remnants of her nightmare clung to her consciousness. She sat up in bed, her eyes wide with fear, her mind struggling to distinguish between dream and reality. Her dark hair clung to her damp forehead, and her usually luminous brown eyes were clouded with residual terror.Her gaze fell on Rajeev, lying beside her, sleeping peacefully, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. Relief washed over her as she realized that the horrific attack on him had been nothing more than a vivid, terrifying dream. She reached out a trembling hand to gently touch his face, reassuring herself that he was real, safe, and unharmed."It was just a dream," she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible in the quiet room. "Just a dream."She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. The room was dimly lit by the moonlight stre
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hunter in a paradise
The early morning light filtered softly through the curtains of the luxurious honeymoon suite, casting a gentle glow over the room. The suite was a picture of opulence, with its plush king-sized bed adorned with crisp white linens, an inviting seating area with velvet-upholstered chairs, and floor-to-ceiling windows offering breathtaking views of the Manali landscape. The pièce de résistance was the mini kitchen tucked away in a corner, equipped with sleek marble countertops, state-of-the-art appliances, and a shiny espresso machine. Rajeev and Abhi, already awake and feeling energetic, decided to surprise their wives with freshly brewed coffee. They quietly made their way to the mini kitchen, careful not to disturb the peaceful slumber of Gowthami and Sashi. The mini kitchen was a marvel of modern design. It featured a compact yet efficient layout, with high-end stainless steel appliances, a built-in coffee maker, and a selection of gourmet
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He’s going to call back
As the couples enjoyed their breakfast at one of Manali’s most renowned hotels, the table was filled with the delicious aroma of local dishes. Plates of sidu, a traditional Himachali bread stuffed with poppy seeds, and bowls of fresh fruit, yogurt, and honey adorned the table. Rajeev, Gowthami, Abhi, and Sashi chatted and laughed, savoring the rich flavors and the vibrant ambiance of the restaurant. In the midst of this cheerful scene, Abhi’s phone buzzed on the table. He glanced at the caller ID, and his face instantly paled. The lively conversation at the table faded into the background as a wave of panic washed over him. His usually composed demeanor crumbled, replaced by a tense and anxious expression. Sashi, sitting next to him, noticed the abrupt change. She looked at Abhi with concern, her brow furrowing as she leaned closer to see the screen. The name flashing on the display was enough to make her heart skip a beat: Gurdee
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Is everything okay, Sashi?
The phone rang again, breaking the temporary peace that had settled after Abhi's earlier call with Gurdeep. This time, however, Abhi's reaction was noticeably different. He glanced at the caller ID with a sense of relief, his shoulders relaxing as he recognized the number. He looked at Sashi, expecting her to help, but she surprised him by refusing outright. "I'm not going to lie to your father," Sashi declared firmly, a playful glint in her eyes as she teased Abhi about handling his own affairs. The exchange between them was lighthearted yet tinged with an underlying tension. Abhi's expression shifted from surprise to mild irritation at Sashi's refusal. He shot her an annoyed look before excusing himself to take the call. As he stepped away, a sense of unease settled over the table, and Rajeev and Gowthami exchanged concerned glances. "It seems like something's bothering them," Gowthami remarked quietly, her brow furrow
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That’s not fair
Sashi gently tugged on Abhi's sleeve, her voice barely above a whisper as she pressed him for details. "What were you talking about with Dad ?" she asked, her curiosity and concern evident in her tone. Abhi leaned in slightly, his expression thoughtful. "Do you remember the message I sent to Dad on the day we traveled to Manali?" he asked, his eyes meeting hers with a hint of anticipation. Sashi furrowed her brow, trying to recall the specifics. She remembered Abhi sending a text message to Gurdeep, but she hadn't paid much attention to the content. "I remember you sent a message, but I didn't see what it said," she admitted, her curiosity now piqued. With a knowing smile, Abhi pulled out his phone and navigated to the message. He handed the phone to Sashi, allowing her to read the words that had evidently caused such a stir. As Sashi read the message, her eyes widened in shock. The color drained from her face
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pry into their secret.
Rajeev leaned back in his chair, a curious smile playing on his lips. "So, what mess did Abhi create this time to make you so angry, Sashi?" he asked, his tone light but genuinely curious. He had no idea what the issue was between them, but he was eager to find out. Sashi and Abhi exchanged a quick glance, immediately realizing that Rajeev was trying to pry into their secret. Abhi, always quick on his feet, flashed a charming smile and began to spin a tale. "Well, you see," Abhi started, leaning forward conspiratorially, "I might have accidentally agreed to host a party for one of Sashi's friends without really thinking it through. And it turns out that the party date clashes with an important work deadline for her. So now, she's mad because I'm making her juggle both." Sashi played along, rolling her eyes for effect. "Yeah, and now I have to plan a party and meet a work deadline at the same time. It's typical Abhi, always getting us
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