All Chapters of THE BEST MISTAKE (English): Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
316 Chapters
Book 3: Chapter 49-Tears of joy
Shaina quickly wiped the tears from her eyes while observing her daughter’s beautiful face. “Mom, your make-up will be ruined,” Arriana complained to her mother, but her tears fell on their own. “Oh, how are we going to end this!” The gay man who was fixing Arriana was startled.“I’m sorry, I just can’t help it.” Shaina sniffed and wiped the tears from her daughter’s cheeks with a tissue. “Thank you, Mom! I love you!” Arriana was still crying. So, this is what the feeling. She is happy because she can finally be with the man she loves. But at the same time, she is sad because she is leaving her parent’ custody.“I love you, too!” She kissed her daughter on the forehead. “It seems like only yesterday when I carried you and your twin. Look at you now, you’re about to marry the man you love. I’m happy for you two siblings.”“Aren’t you done doing your drama yet?” Arriana and Shaina looked at the new entrant in the room at the same time. Travis smiled at his wife and daughter while
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Book 4: Chapter 1-Trisha
“I don’t want to celebrate my birthday.”The couple looked at Trisha in shock. Arriana and Axel had just got married. He and his wife are planning their other daughter’s birthday party to be grand as well. Shaina smiled at her daughter when she recovered and sat next to her. “Daughter, is there anything you didn’t like about the venue or what you’re wearing? Tell me and we’ll change it.”“No, I just don’t want to celebrate my birthday.”Travis carefully observed his young daughter. He had always known that she was more stubborn than Arriana. She’s hard to follow, especially when she doesn’t want to. He had never seen her rebel, and it looked like it was about to happen now. Her expression was blank, so he didn’t know what she was thinking. It seems she has inherited all her habits. Shaina stood up and approached her husband. “What are you going to do now with your junior girl?” Shaina asked in a whisper.Travis scratched the back of his neck and answered his wife’s question with a w
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Book 4: Chapter 2-Their past
“Stay away from him!” Trisha pushed her classmate who was openly flirting with Cyril. “Hey, how dare you push me!” Cyril quickly intervened between the two women before Divina could rush Arriana. “Cyril? Who is that woman in your life and if she treated you it seemed that you belonged to her?”“Who am I?” she mockingly asked her while pointing to herself. “Trisha, enough! You just transferred to this school so don’t make trouble.”Trisha snorted and again clung to Cyril’s arm. She transferred to where the young man was studying because she heard that someone liked him. “Bitch, you’re new here—”“Shut up, Divina! Don’t call her a bitch!” Trisha’s mood cheered when she could sense the anger in Cyril’s voice towards the woman who was fighting with her. Even though she was the first who made an attack, she knew her childhood friend would not let anyone bully or insult her. That was one of the reasons why she fell in love with him. Cyril sighed when he saw his friend turning away an
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Book 4: Chapter 3-Ask for help
“Do you live here?” David asked as he looked around the house, which was just the right size. “Yes, thanks for the ride.” Trisha got off the motorbike. She almost fell down because she suddenly fainted. Fortunately, David was prompt in supporting her. “Are you okay? I’ll take you inside.”“I’m fine. It was just feeling new, and it was my first time riding a motorcycle.” She straightened herself and moved slightly away from David. “Wow, I hope this was a good experience for you since it was your first time. Thank you for trusting and riding.”Trisha also smiled because of the joy she had seen on David’s face. All the feelings she feels now are new to her. Just now she had talked like this with a man she was not close to, and alone. “Can I drink some water?” David asked the girl hesitantly before scratching the back of her neck. Trisha was forced to nod to the young man, and she was embarrassed not to offer him a drink after sending her home. Besides, he looked so trustworthy that
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Book 4: Chapter 4-Confuse
“Pick that man and lay him on the sofa,” Cyrus ordered Jomar. He quickly took medicine for the wound in his son’s hand. The man moaned when Jomar laid him down on the sofa. He didn’t let Cyril get close to him and he might even become a criminal. But he understood the latter. If he had been the first to come earlier and see the violence being done to Trisha, he might have hit the man with a bullet. Thank goodness Cyril doesn’t have a gun with him now. “Find out who that man’s parents are,” Cyrus ordered Jomar again and forcibly treated his son’s hand. He didn’t want to talk even if he asked. David struggled as the man reached into his pocket. But every move he made also made him wince because his face and other parts of his body hurt where Cyril’s punch hit.Jomar got the man’s ID and cellphone. “Sir, he is the Mayor’s son,” informed Jomar.Cyrus nodded, but he was not worried that they might be sued, especially his son. “Huh, now that you know who I am, you should be scared!” The
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Book 4: Chapter 5-Shock
“What do you mean?” Dante raised his eyebrows in anticipation as he looked at the lawyer and the father and son. Cloud put a hand in his pocket and turned to a room. “The woman whom your son wants to harm is not the daughter of an ordinary citizen. Our agency takes care of their profile, so that they are not known to the public.” Suddenly, one of Dante’s legs was lifted from standing. He grabbed the sofa’s armchair and reluctantly sat down. He looked at his son and he was also scared by the visible worry on his face. He wanted to scream in his face and scold him, but nothing happened or changed. “You know what he can do to someone like you when he finds out what happened to one of his princesses?”Dante nodded with his mouth closed. The election is near and when this news comes out, it will definitely be the end of his candidacy.David bowed his head and didn’t know what to do to fix the mess he made. From the look of his father now, he knows that he has nothing against Trisha’s fa
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Book 4: Chapter 6-Reason
Trisha got up abruptly after remembering everything that happened because of David. She held her lips as she remembered the kiss in her dream. “Shit! David wasn’t the reason why he got mad at me?” Trisha said to herself when she realized that the kiss she made with Cyril was not a dream. Now she was sure that it was not a dream. It was not Cyril who kissed her either, but her. “Ahhhhh, what did you do?” she preached to herself while tugging at her hair. Later on, Trisha bit her index finger and stood up from sitting on the bed. She walked restlessly to the window of her room and thought. When she remembered their last good conversation with the young man, her heart throbbed again.“Don’t let selfishness and childishness prevail in your mind. I still have many dreams in life and want to achieve them through my own efforts. It is good that we parted ways, and you also need to fix your life. You are not a child anymore, be responsible for everything you do. Think about whether someon
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Boom 4: Chapter 7-Secret
“Honey, your daddy bought you a new cellphone.” Smiling, Shaina held up a small paper bag. As soon as Trisha looked at her mother’s hand, she knew it was an expensive cellphone. She just smiled sparingly at her mother and took the thing. They didn’t even ask her why her cellphone was broken. It’s been three days since it broke. Since yesterday, she has been curious about her parents’ changing behavior. It was as if they were worried and secretly watching her every move. “Did you like it?”Trisha smiled and turned to her father, who arrived almost right after her mother. “That’s my advance gift for you. I don’t want you to be sad either, so I’m allowing you to study abroad.”A forced smile appeared on her lips. She doesn’t know if she should be happy or sad. Besides, she is the one who likes it, and she wanted to celebrate her birthday abroad. She doesn’t want it to be done here in the Philippines, so her father won’t have a reason to force Cyril to go home. This is also what she tho
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Book 4: Chapter 8-With new friend
Trisha burst into tears when she saw her whole family on her birthday. The celebrations are simple and they will eat outside. “Hey, enough crying, and you might get ugly,” Arriana joked with her sister and hugged her. Trisha was moved to tears by her sister’s joke. How about that? She thought it was okay to become ugly now because the person he was beautifying was not around. The whole family thought her crying was tears of joy. But she was very hurt and sad now. This birthday is special to her but the man she wants to be with is not there. The man she dreamed of being an escort for her 18th birthday was not there. Her dream that Cyril would dance with her did not come true.“That’s enough, guys. Don’t make your sister cry anymore,” Shaina scolded her twin children. She approached Trisha and wiped her tears from her eyes and cheeks. Shaina feels that there is a different reason why her young daughter is crying. She feels sorry for her, and she knows that she is now deeply resentful
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Book 4: Chapter 9-Woried
“Son, it’s good that you thought of going home. How are you?” “I’m fine, Mom, where’s Daddy?” Cyril let his mother take off his jacket. “He’s in the mansion, son, because the chairman is restless.”Cyril sighed before sitting on the sofa. Nida looked at her son sadly. He had changed a lot since he knew Trisha had left. He didn’t want to have any more contact with the family of the girl, and even their family was affected. He seldom came home or visited them because he wanted to avoid them.“How is Mr. Chairman’s health?”Nida smiled and felt that her son was worried about Trisha’s father. “The doctor’s advice is for him to rest and not be stressed.”“Do his children know about his condition now?” Cyril asked his mother again. The twins have their own houses, so they only see their parents once in a while. “That’s what I don’t understand about the chairman. He just strictly instructed your father that no one else should know about his condition now. Not even his wife knows anything
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