All Chapters of Gehenna's Inferno - Secrets of Ali: Chapter 41 - Chapter 47
47 Chapters
“Well it’s about damn time.” I hear Gin say as I start to wake up. I look up to see Gin sitting at the chair he was at the last time I saw him. Xei is still laying under my head with a grin on his face. “You both are exhausting.” I say and roll my eyes and start to get up and Xei squeezes me tighter before placing a kiss on my neck and releasing me. “Did you find anything out or did you both just party while I was working?” Gin says chuckling like finding us like this is humorous to him. “We actually did.” I say as I quickly put on my clothes. I look at Xei and see he is taking his sweet time. I pick up his shirt and throw it at him, “Can you hurry up you big Oaf.” I say and Xei cuckles mumbling that some things won’t ever change. I led him to the secluded corner of the library, where we were originally going over the scrolls and albums. I hand him the documents and watch as he pursues the contents, his eyes scanning the intricate details that paint a picture of Ren's past and th
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As we enter the basement Zion greets us with a nod.The atmosphere is charged with uncertainty. His expression was a mix of apprehension and determination. He may not know what exactly is going on but he is on edge. "Zion," I begin, my voice steady and firm, “sit.” I say gesturing towards the table. He stiffens and I can see in his eyes he has realized he is not here for what he thought. “What is this about?” He says and adjusts himself and I can see he is putting on a calm mask. “I wanted to speak with you about a few things. We have been keeping an eye on you and I have to say you are an amazing fighter.” I say as I take the seat in front of him and Xei and Gin stand behind me on either side. “While your fighting skills are impressive it got me thinking about where you came from. You seemed to have popped up from no where.” He was about to speak before I put up my hand to stop him.“Don’t say anhything just yet. I like to think I am an honest and fair person so before you say an
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The weight of guilt has always been a heavy burden, one I have carried with me since the moment I left Ali. It was a decision forced upon me by my father and hers, a decision rooted in the fear of a love that was deemed forbidden. And yet, that love had blossomed between us, fierce and undeniable.Alone in the quiet solitude of my room, the memories of the past came rushing back, haunting me like specters in the night. The echoes of the past are inescapable, and they claw at my heart, threatening to consume me.I have known Ali since we were children, growing up in the world of privilege and expectations that came with being the children of influential leaders. From the moment our eyes had first met, there had been an unspoken connection, a bond that transcended the boundaries set by our parents and even fate. Love had flourished, and we had been drawn to each other like moths to a flame. The connection was deeper than just the imani bond.But our love had been forbidden, a sin in the
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As I lay in my chambers, the guilt still a heavy burden, I make a silent promise to myself. I will do whatever it takes to protect her, Xei and the kingdom we both loved. The past could not be undone, but the future is a blank canvas, waiting for the brushstrokes of redemption and hope.A knock comes from my door and I know it is Xei who was behind the door waiting to offer his personal guidance that even though I didn’t want I know I desperately need it. I sigh as I open the door to my new found brother and bond mate. It's crazy how he has become a steady presence in my life. His wisdom and insight were qualities I have come to rely on, and I know that I could turn to him in my moments of doubt and despair. As I go and sit in a dimly lit corner of my room, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows on the walls, Xei enters with a force that was uniquely his own. His eyes, filled with understanding and compassion, meet mine, and it was as if he could sense the turmoil that c
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Just as Xei is about to leave, another knock comes from the door. "Come on in, Ali," I say, my voice warm and inviting, loud enough for her to hear as Xei and I exchanged a knowing grin. Ali enters the room, dressed in a soft, flowing nightgown that clings to her like moonlight on silk. It is an unusual sight to see her with her hair down, the blonde waves cascading over her shoulders, framing her delicate features.I can’t help but think to myself how incredibly alluring she looked, her long, firm legs moving gracefully beneath the white silk, the pale skin of her shoulders and arms kissed by the flickering candlelight. She had an air of sensuality that was impossible to ignore."I thought we could use some relaxation," Ali says, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she lifts a bottle of liquor and gives it a soft shake. A smile plays on her lips, one that holds a promise of shared moments, of leaving the burdens of our world behind.Xei, ever the pragmatist, is quick to express his a
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I sit alone, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows on the walls of the library that has become my home away from home lately. The events of recent times weighs heavily on my mind, and I find myself in a state of introspection, trying to reconcile my feelings and thoughts about all that had transpired.The troubles of our world have grown, and the challenges we face seem insurmountable at times. The revelations of betrayal and hidden alliances as well as death have shaken the foundation of trust upon which the Bravata. I have always prided myself on being a protector and a confidant, but recent events have made me question the very essence of our reality.I think back to the moment we had uncovered the truth about Zion's loyalty to Ren, about his role in the schemes that had endangered Bravata. It had been a revelation that had left a bitter taste in my mouth, a sense of betrayal that I couldn't easily shake.Zion has been a trusted comrade in arms, and the realization th
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The training command center of Bravata stands as a bastion of preparation and resilience. It is here that we gather, Ali, Gin, and I, along with Gin's father, Alister, a seasoned warrior and strategist who had witnessed the ever-changing tides of the Bravata. Our meeting is shrouded in secrecy, as we delve into the intricate and perilous task of capturing and neutralizing Ren.The room is awash in the glow of dimmed lanterns, casting flickering shadows that dance upon the stone walls. The map of Bravata and its surrounding lands lay spread out on a large oak table, marked with pins and notes that signify the movements and alliances of our enemies.Ali's eyes are filled with determination, her features illuminated by the soft light, and Gin, holds an air of calm authority. Alister, with his weathered visage and a keen mind forged through years of experience, offers a sense of wisdom and stability.As I take a seat at the table, my mind is focused on the task at hand. We have decided to
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