All Chapters of Will You Marry Me, Again?: Chapter 661 - Chapter 670
694 Chapters
Chapter 661 I Know You’re Awake
“You forgot?” He caressed the bridge of her nose affectionately.“No, I didn’t!” Maia replied as she laughed aloud. Cedric could not help but laugh with her as he commented, “Stop acting so cute!”“That’s because I know you like it,” Maia replied and winked at Cedric.“Are you trying to seduce me?” Cedric teased her. Before Maia knew it, he had already lifted her from the chair. Maia immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and asked, “What are you doing?” “I’m going to show you how much I like it,” he announced and smiled wickedly at her.“Wait! Let me down! I have things to do!” Maia instantly realized what Cedric was implying. She blushed while trying to get him to release her. Cedric lifted an eyebrow at Maia’s outburst and questioned, “You don’t like it? Aren’t you the one who snuggles close to me every night?”“T-That’s just my habit. Besides, I’m already asleep, I don’t know what I’m doing.” Maia pouted.“Do you know how much self-control I have to muster just
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Chapter 662 It’s Easier on The Eyes
Maia opened her eyes and winked at him playfully. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and smiled at him sweetly. “How did you know I was already awake?” “It’s hard not to notice when I can feel your arms around my waist tighten.” “You’d notice such a small detail?” “I’d notice anything that involved you.”Maia just smiled at him as she leaned against his chest. “Tess probably used another identity to leave Prismara City. It looks like the photograph we received is real.” Cedric nodded. “This time we need to make a stop at Nordic College.” “Yeah. If Tess had to attend Nordic College’s anniversary celebration, then who was the one who killed Mom? Even though Tess confessed to that crime, how could she do it when she’s not even here? Why lie?” “She’s trying to protect someone.” Maia grabbed onto Cedric’s arm tightly when she heard his words. “The person that she wants to protect—could it be Errol?” Maia was horrified to think of this. “B-but why would he do this? Why did he want t
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Chapter 663 It Was Too Wobbly
Maia was taken aback by Gigi’s information. There was obviously no such thing as a bed-quake. It was just that those two were making too much noise!Cedric just smirked at them. “Aunt Maia, isn’t it a cool secret? I’m sure you didn’t know that there was such a thing!” “Yup, it’s very interesting. It’s my first time hearing this. I’ll make sure to take note of a bed-quake next time.”“Yeah! It’s really really bad. It’s so wobbly that my head was spinning!” Gigi exclaimed. Maia could not help but laugh at Gigi’s cute reaction.“Aunt Maia, there’s one more thing!” “Yeah, what is it?”“Mommy and Daddy said they’re going to bring me to a super big kindy! Daddy said it’s called a college! It’s a bigger version of my kindy!” When Maia heard Gigi, she knew that Eddie and Amanda were planning to bring her along to their college’s celebration. “Did you see that tiny wooden book?“Wooden book? You mean this?” Maia took out the invitation card that was made of wood from her bag.“Yes!
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Chapter 664 It’s Because He’s Handsome!
Maia took the elevator and went upstairs, leaving the men behind. Cedric turned toward Eddie and commented. “Looks like you have a death wish to dare mess with your wife.”Eddie nodded his head nervously. “I think I’m already dead.” Cedric did not reply, as he stepped into the elevator and went upstairs, too.Baz smiled at Eddie as he greeted him. “How can I help you, Baz?” Eddie glanced at Baz as he massaged his temples. “Don’t worry about me, Mr. Eddie. It’s just that I think I should warn you that the next time you’re at it, you should be more careful. Ms. Gigi was telling us how there was a bed-quake.”Eddie already felt his head spinning. After listening to Baz's comments, he stood rooted to the spot. There was nothing more he wanted to do than bury himself on the spot. “There are two people I can never mess with, one of whom is my wife and the other my daughter.” Baz could not endure any longer as he turned around and laughed quietly at Eddie’s reaction. Back upstairs,
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Chapter 665 It Tastes Sweet
Maia saw the blood as well but continued to pretend that she did not. Everyone in the family was aware of her condition. There was nothing more they could do. Cedric quietly handed her a glass of water.Lauren smiled as she took it and drank it. “Lauren, don’t rush.” Maia was worried that she would choke herself. Lauren just waved nonchalantly. “I have to finish the water my son gave me.”Just then, a knock came through the door. A housekeeper walked into the room with a tray of snacks and another glass of water. “Lauren, since you’ve managed to finish the glass of water from Cedric, how about finishing this glass as well?” “Sure.” Maia handed Lauren another glass of water as Lauren started to tear up.“My girl, I don’t deserve your kindness. I know that you’ve noticed I haven’t had much to drink. That’s why you’re trying to feed me, right?” Lauren commented as she drank the other glass of water slowly. Maia nodded. “I noticed this the last time we had a video call. I t
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Chapter 666 Earning Pity Points
“I’ve been kept there for so long that I forgot how foods outside taste. It didn’t help that Grandma hired chefs with Michelin stars. Their cooking was so top-notch that I had to have at least five to six meals every day.”Amanda felt so sorry for herself and added, “I loved you the most, and you also said that you loved me more than anyone in the world. How could you make fun of my belly?” Then, tears started to fall.Eddie was worried when he saw her crying. “I’m not making fun of your belly, Amanda. I’m telling you, that’s the last thing I want to do. Gigi twisted my words.”Wheeling himself, he moved in front of her and grabbed her hand. “Don’t you believe me, Amanda? I’ve loved and waited for you for so long. I spent days and nights thinking about you. Don’t you believe in me?”“Well…” He was heartbroken to see her in this state. Then, he produced a handmade wristband from his pocket. “Do you remember this?”She looked at the worn-out wristband. It was handmade. So, it didn
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Chapter 667 Was It Worth It?
Lauren looked at Maia and smirked before yelling, “Are you okay, Eddie?”Gigi also shouted, “Daddy!”Amanda heard the loud thud and stopped in her tracks. Looking at everyone’s expression, she realized something must’ve gone wrong!Whipping her head around, she looked at the garden. Eddie’s wheelchair was overturned and he was on the floor. She raced toward him without any hesitation.“Eddie!” She was worried sick about him, “Are you okay? How did you fall from your wheelchair? Are you hurt?” Her eyes were red to begin with. The sight of him falling straight up brought her to tears.“Everything’s fine. I’m okay.” His legs were limp on the floor and he extended his hand to her, “I didn’t mean to make fun of you, Amanda, I swear. You have to believe me.”Nodding, she said, “I do. I believe in you, Eddie.” Then, she picked the wheelchair up and said, “I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you.” She wiped her tears and continued, “It’s my fault that you fell out of your wheelchair. I’m
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Chapter 668 You're the Light in My Life
“She was so happy when she learned that both of you had forgiven her. She wanted to make it up to both of you with whatever time she had left. However, time is against her.“Lauren might not let it show, but she knew better than anyone about her condition. She’d tell everyone she was okay every time she had an episode, but she was just putting on a brave face. She didn’t want us to worry about her.“The truth was, she really wished Cedric would call her ‘Mom,’ even if it was just once. It’s one of her dying wishes.”Amanda looked pleadingly into Maia’s eyes. It took her less than a second to catch Amanda’s drift. “I know what you’re trying to say, Amanda. I also know that Lauren wanted Cedric to call her ‘Mom,’ but you have no idea what he went through as a child. “Not only did his biological mother not love him, but she deceived and manipulated him.” Maia felt suffocated at the mention of Cedric’s feelings.Looking at Amanda, she continued, “All of us are capable of processing
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Chapter 669 Everybody Gets an Autographed Picture
Lauren looked at Gigi and rubbed her head with a smile. “You’re so sweet, Gigi. I’m not in pain anymore, and it’s all thanks to you. I think I’m going to buy you a tiara next time so that it’ll grant you strength to magically remove pain!”Gigi’s eyes glinted. She extended her hands and started to count using her fingers. “You’ve bought me eight tiaras, Grandma! I’ve got lots of them! Can you give it to your friend’s younger sister?”“My friend’s sister?” Lauren took her hand and asked, “Who do you mean?”“T-That friend you always hang out with.”“Oh. You mean Juniper.”Nodding, the little girl said, “Juniper’s younger sister loves the tiara you bought me! Can I give one of mine to her?”“Go right ahead.” Lauren nodded. “I bought it for you as a gift. That means it belongs to you. It’s up to you what you want to do with it!”Lauren looked at her granddaughter and grinned from ear to ear. Then Maia poured her a cup of warm water. She looked at the smile on Maia’s face and said,
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Chapter 670 It's Jealousy and Possessiveness
Lauren’s condition might not have been too optimistic, but she was walking on cloud nine now.“This moment is worth everything I’ve sacrificed for.”…It was around 8 p.m. when Gigi dozed off. Marcus came to take Amanda and Gigi back when he saw the little girl sleeping in his sister’s arms. He went over and hugged Amanda. “Why did she fall asleep so early today?”“Perhaps she was tired from playing all day. Maia is here today, and Gigi was practically hopping around the whole day.”“Is Maia back in Nordic City?”Nodding, she said, “Yeah. She arrived at the manor this morning.”“Tomorrow’s the party for Nordic College’s hundredth anniversary. Is she going to attend it?”“Sure thing.” She responded again. Then, she glanced at Marcus and said softly, “Do you still have a thing for Maia? It won’t work. I love her too, but she and Cedric are such a perfect match.” Her tone grew more worried as she spoke, “You didn’t see how much he cherished her, Marcus. The way he looks at Mai
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