All Chapters of In search of true heart : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
272 Chapters
we're in chaos
Radha retorted that Rajeev is not at home wet."What is Rajeev doing in the jungle still?" " We must track him down."" Yes."" Let's return to the forest." Radha's voice was worried as Rajeev went with Gowthami and Ram. "Oh my gosh, are those children secure in the bush or did they come into any dangerous animals?"The villagers are anxious about Rajeev and his buddies and are talking among themselves about them.Someone walked into the forest and got lost there, according to a police officer who is more familiar with the local inhabitants."Don't worry, he added; our crew will search for them in the forest, and you folks should now go back to your separate residences."However, the people preferred to return to the forest and look for Rajeev there instead of going back.After much deliberation with the locals, the policeman was able to get them returned to their homes. Subsequently, a few officers went into the woods to look for the missing persons.Once they had settled inside t
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After returning to Gowthami's comments, Rajeev and Ram drew nearer. After that, the three of them kept closer to one another and observed their surroundings.A noise that was up to 114 decibels almost 25 times louder than a gas-powered lawnmower, was heard by them.Ram remarked, "Ho my God, I imagine it's a tiger," with concern in his voice."God, where have you taken us today? We saw a handful wolves before, and now it seems that there is a tiger." The ram wailed inside.Rajeev was also concerned, formulating plans to rescue Ram and Gowthami.Gowthami was lost in meditation, and only she realizes what she was contemplating.A couple of her recollections suddenly flashed into her mind upon hearing the Roar sound.Rajeev wondered whether the tiger was the reason the wolf fled.Ram replied, "I imagine we are conversing about the place of refuge in that tiger house, and I'm glad it will be serving an adequate meal tonight," as he surveyed the cave.Irritated Rajeev remarked, "Stop babbli
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The tiger pounced on Gowthami, giving her a bear hug.Gowthami responded, "Vyaaghra, I missed you," with joy.When Ram and Rajeev spotted Gowthami and Tiger in tandem, they were horrified. They earliest assumed that the tiger was targeting Gowthami, nevertheless to their unexpectedness it turns out the tiger and Gowthami are well-acquainted and have a deep bond.With a little worried voice, Rajeev said, "Gowthami, do you recognize this tiger before?" right away.Gowthami said, "Yes, Rajeev, this is my pet," with joy.Rajeev and Ram exchanged a shocked expression and stared at one another, wondering what the other had said. "Your pet?"Ram wept silently inside, thinking, "Ho God, what was wrong with this Rajeev? In the beginning, it seemed that he introduced this mysterious girl into our lives, but in addition to is she unfathomable, she also has a pet that is a wild animal—a tiger."Vyaaghra, these are my friends; they won't harm you, and they guarantee that you won't chase them, Gowt
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where Gowthami used to live?"
Gowthami was a bit disappointed that she could recall so little about this animal."No Rajeev, I just recall a couple things involving this animal and I don't recall any other," she answered, lowering her head.Rajeev was a little depressed. He reasoned that if she had remembered her past, he could have gotten in touch with her parents and they might have had a happy marriage with their blessings and support, but it was too late.Rajeev was somewhat relieved that Gowthami was gradually regaining her memory.With his eyes fixed on the tiger, Rajeev said, "I assume this animal acknowledges where you belong right where you used to live."Without delay, Rajeev approached Vyaaghra and said, "I'm not sure if you grasp my dialect, but could you please lead us to the spot where Gowthami used to live?"Given that Vyaaghra is a skilled tiger and that Gowthami was aware of all of her abilities, it is clear what Rajeev is discussing.It led the way as it quickly made its way outside the cave.The
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shall we play?
Abruptly, a pack of wolves sprang into the cave and encircled them.Vyaaghra was furious and was glaring at the wolves with the intention of killing and tearing them apart.When Vyaaghra discovered them, she roared louder and drove them away.In contrast to the last time, they seem to be more experienced and were fairly afraid of Vyaaghra, but they refuse to back down; it appears that they intended to get vengeance on Gowthami for harming their family.When so many wolves suddenly appeared to assault Rajeev and Ram, they were brought back to that scene.The wolves were glaring at them while they prayed and demanded to ingest them for lunch that evening.The wolves' primary goal was to harm Gowthami, and they had an envious expression on their faces.When Vyaaghra spotted that the wolf was gazing at Gowthami, it moved ahead of her, obstructing her view of the wolf.The wolves seemed a bit afraid at the sight of the tiger guarding Gowthami; this was evident from their expressions, and th
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wolf feces and wolf carcasses
Vyaaghra became increasingly enraged and seemed to be inclined to kill every single wolf as it got closer to them.Only a few arrows, used by Gowthami during their first assault by the wolf, were carried by Ram on his journey into the bush. At this point, all they have with them is a rifle and a few knives.Wolf's encircled them from every angle.Gowthami pulled out her knife to battle the wolves, but this time she had to engage them head-on.Ram and Rajeev were a little anxious and afraid.Rajeev pulled out his rifle to engage those Wolf's in combat.Although Rajeev lacks extensive combat training, he is an adept marksman.He doesn't really seem interested in killing the animals, but this time he has no choice if he wants to rescue his brother and her wife.A wolf suddenly sprang toward Gowthami, intending to harm her. Being very aware, Rajeev shot the wolf right away.The wolf sent a pained cry to the earth.Gowthami was amazed by Rajeev's ability to fire."Rajeev, you really are ex
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no idea what is ahead
Rajeev expressed concern for his pal and said, "We need to sustain his body warmed."Gowthami quickly picked up the second leaf blanket and tried to cover the ram with it, but it again fails to function.Ram felt dizzy more, and the blanket made of leaves was not helping. Vyaaghra abruptly stood up from her spot, approached the ram, and saw that he was shaking severely.Vyaaghra approached Ram gingerly and gave him a gentle embrace.Ram halted shaking and felt cozy as Vyaaghra gave him a gentle embrace.Gowthami encountered a tiny bit tiger that was lost in a jungle in the past. Later, she searched for the tiger group and discovered a corpse of a female tiger, which she thought may be the infant's mother. She raised the cub and named it Vyaaghra. Vyaaghra is kind and understanding; she primarily cares about those whom Gowthami looks out for, and she would stop at nothing to support Gowthami, who she adores beyond all else.When Vyaaghra saw that Gowthami was depressed over Ram, he t
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don't consume this.
Right away, Rajeev advised waiting, saying that ,"we were responsible for letting Radha know we were safe and would be returning later.""Yes" , Ram responded," you are right, Rajeev" .Gowthami asked them, "But how are you guys going to relay an alert to Radha are we heading back to the hamlet?"Ram remarked, "There's not a requirement for us to take a trip back; I have an idea." He winked at Rajeev.After understanding him, Rajeev urged him to get on it."Call it: who? ", Gowthami failed to comprehend what they were going over."You'll see" , Rajeev added.Ram emerged from the cave and spoke a few odd noises.Gowthami was perplexed by Ram's behavior.Rajeev removed his ring off his finger in the meantime.A little house sparrow eventually flew in front of them and perched on the ram's shoulder.Gowthami was instantly enamored with the little sparrow."What a lovely sparrow, wow." Ram added, "This is my pet animal. Of fact it isn't as corpulent as Vyaaghra, yet it is a cute pie of m
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Are you jealous?
Ram became a little afraid when he saw Rajeev turning into furious and quickly closed his lips.Gowthami was pleased while Rajeev was envious.Rajeev, Gowthami chanted his name in an extremely charming and playful way.Rajeev didn't respond to her because he was in fact envious.Gowthami approached him and encircled his neck with his hands.He instantly closed his eyes upon seeing that ram.With a deep voice, she questioned, "Are you jealous?""Absolutely not, and I'm not sure why I'm envious". He shrugged off the hands she had wrapped circa his neck, and he instantly switched the subject. "Let's move on, or else we'll have to spend more time in the forest."Ram, who was intrigued in Gowthami, said right away, "Yes, we need to make our way and get there before it gets dark."Gowthami was also compelled to relocate because she was curious to learn more about her family."Alright, let's get going."Gazing at Ram, Gowthami mentioned, "Ram, just hop on Vyaaghra, and we'll be right behind
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feature-rich morden home
They arrived to a very tall peak after a lengthy hike.Ram, surveying his surroundings, questioned Vyaaghra, "Where have you driven us? We had merely asked you to demonstrate to me the location of Gowthami's previous residence."Ram disembarked from the Vyaaghra and began exploring the area.As they followed them back, Rajeev and Gowthami also looked around.Gowthami had the impression that she had been here before.She approached the mountain and pushed a stone through.Abruptly, a little entrance in the center of the mountain opened.Ram and Rajeev were astonished to gain insight into that.Ram remarked, glancing around, "What kind of place is this?"Ram and Rajeev trailed after Gowthami and Vyaaghra as they entered the pitch-black cave.Ram and Rajeev took their cellphones into the bush, but Gowthami forgot to bring hers.Ram misplaced his phone as he sensed trouble while leaping from the tree.They couldn't get in touch with their relatives as Rajeev's phone ran out of battery.Th
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